Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 466: Plague Relief

Qiu Daoyuan and Li Shixin looked at each other, then looked at Guo Fanyu, Guo Fanyu naturally did not know what had happened, but at this time, the water Yunzi in Guo Fanyu said a few words to make everyone feel at ease . Bayi Chinese Network WWW, WWW.く 8√1 ★ z ★ W√. CoM

"Everything in the world has causes and effects. Since Zhenjun dares to jump into the water pond, he should have full confidence. Zhenjun is not like a person without a brain." Shui Yunzi said with a smile, "The explosion of the source of sin is impossible. Blocking, Zhenjun jumped into the battle, it should be to find a way to control the source of evil. "

Shui Yunzi guessed very well. Guo Gang did not talk about the wrong person. He did find the trick to deal with the source of evil. Now that the pool of water is turned into a little boy, he looks at Guo proudly. Bad.

"Human, no, I should call you to be immortal. Come here now to find me, are you here to send me to death? Or come to me and ask for help, things outside can't be resolved, ha ha ha ha." The little boy laughed.

"Pretend, then pretend. If it wasn't for my little master, I ’ve recently taken a step forward in the study of the game. I was really fooled by you this time. I didn't expect it. The source of the evil is so scary. Scare yourself. "Guo Bad found a place to lean in deep in the pond and whispered slowly.

"Huh, human, I don't know what you're talking about. Now that you're here, see how I can clean you up today." The source of evil roared loudly, and the whole pool began to tremble, and even Guo Gang could clearly feel a death. The breath came at myself.

"No, this is an illusion. Everything is an illusion. All the energies of this evil source have been placed on the plague outside. He cannot have such power." Guo Bad's eyes closed slowly and let the evil Yuan's prestige fell on himself.

"Human beings, death or surrender, you have no other choice." The source of evil changed from a little boy to that ugly man, shouting at Guo Bad.

"Come on, don't tell me that you only have coercion and killed Lao Tzu. If you don't kill Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will completely seal you for a while." After Guo Bad said, he roared underwater, and the source of evil fell on himself. The coercion on his body disappeared, and then step by step towards the source of evil.

"My son, why are you so cruel to others, you see my beauty is not beautiful." The ugly man turned into a naked beauty, but Guo Gang didn't show any loss of consciousness at this time, walking towards the woman step by step.

"Ah, no, it's impossible. No one has known our secrets for so many years. How could you, a degraded deity, know, impossible!" The source of evil looked at Guo Guo, who was walking closer to himself, couldn't help it. Roared loudly.

"I thought that sealing you in this pool of water would cut off your connection with the outside world, but we seemed to think wrongly. If you are in the same plane with us in this world, we cannot stop the birth of the plague. Now I'm going to find another place for you. "Guo Bad said, the jade core in his hand was placed around the source of sin, and then the source of sin was completely separated from the water in the pond.

"No, you can't do this. I came to others to conform to the heavenly way. It's against heaven's way to do this. You can't do this." The source of evil roared loudly, but at the next moment, the old gentleman on Guo's waist waist Seven colors of light emerged, and then the source of sin disappeared into the pool of water.

As soon as the source of sin disappeared, Guo Gang crouched on the ground, then a black, white, and two jade stones slowly floated to him. The yin and yang twin jade did not suppress the source of evil, and returned to Guo Gang's hand again. However, Guo Bad's current situation is not good. Although it was said that the coercion of the source of sin did not hurt himself, in order to resist that coercion, Guo bad spent a lot of consciousness.

"The source of sin is gone." Qiu Daoyuan and Li Shixin were outside the water pond, just as the source of sin disappeared, they looked at each other, yes, the source of sin was gone, and they would never feel outside the cave. A breath of the source of sin.

"Where's the little bad? The little bad is fine." Guo Fanyu asked nervously.

"What can he do, really cheap boy, hey, why didn't I think of it, the great merit, I can use these merit to shape merit." Shui Yunzi in Guo Fanyu's body Whispered quietly, but Guo Ai at the bottom of the water knew nothing about it, and he had completely entered the state of being set.

"He Mo, I'll leave the rest to you. I'm going to find the bad brother, haha, the weather today is really good. Just follow the bad brother's last prescription for you. Just go out of the hospital and make sure that Bocheng has everything Infected people can drink Chinese medicine, and Jia Yuan estimates that the medicine will be airlifted here recently. "Yuer said, but this time he did not avoid it. A flying sword under his foot stepped on and disappeared directly into He Mo and a few. Not in front of the students in the medical hall.

"It turned out that Yuer's sister is also so powerful." He Moan murmured, but soon came back and shouted that some students who were not in medical facilities began to make traditional Chinese medicine. The situation in Yizhou and Xinhua was similar to that of Bocheng. Everyone is busy.

"Second, phone call from Wucheng. This time the effect of the drug is remarkable. The person infected with the plague has a lot of medicine, and the whole person is now out of danger." Li Yao directly knocked on the director of the Imperial Medical Doctor Company. Long door, Jia Yuan is looking down at what he is busy with.

"Fuck, the fourth child is really invincible, haha, I have given all the Chinese medicine to Lingling. This big doctor is also the property of their husband and wife. I will wait for the fourth child to get some good wine and drink." Jia Yuan Leaning back on the boss chair, Li Yao nodded.

"Chairman, Guo Bad's phone is still unreachable, but the epidemic situation has been completely controlled, and the medicine of great doctors is very effective. It is estimated that about one week, the plague can be resolved." Li Dafu went to Cai Tianyang's office and smiled Said.

Cai Tianyang, who had not rested for a few days, took a deep breath, nodded slightly, and then dialed Guo Bad's phone again, but still no one answered.

"If it does n’t work, it wo n’t work. When he returns to the imperial capital, we will give him a celebratory feast." Cai Tianyang said excitedly, Guo Bad saved Huaxia, the great doctor, the doctor of the country.

"Commander Zhao, don't look, our boss didn't come, I guess he went back to the emperor directly. If you really have anything, go to the emperor." Chen Jiadi did not know that he had talked to Commander Zhao of the southern military region. After speaking several times, the commander Zhao still ran on time three times a day to see if Guo Bad had returned.

"Okay, I'll wait for him in Didu, and just meet a few old guys." Zhao Qian Benxi flew directly to Didu in an airplane.

Outside the cave in northern Xinjiang, a group of people surrounded the cave for seven days. It has been seven full days. There was no movement at all, and neither the voices of Yuer nor Shuiyunzi received any response. Guo Gang did not know what to do in the game. , Yuer did not break open according to Shui Yunzi's method of breaking the array, what they can do now is to wait.

"Yunhua's phone? What's wrong with calling now?" Chen Jiadi's phone rang and he couldn't help saying.

"Dr. Chen, Yunhua has another incident. Please come back again." Chu Yi, secretary of Yunhua City, said nervously.

"Yunhua is in trouble again!" Chen Jiadi said quietly as he watched a group of people. At this time, there was movement in the pool, and Guo Bad appeared with a smile on his face.

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