Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 469: Beyond Fighting Medicine

Liu Chengang first hesitated, then picked up the remote control and directly turned on the TV in the classroom. A group of students widened their eyes. Dean Liu, who has always been rigorous in academic studies, was doing this. Eight ★ One Chinese √WenWWWW.く 81√z√W ★. QCoM

"Guo's accomplishments in Chinese medicine are extremely high. Let ’s take a look at this fighting doctor today. I hope you can learn something from it. If you have any questions, you can ask me on the spot. I do n’t know if you are satisfied. "Liu Chengang said with a smile.

"President Liu is mighty." I don't know who shouted, then the whole classroom boiled, and then when the TV in the classroom was switched to Yunhua Satellite TV, the whole classroom was quiet again.

In fact, Liu Chengang did not know, not only in their classroom, but in all the classrooms of Wucheng University, the TV had been switched to Yunhua Satellite TV, a channel they might not have heard before, this time Fighting medicine is not just a matter of medical school, it is also about the dignity of Huaxia people.

"Take a good look. There is not a lot of medical skills in the masters of Guo Guan, Guo Guan. The chance is very limited. I hope you can learn something. Traditional Chinese and Western medicine, in fact, many things are related. It's very scornful, but the fact that the medical museum can handle the plague this time shows that our Chinese medicine is indeed profound and there are many places that we can learn from. "The dean of the Western Medical College of Imperial University said loudly to a group of Western Medical students.

No one could have imagined that in such a prime time, the ratings of a local satellite TV set an unbreakable viewing myth, 83% of the ratings, but the director of Yunhua Satellite TV has no way to feel such a glorious moment, because in Yunyun When the ratings of China Satellite TV reached 13%, the director noticed that he was sent to the hospital.

"Guo Liu, your grandson is good, it's so good." A group of old men are drinking tea in the courtyard of Guo Family in Wucheng. Guo Liu noticed a call from Jia Yuan. The old man hurried to the house, and a group of old men followed. Now a group of people are also watching this battle of Chinese medicine against Japanese medicine.

As the other side of the test, a wave has also started in Japan. The Japanese are also broadcasting the battle doctor ’s test in Tokyo through a network signal.

"Koizumi, a dog, what do you think of the fighting doctor this time, if they lose in Kiyoda Harano, the face of the Great Japanese Empire will be all lost." An old man in a martial arts uniform asked with narrowed eyes.

"Mr. Kato, rest assured. I spoke to Kiyoda Harano yesterday. This time the Chinese were unconscious because they got caught in the cherry blossom virus newly developed by the cherry blossom society. No one except the core members of the cherry blossom society knew how to crack the cherry blossoms. The virus, a week ago, a person infected with the cherry blossom virus in the United States was frozen directly in the American hospital. They could not solve the cherry blossom virus, and the Huaxia people had no way. "Koizumi said in a soft voice.

"That's good. It can hit Chinese people where they are best at. That's good. If Kiyodahara can win Chinese people, and he will return to Japan, I will apply for the cherry blossom medal with the president." Taro Kato laughed Then said, "Nothing is wrong with Mui Ne."

"Ms. Mui Ne had just gotten the cherry blossom virus and nothing happened, but there was a rumor from Yunhua that Ms. Mui Ne seemed to have a good relationship with the Chinese, and I don't know if it was true." Koizumi said softly.

"Good relationship with the Huaxia people? Well, the Yoshikawa family has always been like this, thinking that they have some achievements in traditional Chinese medicine, they have nothing to tell, and tell Kiyoda that if Mina Yoshikawa really has a relationship with the Huaxia people, don't save him." Kato Taro squinted and said.

The relationship between the Kato and Yoshikawa families is normal, but the grandson of Taro Kato and Mina Yoshikawa are two married members who have already negotiated. If it is said that Mina Yoshikawa has a relationship with the Huaxia people, the face of the Yoshikawa family is indifferent. Such a thing is born.

"I know what to do, so I won't bother Mr. Kato." Koizumi said as he exited the room.

"Long live the Great Japanese Empire, Kiyoshi Jun will definitely win those Chinese people, I will win 1 million Kiyoshi Jun." Tokyo Casino, the world's most famous online casino, opened an online market. The Japanese lost one. At an extreme time, nearly 10 billion yuan had been injected. This was outside the Tokyo Grand Casino. A Japanese just shouted just after the bet was completed.

"Shuiquan Jun, you only invested one million. I have invested ten million." A middle-aged man next to the man who just shouted said with a trace of irony.

"Kuiji, I'm talking about a million dollars. Is your ten million also a dollar?" Izumi Izumi's words made Kuji's face red, and the quarrel between the two people once again drove a group of people to bet. During the boom, a group of Japanese people invested their money in the Tokyo Grand Casino.

"Uncle Dulwich, help me press 10 billion at the Tokyo Grand Casino and press the bet that will allow me to win 30 billion." Inside a manor in Milan, Italy, Vittorio held a rifle in his hand and hit After a few running little animals died, he whispered to the old man around him.

"Master, are you sure that the Huaxia people can win? Just now the news from the United States said that the patients they had a week ago had the same symptoms as the current Huaxia patients. The Americans didn't get it. The Huaxia people can get it?" Dulwich reminded softly .

"Uncle Dulwich, rest assured. I know Guo Guo. If he ca n’t even figure it out, no one in the world can handle it. If he loses, he will use this 10 billion yuan as money for people infected with the disease. Come on. "Vittorio said with a smile. When Huaxia was just plagued, many countries around the world severed ties with China. Vittorio smashed US $ 10 billion to Huaxia. Five shares, if Guo bad can win this time, only 3% of the shares of the big doctor can make Vittorio profit.

"I borrowed 10 billion U.S. dollars from the family in my personal name. If I lose, I will give up my share of the family and give up the right to inherit the family." Hilton family, Tim Hilton dialed his father's phone, facing the phone Whispered.

"Tim, what exactly can make you make such a decision, although the last martial arts will reduce your voice right in the family a lot, you can use less assets, but you do not seem to be short of money. . "Old Hilton asked softly.

"Dad, you should know the handicap of the Tokyo Grand Casino. This is the battle doctor between Chinese and Japanese. I think it is an opportunity for me." Tim Hilton said softly.

"You want to buy Japanese to win, and then rely on this matter to restore your right to speak in the family?" Old Hilton asked softly.

"No, I will squeeze the Chinese people to win. I have squeezed all the funds I can use on the Chinese people. I believe that the Chinese people can work wonders." Tim Hilton said softly.

"Tim, I think you may be wrong this time. I know about 130 billion bets on the Japanese family to win. If you lose, you wo n’t have a chance to come back." Old Hilton shook He shook his head.

"If I win, I will be the first heir of the Hilton family again. I think I will bet on this heir for the position of heir. The biggest reason is that I believe that the owner of Guo Bad Hall, who is not a doctor, can win. "After that, Tim Hilton hung up the phone.

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