Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 471: Famous in the world

Because it was Japanese, Kiyoda Harano's words did not attract a lot of people's attention, but Zhao Mengyu, who stood aside, listened to the true, cherry blossom virus. Everyone was infected with the cherry blossom virus, not a plague variant transmitted by the hospital. The original one The Japanese have long known what kind of virus it is, but for this fighting doctor, they are betting on the lives of more than a hundred Chinese people. Bayi ★ 中文 网 W√WW く W ★. ★ 81z ★ W√. √CoM

Zhao Mengyu thought more and more angry, strode to the front of Qingtian Yuanye, and then, the jade hand fluttered, and a red handprint was printed on Qingtian Yuanye's face.

"Baga!" At this time, Qingtian Yuanye was sober, and when she saw the girl from Yunhua Municipal Committee hit herself, she scolded loudly.

"Hum, dare to call my aunt grandma, all of you Japanese are damned, cherry blossom virus, this is not a plague variant at all, everything is your Japanese being a ghost, and now you can see that the owner of the museum can fix this virus, you are dumbfounded But you ca n’t escape the sanctions of Huaxia Law. ”Zhao Mengyu ’s words made a lot of people understand what happened. Several Japanese-speaking people told you what Qingtian Harano had said just now, and some people who did n’t understand all understood it. .

"Kill this little Japan, kill this little Japan!" I don't know who shouted the first sentence, and then many people in the hospital were emotional.

Qingtian Yuanye's face suddenly gloomy. He was not only a doctor, but also a martial art, facing the loud abusiveness of the Chinese people, and the failure of the fighting doctor, which made him unable to resist the leakage of coercion. Several Chinese people in the front row were stunned.

"Well, did you dare to be so embarrassed when you did something in Huaxia, did you forget what Huaxia Wuxiu said to the Japanese? Those who committed my Huaxia, though far away, dare to stalk wild in China." Guo Gang Unable to say, and then waved his hand, Kiyoda Harano felt that the inner strength in his body could no longer show the slightest.

"Huaxia people, our fighting doctor is not over yet. Now it is just that you happened to rescue a patient. You have not completely cured the cherry blossom virus. You have not yet won this fighting doctor." Kiyoda Harano shouted.

"Xiao Zhao, let everyone be quiet. The fighting doctors of this group of Japanese and I are not over yet. After the fighting doctors are over, I will play with them." Guo Bad said with a smirk, Zhao Mengyu was behind him. The crowd said a few words, and all of them quieted down.

"Pop!" On the top floor of the Tokyo Grand Casino, when the first person who took the medicine woke up, the faces of the eight shareholders have changed. According to the current bet, if the cherry blossom virus is cured, they will pay 50,000. At the cost of billions of dollars, Mizutani's wine glass was shattered when the first person woke up.

"Mizutani, it's not over yet, Kiyoda is right, but he woke up, we can't be self-defeating. I don't believe that Chinese people can get the cherry blossom virus with a pair of Chinese medicine. Let's go on." Said Mizutani's mood calmed down a little.

At the First People's Hospital of Yunhua, under the persuasion of Zhao Mengyu, many people left the hospital in order to make Guo treat their patients better. They did not leave the gate outside the hospital because they remembered Zhao Mengyu's As a last word, as long as Guo Bad wins this fight doctor, they won't spare the Japanese.

"The fighting doctor is not over? Yes, it is not over. The patient just woke up. The cherry blossom virus you said is still in the body and temporarily dormant, but for up to an hour, I will convince you to take it orally." Guo Bad shouted.

The next hour, the doctor in the hospital took the traditional Chinese medicine to other patients. All the people infected with the cherry blossom virus woke up. When Mina Yoshikawa woke up, her eyes were glaring at Kiyodahara. She naturally knew what happened. Then, I also learned about Chinese medicine and Japanese medicine doctors from the chats around me.

"Qingtian Yuanye, you dared to use the cherry blossom virus in Huaxia. This is against medical ethics. This is against the original intention of the teacher to let you learn Chinese medicine at the earliest." Yoshikawa Mina said aloud.

