Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 463: Number of three

Guo Gang walked out of the hospital building and walked directly to the entrance of the hospital. A group of soldiers with live ammunition guarded the door. Although there was a slight tension on their faces, they still did not let anyone out. Bayi Chinese Website W ★ w√W ★.く 8√1z ★ W√. CoM

"Uncle, don't be embarrassed by us. Obedience is the duty of soldiers. Since our elder told us to keep the hospital from letting anyone out, we can't let you out." A soldier said softly to an old man who was going out .

"Who is your leader? Give me his contact information, and I'll talk to him directly." Guo Bad stepped forward, without voicing difficulties for the soldier, and said softly to the soldier.

"Sorry, we can't give you the phone." The soldier's voice didn't fall, and Guo Bad's waist card was handed over along with the officer's certificate of the May 31 Army at the time.

"Good!" The soldier salutes Guo Badui. "Wait a minute, I'll report to our division commander." The soldier took Guo Bad's stuff and ran to the command vehicle a kilometer away.

"Master Kong, I'm sorry to trouble you. It has been confirmed this morning that three patients at the hospital were infected with the plague. In order to avoid the outbreak of the plague, we can only abandon our small family and make everyone happy." One middle-aged man, who was not tall, said softly Said.

"Secretary Ma, the commander means let me listen to your arrangements. Since isolation is needed, we will not let anyone out." Kong Ziqiang, a division commander of the Southern China Military Region, received an order in the morning to cooperate with the Yizhou Municipal Party Committee. Surrounding Yizhou People's Hospital, Kong Ziqiang is still not quite sure what is going on.

"Report!" There was a loud voice outside the door, and Kong Ziqiang frowned. Could it be that something happened to the hospital.

"Come in."

"Lecturer, there is a May 31st army commander in the hospital who wants to see you. He also gave this waistband for you to see." The soldier said, and handed it to Kong Ziqiang.

"Soldier, how can you bring the things from the hospital people, so we are likely to be infected with the plague, Master Kong, is this the soldier you brought out?" Ma Peisheng said loudly, this will be completely gone. To Kong Ziqiang's politeness, the plague has left this Municipal Party Secretary of Yizhou a little dazed.

"Ma Peisheng, this is the soldier brought by Laozi. I'm afraid it is something that you told our commander about Yizhou. I will tell you that this token is the order of the Dragon King and the thing of the Emperor Tyrannosaurus. Can you have this? The token person is only three people in Huaxia, you have done a great disaster. "Kong Ziqiang said, took the satellite phone and walked to the hospital.

"Xiao Kong, you should be in Yizhou now, what is the call? How is the matter in Yizhou resolved?" On the phone, an old man said softly.

"Commander, Yizhou has an accident. According to the instructions of the Yizhou Municipal Party Committee, we surrounded the Yizhou People's Hospital, but now there is a character we can't afford to mess with." Kong Ziqiang said softly.

"Is there anyone we can't afford in the Southern Military Region? Besides, this time it is Chairman Cai's order to support Yizhou. Do n’t worry about offending people, and offend anyone. The Southern Military Region will resist all." The phone said loudly .

"I have an officer's order here, written on May 31st, the bad division commander Guo, it looks like it is not fake, and he also asked the soldier to send a dragon king order." Kong Ziqiang said softly.

"Kekeke, what? You are talking about Emperor Guo bad? And Dragon King Ling?" The other side of the phone can no longer calm down, "You hang up the phone first, I ask the group of guys on May 31, you go first The hospital, talk to Guo Bad. "The commander of the Southern Military Region dialed Liu Beizheng's phone after he hung up.

"Lao Zhao, why are you thinking about calling me today, and there are four months in the military region, how about it? Are you ready to take the second place?" Liu Beizheng said with a smile, whoever speaks like this, the other party will be very Unhappy, take the second, always fight for the first, what do you mean to get the second.

However, the military regions in the past two years have been compared, and several military regions have indeed been competing for the second place, because the strength of May 31 is too strong, not counting the three guys, Niu Meng, Wei Tie, and Liu Heishan. With the help of the medical paladin, it is no longer comparable to ordinary soldiers.

"Lao Liu, I have an urgent matter for you today. Did you have a young teacher in May 31 in recent years?" Zhao Qianben asked aloud. He had heard the name Guo Bad several times, but he had not seen it before. Personally, I have to ask the May 31 people about this matter.

"Young teacher? No, how can the teacher be so mixed?" Liu Beizheng said with a smile. "What's wrong, have you been arrested by someone posing as our May 31?"

"I have an officer certificate of the May 31st Army. The name written on it is Guo Bad. I just checked it. If not, the officer certificate should be fake. It's okay. I let Lao Kong control the person. Take the time to send you May 31, "Zhao Qianben said loudly.

"Guo Bad? Wait, Lao Zhao, Guo Bad is our May 31st teacher, May 31's teacher? How did you meet him? What happened, Cai Tianyang said at a meeting the other day, Let the military region fully cooperate with this China plague incident, did you meet in the southern military region and the small bad? "Liu Beizheng said loudly.

"It's you guy from May 31? Then why does he have a Dragon King Order who doesn't know the truth?" Zhao Qianben asked.

"That was given to him by Xia Wudi, and he was right, old Zhao, let me tell you, make a good relationship with the little bad. The things that your soldiers broke through are a trivial matter to him, let alone old I didn't tell you this time. "After Liu Beizheng said, he hung up the phone.

"Broken, this time killed by the people of the Yizhou Municipal Party Committee." Zhao Qian ran forward, patted his head fiercely, and then dialed Kong Ziqiang's phone.

"Commander, the man named Guo Bad has returned to the hospital again, and he said that if there is a change in the Yizhou plague, we will take full responsibility." Said.

"You contacted the blockade. I arrived in Yizhou three hours later. During this time, I will see if I can contact that Guo bad. If so, please help me connect with his phone. Remember, this person is from May 31 The division commander has a very close relationship with the Tyrannosaurus Regiment, so don't mess with him. "Zhao Qianben finished, hung up the phone and flew from the military area to Yizhou.

"Boss, we have arrived in Xinhua. Three suspected patients here have been diagnosed as infected with the plague variant." Cao Qiankun told Guo Hua the situation of Xinhua as soon as he arrived in Xinhua.

"According to the Chinese medicine I told you, let everyone in the hospital take it first. If there is any difficulty, just call the number I told you directly." Guo Bad said softly, and Yuer's phone also called.

"There are three people infected in Bo City. There are three people in Cao Qiankun. I contacted him just now. There should be three people on your side. The number of three or three is a large number. This is a bad brother. "Yu'er said softly.

Guo Bad explained to Yuer a few words. The situation of Bocheng and Xinhua is better than that of Yizhou. At least the local government supports it. The biggest variable seems to be in Yizhou. He is right, but Yuer is right. The number of three or three is a large number. This is because the plague is worse than I thought.

"Guo Guan, someone is looking for you at the gate. It seems to be the commander of the Southern Military Region. Would you check it out?"

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