Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 465: Solution

The plague variant has a strong ability to infect. In just two days in Yizhou, the number of infected people has exceeded 10,000. For a time, people from all over China were worried. Bayi √ Chinese website www www. ★ 8√1√z く W. QCZOM

"Jia Yuan, according to the formula I gave you last, add production medicaments. The three places in Yizhou need not be controlled first. The counties and cities around the three places must be covered within one week." Guo Bad called his second brother. This time, even the second brother did not shout, Jia Yuan also knew the seriousness of the matter.

"Older, the medicinal materials collected from various places in Huaxia can last for almost two months according to the current consumption level. Several commonly used medicinal materials can last up to one month. You need to import some medicinal materials from other countries." A soft reminder.

"Use Huaxia first, if not enough, I will find a way." After Guo bad finished, hung up the phone, and the first few patients infected were treated with different Chinese medicine. According to the treatment, Guo bad has developed the latest Now he is afraid to produce large quantities of anti-plague reagents because he can feel that the plague variants are still going on.

"Little bad, I have to tell you the unfortunate news. There are seven other prefecture-level cities in Huaxia showing the plague symptoms you said, and a suspected case of infection in Wucheng." Early in the third day, Guo bad received Cai Tianyang's phone call caused the worst thing about Guo Bad, and the plague began to spread.

"All infected people are isolated. We don't have more staff scattered to other places now." After Guo Bad said, he shook his head and couldn't help but really ask someone in heaven to help, thinking, there was an extra piece in his hand. Rune paper, as long as you throw the rune cloth under the cloth to the sky, the heavenly court will send the heavenly doctor to the lower world, everyone has selfishness. If the heavenly doctor lowered the world, all your recent contributions will go to heaven.

"Haha, this true-minded gentleman wants to completely solve the source of evil. It is really inadequate to swallow the elephant. How can such a great merit get him alone?" Ling Xiaobaodian, Jade Emperor smiled Then, the underground gods nodded in succession, but some shook their heads.

"Tai Shang Laojun, you have to contact the Buddha first. This kind of merit ca n’t be fully occupied by the court. Let the ancestors prepare ten Buddha doctors. Then you will go to ten heaven doctors. It will not last for seven days. "Jade Emperor said with a smile, Tai Shang Lao Jun nodded.

"Bad brother, Bo City can't support it, but is it a little strange? After the whole city was infected, there was no death." Yuer said softly.

"No death? There will be a turnaround without death. Yuer, don't come back first. I think of a way. If it doesn't work, I will report the world to heaven. The old emperor of Yudi may be waiting for me to report it." After Guo Bad said, he hung up the phone, turned on the computer directly, and a Huaxia map appeared in front of himself.

"Yizhou, Bocheng, Xinhua, 31 years old, September 9th, the number of three or three." Guo badly muttered, several students who had been in Yizhou for a few days stood behind Guo bad. speak.

"Yizhou, seven of the nine counties of Yizhou have experienced large-scale infections. Although Fan County and Cane County had infected people, they did not appear to be infected, and then the Yizhou People's Hospital. Solved the problem of infection. "Guo Bad's pen quickly drew horizontal and vertical lines on the paper. A group of students could not understand but did not speak.

"Haha, I know, I know, the next large-scale infection should be in the northwest, Jingyun City, Emperor Chen Jiadi, help me find the phone number of the Jingyun Municipal Party Committee, and help me directly find their Municipal Party Secretary "Guo Bad said loudly and excitedly. Chen Jiadi was not idle. The satellite phone was broadcast. For about two minutes, the call had been connected.

"Hello Guo Guan, I'm Li Bo, secretary of Jingyun City, I don't know if there is anything I can help you with." It is no secret that Guo Bad and his infirmary to fight the plague are no longer in Huaxia. Cai Tianyang personally ordered All officials of Huaxia must cooperate with Guo Bad, and Li Bo is no exception.

"After the hour this evening, Jingyun will have a large-scale epidemic situation. I just saw the situation in Jingyun. You asked people to set up an isolation zone in the northern part of Jingyun. All infected people went to the isolation zone. "Guo Bad said softly.