"Get off, there is no part of you speaking here. I think you are in love with this Huaxia man. You are a sinner in Japan. You do n’t deserve to teach me. I tell you that the challenge to Huaxia TCM is that the teacher agreed to me. If you do this, you as a woman, you don't understand anything. "Kiyoda Harano shouted.

In an wooden house on the top of Mount Fuji in Japan, an old man watching a live broadcast of the doctor heard the words of Kiyada Harano, shaking his hands while pouring tea, and the hot tea poured out of the water cup, and he shook his head uncontrollably to let Kiyada Harano He really did go to Huaxia, and he also talked about medical skills with the Huaxia people, but he did not expect that his apprentice would do so.

"Ji Di, take everyone to the open space downstairs in the hospital. Separate the men and women in the order I just told you. Sakura virus, some means that can't get on the table. Let these Japanese people take a look at the profoundness of Chinese medicine." Guo Bad watched all patients wake up and said to Chen Jiadi softly.

Then all the patients were transferred to the open space of the hospital with the help of the medical staff of the hospital. In the afternoon of September, the slight breeze made a lot of people feel refreshed.

"Huaxia people, don't pretend to be a ghost, I know what you want to do, but in such a weather, it is impossible for you to use the power of nature to get the cherry blossom virus." Kiyoda Harano said loudly, Guo Bad nodded slightly, this in front of him The Japanese know a lot, even knowing the power of nature.

"Guo Guan, I am the owner of Yunhua Satellite TV. This person is late autumn. I would like to ask you a word on behalf of all Chinese viewers. How much confidence can you have to handle this cherry blossom virus they said." When the patients were grouped, Mu Qiu went to Guo Bad and asked softly.

"I have 100% certainty to handle this **** cherry virus." Guo Bad exclaimed. "It is a tradition of Huaxia to come without indecent assault. After this fight, I will take students from the infirmary to Japan. In recent years, Japan feels that their medical exhibitions are fast, and I will take my students to Japan for consultation. "

Guo Qiu's bad words made Muqiu nodded steadfastly, with 100% certainty. This is how confident he is to go to Japan to bargain, which is to prepare the rhythm of our country's prestige.

In about ten minutes, 118 people were arranged to be in place. Yoshikawa Mina was not placed in the crowd. The Japanese girl bit her lip, but did not say anything. When he and Guo bad looked at each other for a moment Guo Bad nodded gently.

"Leng Shuang, Cheng Kun, Lu Feng, Li Yu, Yuan Yulong, Pei Feifei, Wu Zhan, Xiao Qian, Hou Ruoyu, Liu Yaoshi, Chen Jiadi, Cao Qiankun, He Mo, Lin Luoshan, Lei Yunyun, Su Tu , Jia Xiaoxiao, and Ge Yunxiang. "Guo Bad called out the names of eighteen people in one breath. This was the earliest student recruited from Wucheng University School of Medicine to the Infirmary. Chen Jiadi and Cao Qiankun followed Guo Bad. It ’s close, but other people, Guo Bad, have been paying close attention to their TCM study. It is impossible to be absolutely fair, but all the students have gained a lot in these years without the medical center.

"You are the first batch of students in the medical school that I recruit. Now I want you to use your own method to fix the cherry blossom virus in these patients. If you have a bold treatment, ask me if you have any questions. The virus in their body is now All of them are dormant. Get them out. I believe I ca n’t help you. Today, the first disciples in the non-medical hall, I will make you famous. ”Guo Bad said loudly.

The people around Guo Bad performed better, and some students who had stayed in the medical school for a long time trembled. Although the daily medical treatment saved people, they saw the performance of Chen Jiadi in the northern Xinjiang. Why don't you want to be like them? Now, the museum owner has given them such an opportunity, making them famous all over the world, yes, now that Yunhua Satellite TV broadcasts the fight doctor worldwide, they will use their own medical skills to make the world famous.

"What **** cherry virus, little Japan, see it. The owner of this kind of virus, Guo Baduan, doesn't have to do it by himself. The young doctors in the medical museum can do it. You are ready to put on your pants."

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