Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 468: Trousers

"Let ’s not be worse than that. Counting on that Japanese woman, when she wakes up, our Japanese affairs will be better handled. ★ Bayi Chinese Network WW WW √. ★ 8 く 1 く z ★ W. Com Guo said with a grin.

When Guo Gang diagnosed a group of patients, ten Japanese who were staying on the same floor also appeared in front of everyone. Kiyoda Harano looked at the busy Guo Gang, and his lips showed a hint of coldness. He was very confident about the cherry blossom virus. I don't believe that a single pair of traditional Chinese medicine can solve the virus they have studied for nearly a decade.

"Huaxia, Ms. Yoshikawa Mina fell ill in your country. You must take full responsibility for it. If you can't cure Ms. Mina, don't delay our time. We will find a way." Kiyoda Harano went to Guo Bad Shouted before him.

"Ki, I haven't seen this Japanese, is he new here?" Guo Bad was the first time he saw Kiyoda Harano. He could clearly feel that this Japanese man was not only a doctor, but also a martial arts Martial arts has reached the realm of the Kaiguang period.

"Boss, I don't know. After Yunhua's affairs is done, I'll go to Beijiang to find you. I don't know this guy." Chen Jiadi whispered, at this time Chu Yi came over.

"Guo Guan, this person appeared in Yunhua City after you left. At that time, he said that he was a member of the medical team and confirmed with the Japanese side, but one thing was very suspicious. After his appearance, the hospital appeared one after another. After the infected person, the Japanese woman seemed to be unconscious after contacting him. "Chu Yi said softly, Guo nodded badly, squinting at Qingtian Yuanye.

"Kyoda Harano, right, you should be a member of the Japanese cherry blossom group. I and the members of the sakura group in your cherry blossom organization are very familiar with each other. When I am busy, I will go to Japan to find them, and find you by the way. Play. "Guo said with a smile.

"I don't know who the owner Kuo Guan and the power group knew? If it's those who participated in the power martial arts conference, I think you're afraid they can't find them. They will all be closed to death. The exact time when they will appear is unknown, but Guo Guanzhu, let's put aside the matter of going to Japan. Now we should discuss what these unconscious people do. "Kiyoda Harano said with squinting eyes.

"These people may be infected with some viruses, but the infected virus is really too clumsy. It is estimated that only those who have incomplete education can develop such things. For our Chinese medicine practitioners, there is no difficulty at all. Mr. Kiyoda Harano will know in a while. ”Guo said with a smile.

A group of Japanese heard Guo Guo's words, the others behind him could not help but clenched their fists, but Kiyoda Harano didn't seem angry, looked at Guo Nan with a smile and shook his head.

"Guo Guan, everyone is here today. Since we are all doctors, I know that you have the habit of fighting doctors in China. It is better that we come to fight doctors once. If you can handle this plague, I will give in. If you Unable to get it, we can get it. We in Japan ask you Huaxia to acknowledge on your official website that Chinese medicine is not as good as our Japanese medicine. In the future, we Japanese medicine will apply for Chinese medicine as our Japanese legacy. You must not interfere. "Kiyoda Harano said loudly.

Guo Gang squinted and looked at Qingtian Yuanye, thinking that it was something. The Japanese used to fight for the legacy of Chinese medicine. A group of people around him stared at Qingtian Yuanye. At this time, everyone knew what he wanted to do. However, people who have seen Guo's bad medicine have given Qingtian Yuanye the same definition. Lao Shou star hanged, Guan Yunchang played a big sword in front of him.

"It's boring, it's more boring than that. Let's nod at the head at home." Guo Bad said with a smile, Qingtian Yuanye's eyes widened. Although in the past few days in Huaxia, I heard everyone blow Guo badly, but when he saw Guo In bad times, a young man under the age of 20, no matter how badly he can go, all the concerns in his heart are gone.

"Add some color? Huaxia, you talk about it, what do you do first?" Kiyoda Harano asked loudly.

"If I can cure everyone in the hospital, when you Japanese return home, do n’t put your underwear on your head and go back. I heard my elder brother said that you seem to have a lot of abnormalities in Japan and often do this." Guo Smirked.

"Baga!" Kiyoda Harano didn't speak, and a Japanese behind him who could understand Chinese spoke loudly.

"Pop!" With a red handprint on the Japanese's face, half of his face swelled up. "This time it's a slap in the face, and there's no next time." Guo Gang squinted and said, Qingtian Harano's face was iron blue .

"The boy in front of him is just like a martial artist, and his strength is not weak, at least it is already innate late." Qingtian Yuanye can see from Guo Bad ’s actions just now, but he ca n’t see through Guo Bad ’s strength, Congenital late, it is not bad to be able to see this level.

"If you can't cure these patients? Except for the traditional Chinese medicine application, I want you not to take a prescription from Xuejidan in the medical museum, do you dare to gamble?" Kiyoda Harano said aloud. He was a Chinese medicine doctor at the time. One of the members was that the situation of Xueji Dan made the Japanese lose face, and Kiyoda Harano reborn in his mind.

After winning this Chinese, they got Xuejidan's prescription. At that time, it was announced that the Chinese had stolen the prescription of the Great Japanese Empire to make Xuejidan. This was the naked face.

"Zhao Mengyu, I just saw the TV station over there. You asked them to come over. I will fight the Japanese doctors a while later." Guo Bad said loudly to Zhao Mengyu, who was watching the lively side, and the little girl looked at her. Yi, Chu Yi nodded, and she quickly ran to the reporter of Yunhua City TV Station in the back. For almost a few minutes, Yunhua Satellite TV immediately terminated the current hottest program and started to broadcast this Chinese and Japanese fighting doctor. Compare.

"Dear viewers, maybe you just turned on the TV or just turned on your computer. I am the host of the news channel of Yunhua City, Du Qiu, and I know you were watching your favorite TV series just now, and it ’s very impolite to cut off your signal suddenly. , But I promise you will see a more exciting video. "The host of Yunhua City, Mu Qiu, said loudly to the camera.

"Mr. Guo Bad, the owner of the Infirmary Museum who saved our entire Yunhua City, accepted the challenge from the Japanese medical team. Yunhua Satellite TV will broadcast the fight doctor competition throughout the whole process. I hope everyone will cheer for our owner of the Bad Museum."

Guo Bad, referring to the name Guo Bad, most people in Yunhua did not have any emotions. The live broadcast of Yunhua Satellite TV was indeed better than any TV series. Hua spread.

"Before class, what are you going to do?" Wucheng University School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, because the earliest batch of students from the non-medical school were selected here. In recent years, it has become the first college of Wucheng University. Today is Liu Chengang's class. In the past, the large classroom was always full. Many people stayed in the classroom to ask him questions after the end of the class, but today the class has not ended. A few people in the back row have packed up. I went out with my schoolbag.

"President Liu, Guo Dashen fights Japanese doctors in Yunhua City. Now live, we will go back to see the doctors."

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