"Guo Guanzhu, we Jingyun don't have a single infected person now. Could there be a large-scale infection in Jingyun? Where did the news come from and is it reliable?" Li Bo frowned and asked softly.

"Go ahead, the doctor's medicine will be delivered to Jingyun early in the morning, so that all infected people do not panic, nothing will happen." Guo Bad finished, explained a few words to Li Bo, and then dialed a few Phone call, things are similar to Jingyun.

"The final result of this battle against the source of evil is three days. If it doesn't work, Guo Guo will not monopolize this merit, and the heavenly doctor will be the next world." Guo Bad said softly after he was busy.

Throughout the afternoon, Guo Bad had a rare time off. He made something to eat and had a hearty dinner with the students who were not in the medical school. Then he instructed the students to take a good rest and wait for the child to come.

"Boss, you wrote a lot of things on the paper this morning. We haven't figured it out for a long time. What do you mean by those things? Is it rare to be related to resisting the epidemic?" Chen Jiadi Ren Can't stop asking.

"After three days, if the plague is resolved, I will tell you well, there will be no plague in Huaxia in the future." Guo Bad said softly, Emperor Chen Jiadi nodded, and they had 100% confidence in Guo Bad.

"Hey, please find the owner of Guo Bad Guo Museum. I'm Li Bo from Jingyun City." Just after the child passed, Guo Bad's satellite phone was remembered.

"Secretary Li, what is Jingyun's situation now?" Guo Bad asked softly. Even if he had just arrived, Li Bo's phone call should come. However, Li Bo should tell him the specific situation.

"After you told me in the morning, I issued a notice across the city. Now the hospital has a total of 81 suspected infected people. Now all of them have been sent to the north of Jingyun. I do n’t know what we should do next, Guo Guan. Lord, you must save Jingyun. "Li Bo said nervously.

"Wait, wait for the medicine from the big doctors to be delivered to Jingyun, let the 81 patients take the medicine, and let all the doctors and family members who are in contact with the infected people take the medicine. In the case of infection, all of them will be pulled to the north of Jingyun. I can figure out that you have a problem with Jingyun, and I will have a solution. "Guo Bad exclaimed.

"Jizhou Sheng is suspected to be infected. It has been done according to your wishes."

"An infected person has appeared in Ducheng and has been processed."

. . . . . .

Since the early morning, Guo Bad's phone hasn't stopped. When the call is ugly, the phone doesn't ring, and Guo Bad's mouth reveals a rare smile.

"Aunt, I am a little bad, what is the source of the evil now?" Guo Bad directly called Guo Fanyu's phone and asked with a smile.

"Strange to say, the source of sin was very dynamic yesterday. Just before you called, the source of sin seemed to be trying to break the formation in the water pool, but this would be more honest." Guo Fanyu said softly.

"Aunt, this guy is definitely going to be active during Chen Shi, just let him toss, just leave him alone. I'll see if he can toss to the next son." Guo Bad said and hung up the phone. .

"Guo Bad, there was a large-scale infection in Wucheng, and all the staff were in the infirmary." When Chen Shi arrived, Guo Bad received a call from Wucheng infirmary. Wucheng exploded in a plague, and Guo Bad laughed completely.

"Father Lin, are there only eighty-one people infected in Wucheng? Don't worry, the infection will not continue. Jia Yuan's medicine will be sent to Wucheng three hours later, the patient will take the medicine, and then wait." After Guo Bad smiled, Lin Changtian was completely confused. Is the plague infection still counted?

"Little bad, aren't you in Yizhou? Why are you here? The situation in Huaxia is not good. There have been large-scale infections in more than 70 prefecture-level cities, and more than one million people have been infected." Guo Fengyu, the place where the source of sin was sealed, said Guo Fanyu softly.

"If you don't solve how he solved the plague, it's no wonder that the Heavenly Physician didn't get much merit. God, it's impossible that these merit have been swallowed by you." After that, Guo's bad mouth avoided the drops of water and broke the array directly. France jumped into the puddle.

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