Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 464: Worsening

Guo Gang nodded slightly, and it seemed that his officer certificate and the Dragon King Order had played a role. Now it is not time to fight with them. Guo Gang put down his work and walked straight out of the hospital. Bayi Middle School √ Wen Wang W ★ www ★. 81z く W. √CoM√

"Are you Guo Guo, the emperor of the Emperor's Medical Museum?" Zhao Qianben asked softly, "Zhao Qianben in the Southern Military Region, I'm really embarrassed. We also received the notification from the top, and we must cooperate with the Yizhou Municipal Party Committee. Offended by Teacher Guo. Teacher Guo, do you think we should find a quieter place to talk to? "

In two sentences, two titles were used. The old commander Guo Bad and Master Guo were not leaky, but Guo Bad did not give him much face.

"It turned out to be Commander Zhao. Your soldiers are very effective. You do n’t need to find a quiet place. If you want to go to the hospital, come in quickly. Otherwise, the hospital will be completely banned. Whoever wants to come in, Lao Tzu I don't agree. "Guo said with a smile.

"Commander, it is now a quarantine area. It has been confirmed that someone is infected and you cannot enter." Kong Ziqiang said softly.

"He is a young man who dares to stay in the epidemic area. If I am a half-old man who has lived sixty or seventy years old, why do n’t he dare to go into the hospital and talk in detail." Zhao Qianben stepped forward and walked in At the hospital, Kong Ziqiang and several security guards beside Zhao Qianben walked in together. Only a slight smile appeared on Guo Bad's face. This old man is not bad. I like this temper.

"What? You mean that the physical conditions of the three patients in the hospital have been controlled? Then I'll give an order to cancel the blockade." Zhao Qianben said loudly, at this time two Chinese medicine doctors brought a plate, There was a hot Chinese medicine on it. All the people who came in from the outside each had a drink. Several people looked at each other and drank the traditional Chinese medicine directly into their belly.

"The ban has just begun. The hospital is fine. The problem is outside the hospital. In three days, in less than three days, Yizhou will be full of wind and rain." Guo Bad said softly. It is certain that this epidemic will explode in Yizhou.

"Winds and storms across the city? Master Guo means that there are still infected people in Yizhou City, and Yizhou will have a plague?" Zhao Qianben stood up all at once, and this boy does not seem to be lying anymore. If Yizhou really has a plague, , Not to mention, what about these soldiers sent by their own southern military region.

"Traditional Chinese medicine to temporarily control the plague has been developed, but if it is a large-scale explosion, these Chinese medicines will not play a big role. In addition, if it is really a large-scale explosion, there will most likely be a new round of plague variants. It ’s not just Yizhou, it ’s going to be a disaster for the whole of China. Even an immortal can hardly handle the plague. ”Guo Bad said softly.

Zhao Qianben squatted on a stool, but he never imagined that the plague in Yizhou would be so serious.

"I need time to control the plague in Yizhou, but if a large-scale plague is really exploded, the emotions of infected people will not be what they are now. I want a quiet environment, and I want to find people to test drugs. It's impossible. "Guo Bad said again.

"Guo bad, how long do you need to develop a special effect drug to control the plague? I think of a way to deal with Yizhou." Zhao Qianben thought for a while, stood up and said.

"After the epidemic broke out, I needed eighty-one patients to test drugs, and my birthday must be thirty-one years old. I don't dare to guarantee how long it will take to develop new drugs," Guo said softly.

"I will solve the personnel issue. One week, I will find a way to get you a week's time after the outbreak of the epidemic. I hope you can develop a special medicine this time. I do n’t ask for anything else. I hope these soldiers I bring It ’s okay. ”Zhao Qianben said, striding out of the meteor, Guo Bad nodded slightly, this old man is not bad, at least is good for himself.

There was no sleep all night, Guo Bad couldn't sleep, and several pharmacy doctors also followed Guo Bad to work. This medicine is not the same as alchemy. Although I probably know the cause of the plague, I want to configure the best plan. In addition to medicine, And even need some luck.

"Boss, what's going on with you, Xinhua has sent 36 people suspected of being infected with the plague since last night to now. The three of us, Li Yu and Su Tu, gave them a pulse just now, and the infection has been definitely diagnosed. Li Yu's condition was also not good. Although he drank traditional Chinese medicine before he came, yesterday's pulse was unstable. "Cao Qiankun called Guo Bad early in the morning, and Guo Bad frowned.

"Add these medicines to Li Yu's traditional Chinese medicine, and take it twice a day, and notify me in time of anything." Guo Bad said softly. September 9, Guo bad guessed well, Li Yu's birthday is also September. Nine, all the first people infected this time were born on September 9.

"Bad brother, as of this morning in Bo City, 143 people have been confirmed to be infected with the plague. All infected people have been taking Chinese medicine. Some effects, but the effects are not obvious." Cao Qiankun's call was hung up, Yuer A phone call was made, and the number of infected people was much higher than Xinhua's. Guo Bad couldn't sit still.

"Guo Guan, there are nearly a hundred patients outside the hospital. Now all of them are on the hospital's playground. Commander Zhao asked them to surround them. What do you think?" The hospital director hurried to the pharmacy department and looked into his eyes Blood-stained Guo Bad asked softly.

"Vacate the easternmost building and let all the patients come to the building first." Guo Bad thought for a moment and said softly, "Fan Dong, each of the three traditional Chinese medicines dispensed last night were brewed and given to these confirmed diagnosis. Patient, record the effect of the medicine. "A traditional Chinese medicine doctor who had been busy nodded and ran out with three big bags.

"Small bad, what's happening outside now? The source of evil has been moving a lot lately, and Water Senior has strengthened the seal array, but if the plague cannot be solved well, this source of evil will become stronger and stronger, Water Senior. I said, if the source of the plague breaks the formation, Mo said it is Huaxia, the entire earth will become a dead city! "Guo Fanyu dialed Guo Bad's phone number, Guo Bad didn't talk to his aunt directly and hung up the phone. .

"Sister, that Zhenxin Jun is in great difficulty. I do n’t need to go to the Nether to help him." Above the moon palace, Sun Wukong has awakened from a coma. The strength of the 12th heaven has given Tiantian an additional authentication Tao Yuan In the war, Chang'e once again trained Wu Gang and Yang Yan fiercely. They couldn't say anything. They used to be the same as Sun Monkey. Now they have broken through. We ca n’t break through, what else can we say.

"It's a big disaster, it's also a big blessing. Wait a moment, even if you need help from the Nether, it doesn't seem to be our turn out of the Night Legion, let alone my sister, I don't care." Chang'e said with a smile, "With nothing The root stone, it should not be difficult to give you ten thousand years to break through the fourteenth sky. "

"The elder sister said that it is light. If you want to break through the fourteenth heaven, you have to rely on her sister to help, open the road of merit, and let the monkey take another walk. It should be able to break through the fourteenth heaven." Sun Wukong said with a smile. .

"Keke cough, monkey, you think it's good. Then you followed Jin Chanzi for a while to the westward journey. If you are starting the road of merit, it's also our turn this time, you still stay aside "Wu Gang and Yang Yan said at the same time, Sun Wukong waved his hands, and the three were directly driven out by Chang'e.

"Reading your heart, it is a great merit to get the plague, and a group of people are staring. Don't let me down!"

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