Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 482: House betting

With Guo Bad roaring, starting from Guo Bad's feet, the ground seemed to tremble, spreading a little bit towards the distance. The eyes of the old heavenly man and the old man who had looked at the other side widened. What are you doing? If you want to break the formation, shouldn't you find a bit of it? How could there be such a big movement. Bayi Chinese Network W√www.く 8 ★ 1 ★ zW. ★ C ★ om

Guo Bad seemed to feel the doubts of the two. Looking at the rolling ground, Guo Bad said softly: "This Fenglong array has been in operation for tens of thousands of years. It must be said that Ming Ce was a master in the past. This dragon formation was added to the evolutionary number. After tens of thousands of years of evolution, I am afraid that this array method cannot be broken by himself. If he wants to break the formation, there is only one way to destroy the evolutionary number. With arrays. "

Guo Bad's words fell, and the two old men looked at each other. For more than 100,000 years, the ancestral mansion did not know how many people had been there. There were thousands of people who tried to survive the dragon race, and there were thousands who stayed in the mansion. Almost all of them have been here to give up because they couldn't find the spot. They didn't expect the boy in front of him to be so broken.

"Good boy, it looks like I underestimated him. I didn't expect to have practiced it for thousands of years, and I have such an understanding of the game. Without time, if this boy can return to heaven, sooner or later he will become a powerful party." The Celestial Emperor watched the formation of Guo bad cloth infiltrate into Fenglong's formation a little bit, and couldn't help saying.

"Just started, this doll has a good understanding of the formation method, but want to break the Fenglong array left by the meditation strategy, this level alone is not enough." Asked the old man softly, and he also tried to break Kaifeng Dragon Formation, but spent a full 13 years in the funeral Dragon Valley, and finally did not break Kaifeng Dragon Formation and almost put themselves in.

The celestial nodded gently, and asked the old man that it was right. The Fenglong array had been running for too long. There were too many masters eating in front of this large array. Now it has just begun. Can you break the array? Law, we still have to say two things.

Guo Bad naturally couldn't hear the conversation between the two. He was completely absorbed in the formation method. The strength of the fusion period was like a leaf floating on the sea in the dragon formation. The danger of law swallowing up, Guo bad dare not have the slightest care.

Seven days, seven days have passed, Guo Gang still has his eyes closed, and there is no change in the front of Burial Dragon Valley and at the beginning. Other strong men who feel the change of the funeral palace also observe the changes of Burial Dragon Valley in other planes. However, after the eyes fell on Guo Bad, they shook their heads. A kid in the fusion period who wanted to break the Kaifeng Dragon Formation was simply a dream.

"Mad man, I think you are very confident in this little guy. There are no such interesting things for tens of thousands of years. Let ’s take a gamble. I think you have found a good thing a few days ago. If I win, you That thing is playing with me. If I lose, I think you should think about this relic for a long time. "A man in his forties said to a big man with a smile.

"Everything can't escape your eyes, yes, I entered a forbidden area of ​​the mansion a few days ago, and accidentally got this ruby ​​stone, but I'm wondering, let's all go out, you want this ruby ​​stone to have What's the use. Even if you create a peerless soldier, you can't take it out. "The madman said with a smile, a black stone in his hand.

"Boring, it's too boring here. The drawing in my hand has been idle for almost 100,000 years, and there is a piece of ruby, otherwise I won't trade Fosseli with you for this thing. I still do n’t gamble. , Give me a word. "The middle-aged man shouted.

"Mo Daozun, I took this bet. I have seen your drawing of the soldiers. If you win, I will give you this ruby. I can give you three more stalactites. You deserve it for your Buddha relic. "The madman shouted loudly, and a few people not far away heard the three-year stone stalactite, and the figure flashed, and all came to the two of them.

"Haha, okay, no wonder people in the whole house like to gamble with you, it's fun, it's really fun, I hope this little guy can break the Fenglong array, this relic is yours, haha." Mo Daozun laughed. .

"Mad man, how much do you have for ten thousand years of stone stalactite, if there are still three drops, the old man is willing to change it for you." An old man looked at the madman and said with a smile.

"Wish you brother, I don't know what you want to exchange for? It's so boring. If you can come up with anything valuable, I can consider betting on you. When I said, I really liked this guy He is very similar to me, because he dares to gamble, more than I dare, and more than you. "The madman said with a smile.

"The heart of the fire Phoenix, this is the heart of the fire Phoenix that was beheaded and killed in the battle with Ao Feng at that time, no matter why this thing will be on me, the Fire Phoenix will not trouble you, this Can things bet with you five drops of ten thousand years of stalactite? "Zhu Tian, ​​a master of fire, said loudly.

"Do not take advantage of my brother, if this boy can't break Kaifeng's formation, I will give you seven drops of 10,000-year-old stalactite." The madman said with a laugh.

At this time, a group of people set their eyes on the madman. The stalactite stalactite is definitely a good thing for these people trapped in the mansion, because the aura in the mansion is very thin, and they want to cultivate further. Only by relying on all kinds of aura-containing things, Wannian stone stalactite is undoubtedly a good choice.

"Mad man, this is the egg of a strange beast I got in desperate times. Although I do n’t know what it is, it ’s definitely not an ordinary product. I do n’t bet on stalactite. If I win, I hope you will treat you The map for entering the secret place of the mansion gave me a copy, how? "A middle-aged man murmured in front of everyone in black.

"Crow, aren't you afraid I'll lie to you?" Said the madman, and the man in black squinted and stared at him.

"What about lie to me, the crow **** long ago, but I can make you happy for a while. I have been here for 140,000 years, and I will die after I die. I want a map of mystery. I want to go to mystery." Crow cried.

"This is a map. I hope you can come out alive. There are still some stalactites in it, but the year is a bit short. I took this dome. I do n’t want to bet against someone like you who is falling at any time. Not afraid of death, are you afraid of losing something? "The madman shook his head and threw a scroll to the crow. The crow's figure flickered and disappeared in front of everyone.

"Look, there seems to be something wrong with Funeral Dragon Valley." Just when a group of people finished their bet, they didn't know who shouted. Everyone set their sights on Funerary Dragon Valley again and gathered on Guo Bad.

"Oh my god, the soul is the soul of a dragon warrior. How they have done it for more than 100,000 years. There are so many dragon souls. How can this be?" The crowd burst out again.

Yes, the involvement of Funeral Dragon Valley in Guo Bad's formation has completely disappeared. The powerful soul power cooperated with Guo Bad's formation and began to integrate into the strategy of the tactics, although it cannot be broken. The formation method, but if you continue this way, it is very possible to find a large array of flaws, the soul can break out of the array.

"Hey guys, it looks like I have a better chance of winning."

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