Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 470: Patient wakes up

In Yunhua First People's Hospital, Guo Gang waited for Chen Jiadi to bring the cooked Chinese medicine. Several Japanese people except Qingtian Yuanye looked at calm Guo Guo, and a little doubt was raised in his heart. Is this a teenager? Can they really get a pair of Chinese medicines to deal with the virus they have studied for many years?

However, if you look at Kiyoda Harano's confident expression, think about what Kiyada Harano has done over the years. Although the medicine is ordinary, when it comes to the study of viruses, she is definitely one of the best in Japan, and a group of people feel relieved. Bayi ★★ 中文 网 W ★ www. 8 ★ 1z√W く. CoM

It was only half an hour that Chen Jiadi went to boil the medicine until Chen Jiadi returned. The Tokyo Grand Casino had bet over 1 trillion online. The owner of the Tokyo Grand Casino used to treat the fighting doctor as a small market, but the fact is If Japanese traditional Chinese medicine wins, it ’s okay to say that he can make a lot of platinum, but if Guo Bad cures the cherry blossom virus, then according to the one-to-three odds, Tokyo Grand Casino will pay more than two trillion, even if the Tokyo Grand Casino The sale of all its assets is not enough to lose the money.

"Mr. Mizutani, you didn't open a fighting doctor's handout through the board of directors, do you have to give us an explanation?" On the top floor of Tokyo Grand Casino, in a luxurious room, six men and two women sat around a round table. They He is the eight largest shareholder of Tokyo Grand Casino. His name is Sakata Steel. He can be seen in many areas of Japan. He is the second largest shareholder of Tokyo Grand Casino.

"I just want to make a small amount of money for Chinese people. I didn't expect that so many people participated in it. You have also seen that the total bet has exceeded one trillion. Just now the people below have sent the report. The Japanese bet is almost a thousand. 50 billion, all the other from the country. "Mizutani said with a smile.

"Mr. Mizutani, Mr. Bantian, we have been working together since the grand casino opened. Mingren didn't say anything secretly. We convened this shareholder meeting in an emergency, just like to see how the money is divided." A forty The woman aged said with a smile.

"Chana said it well, Mizutani Steel, how do you plan to share the money this time, I know the medical skills of Qingtian, and the cherry blossom team has given clear news, this time Qingtian's chances are great." The old man stood up and said.

"Then according to our respective shares, 13% of the minority shareholders' shares are directly invested in the construction of the Tokyo Grand Casino. What do you think?" Mizutani Gang said with a smile, betting over 100 billion When he knew the dollar, he knew that the cake was not something he could eat.

Mizutani's words fell, and several shareholders who did not speak and the three shareholders who had stood up nodded. Nearly one trillion US dollars. According to their shareholding, how can they be divided into tens of billions? It will be too much.

"Boss, there is a 500 billion dollar bet injected, can we still take it?" Just as a few people were chatting, a waiter hurried into the room, glanced at Mizutani, and then said softly.

"Who will win 500 billion yuan?" Mizutani stood up and asked loudly.

"The money was transferred from Citibank's account in the United States and bought by Chinese people to win." The waiter said softly.

"To take it all, you have to win these 500 billion US dollars." Mizutani said excitedly, the waiter explained to the intercom a few times to the intercom, and then looked at the other seven people.

"Several people, I think we need to talk about it again. If Qingtian wins, this penny is easy to handle, but if Qingtian loses, it will cost almost $ 5 trillion, which is the owner of Tokyo Grand Casino. The entire industry is sold, and I am afraid that it will not be able to make up 500 million US dollars. All shareholders must make up the money according to the shareholding. No one has any opinion on this matter. If you do not agree, you may not follow this market. "Mizutani said with a smile.

The other seven people shook their heads one after another, nearly 1.5 trillion of cakes, not to mention everyone had to know that the probability of Kiyoda Harano accounted for more than 90%, how can you give up such a good opportunity, gamble, why not gamble, As shareholders of big casinos, they are originally a group of thorough gamblers.

"Mizutani, go ahead and draft a contract, and say without a doubt, this is an opportunity for our big casino. After 60 years of living, there is nothing more exciting for me. We must participate in this market. , Ha ha. "An old man said with a laugh, Mizutani had the waiter open a bottle of red wine, and several people drank.

"Second, I have put our money and that of the old guys in the military area, and the money of the second and third ancestors who followed the fun together on the bet that the fourth can win, if the fourth loses In the future, we will go to the non-medical hall, and it ’s not bad to eat fragrant and spicy. ”After Li Yao bet $ 500 billion, he directly dialed Jia Yuan ’s phone.

"Brother, if the fourth child loses, the coffins of that group of fathers alone are enough for us to eat a pot, but then let them go to find the fourth child." Jia Yuan said with a smile, "The most important point is, Will the fourth senior lose? Haha, how could the fourth senior lose to a group of Japanese. "

Yunhua First People's Hospital, as Chen Jiadi entered the room with a dozen small bottles, the noisy crowd suddenly calmed down.

"Boss, the Chinese medicine is done. I will let people continue to boil the medicine over there and get the first pot of medicine first." Chen Jiadi ran over with sweat and said.

"Ji Emperor, your money made me bet you. There are no bets left for 1.5 million points." Cao Qiankun said with a smile.

"Keekeke, old Cao, what are you talking about? My mobile phone, my mobile phone is with you, I trust you so much, how can you take my money to gamble. Boss, you take the medicine, let me see Cao Qiankun took my money to gamble. "Chen Jiadi said that he handed the traditional Chinese medicine to Guo Gang, grabbed his cell phone, and started to see what bets Cao Qiankun placed.

"Medicine poems, give them a few minutes for these medicines, they can wake up in about five or six minutes, let them drink someone after waking up, and then let other doctors help them go to the toilet." Guo Bad He smiled and said that he handed the traditional Chinese medicine to Liu Yaoshi, and then Liu Yaoshi distributed the traditional Chinese medicine to a few nurses, and then a group of people started to give medicine to the patients.

"Lao Cao, I still have half a million, press me, press the one that will win me a million." Chen Jiadi said excitedly, holding a bank card in his hand and quickly operating.

"A group of ignorant Chinese people." Qingtian Yuanye shook his head while watching Chen Jiadi. When Liu Yaoshi opened the bottle, a scent of medicinal fragrance Qingtian Yuanye smelled, and the Chinese medicine ingredients in it were guessed by him. Eight, but it is impossible to kill the cherry blossom virus.

Emperor Chen Jiadi made his bet and looked at Cao Qiankun with a smile. The two felt like a good friend, and they made some female nurses who had some goodwill towards the two boys step back. Then, Guo Bad shouted at the two of them.

"You two, give a needle to all the people who use the medicine, get the acupuncture points right. If something goes wrong, I will tell you something." Guo Bad said with a smile, Chen Jiadi and Cao Qiankun came quickly, Guo Bad followed them A few more words were ordered, and each of them took the silver needle and walked to a few patients who had finished taking the medicine.

"Boss, I pierced. I can collect money when someone wakes up. Hey, although it ’s the parents’ mind of the doctor, it seems to be too much to make some Japanese money. "After that, Chen Jiadi ’s silver needle was stuck in On the patient's several acupoints, a group of Japanese people looked around the patient, and for about ten seconds, the patient slowly opened his eyes.

"This, this is impossible, you cannot have a solution to the cherry blossom virus!"

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