Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 483: audacious in the extreme

Yes, according to the current situation, it is only a matter of time for Guo Bad to break the Kaifeng Dragon Array. At that time, the soul of the million dragon warriors could survive immortally to the present 90%. These souls cooperate with Guo Bad's formation. At the beginning, the Kaifeng Dragon Formation was broken, but if you want to leave the Fengfeng Formation, you must open the entire array. Eight √ one Chinese network W √ www. 81zW. CoM

Hundreds of onlookers watched the formation of Feng Long's array being broken by Guo and the soul of millions of dragons. A lot of people nodded. This is a boy who is not in the realm of integration. The understanding does have a hand.

"Mad man, you're right this time, it looks like we are going to lose." An old man who had a gamble with a madman shook his head and said, but the madman's face was not so good-looking.

"Good luck, if you agree, our gambling contract can be abolished, how?" The madman asked softly as he looked at the old man in front of him.

"Well? Madman, the situation is about to open soon, don't you want the heart of this phoenix?" Zhu Tian asked with a smile, his eyes fell on Guo Bad again, and then his face showed joy.

"Know why I want to make an invalid bet." The madman shook his head and said, Zhu Tian nodded slightly, and then many people seemed to see the problem. The relaxed atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"Mad man, no matter if this kid can break Kaifeng's formation, I will give you the heart of the phoenix, as long as you give me seven drops of stalactite." Zhu Tian said softly, others who have a gamble with the madman They have also said that they are willing to exchange things with madmen regardless of success or failure.

"Let ’s take a look and talk. The guy in front of him is not in good condition. I hope he still has a second hand. If he can't break the line, at least don't put himself in. To be honest, this guy is very interesting, I like it." The madman said softly .

"Yes, this boy is also very appetite for me, holding the two large pieces of yin and yang twin jade to help the dragon family, yes, this boy is good, but I don't know how this boy could be degraded to the lower bound, is there something wrong with the lower bound? Zhu Tian said, squinting his eyes, but what he said made many people think of something.

"No! The number of ways of Fenglong's formation has been edited again. The big formation set up by this kid was broken by Fenglong's formation. This is trouble." Some people in the crowd shouted, everyone's eyes Fall on the Valley of Burial Dragons again.

"I don't know if you have any way to help this human race boy, I'm willing to take ten drops of stalactite stalactite as a reward." The madman looked at Guo Bad's long burst of operations that just started and couldn't help it. Asked loudly.

"Crazy man, could this kid have inherited your bloodline and failed to help him at such a cost." A skinny old man trembled and walked to the crowd and smiled.

"Rat top, you do n’t need to be an orc to manage human affairs. Why? You have n’t done it for tens of thousands of years. Do you want to practice with me?” The madman's face sank, watching the old man say aloud.

"Speaking of fights, I definitely can't fight madmen, just because I don't understand why you will spare no effort to help a stranger. Don't you expect this kid to take you away from the mansion, it's a joke." Said Rat Peak with a smile.

"If he can get the inheritance of the mansion of the mansion, it is not impossible for me to want to come out of this mansion. To you, my brother, you have a seal on you, and you will definitely stay here forever." There was a hint of joy, yeah, if this kid can get the approval of the adult and get the inheritance, there is no seal on them, and they have a chance to go out.

"Hmm! Is it possible to get the inheritance of adults, can it be obtained by talking about it? Even if you want to inherit, you have to solve the things in front of you, and the large array left by Ming Ce can make a human race. "Kid softly!" Said Rat Peak loudly, the lunatic was not talking, staring at Guo badly.

"Awesome, it's really awesome. This meditation strategy is definitely a genius of the formation method. It can even evolve the formation method of the formation method like this. It seems that I can't stay here, I have to look into the array." Guo bad heart secretly Said, then he flew up and landed at the very center of Burial Dragon Valley for almost a few breaths. Then he was surrounded by fog around his body. People who watched the crowd outside could feel that Guo's bad breath would not exceed five people.

"What's going on? The Terran Boy is missing? He was swallowed up by the Fenglong array, and it should have been guessed long ago that if the Fenglong array was broken so easily, it would have been broken." The master of the heavens said softly.

However, Yu Tianzhe and the old man who asked the old man for several tens of thousands of years did not shake out his head. Guo bad was still there. Although his breath was covered up by the big team, they could still feel it.

"Ask, don't you feel like underestimating this kid, haha, funny, really a bold and extravagant kid, even if I didn't dare to be so presumptuous." Yu Tianzhe said with a smile, asked the old man gently nod.

However, far from the earth on another plane, the Huaxia Emperor's Medical Center suddenly looked like a blast. It was already 12 o'clock in the evening. Yuer, who was meditating, spurted a blood spurt, and the two yin and yang twin jade in his hand turned into Fan Ye, Yuer looked at the full moon in the sky, and could not help but say, "Guo bad."

"Sister, I went in." Xiao Lingmo appeared in Yuer's room with a retracted ruler in her hand, holding a cracked jade in her hand, and looked at Yuer nervously.

"Sister, who hurt you, are you okay, I'll call Uncle Zhou, wait a minute." Xiao Lingmo looked at the pale Jade and a pool of blood on the ground and couldn't help but exclaim.

"Little girl is back, there is nothing, you go to see Sister Lingling, Sister Lin Shuang and Xiao Mengmeng, I will pass immediately." Yuer whispered, Xiao Ling Mo nodded worriedly, but ran to Lin Shuang's room.

"Girl, is there something bad?" After taking a few pills, Yu'er's face slowly improved, and then he received a call from Guo He. He and Yu'er waited for a few girls. Guo bad gave him and The old lady's jade was broken, Guo Guo, who had already experienced such a thing, noticed that something bad happened to Guo.

"Grandpa, nothing is wrong, the bad brother may have encountered something, but there is no danger to life. You and your grandma don't have to worry about it. I'll go and see Xiao Meng and Lin Shuang." Yuer finished and returned to Wucheng Guo paid attention to hanging up the phone, and his heart regretted it. He went to the black hole at that time. He knew that there would be such a danger.

"Sister Yuer, Sister Lingling and Sister Lin Shuang are mixed, Xiao Meng is all right." Xiao Ling Moola walked into the yard with a sleepy face and saw Yuer said softly.

"Little mother, what's the big night, I'm going to bed." Xiao Mengmeng said softly.

"Meng Meng, do you feel uncomfortable? Tell your mother." Yuer asked Guo Xiaomeng softly, holding her hand.

"My aunt called me up at night. I was uncomfortable all over my body. There was nothing to go to bed. Huh, the bad dad didn't know where to go. When the bad dad came, I want the bad dad to take me out. Play. ”After Guo Xiaomeng said, Yuer touched her head lightly, let Xiao Lingmo send her back to the room, and went straight into Lin Shuang's room.

"Yuer, something bad happened to Guo, he broke my jade pendant. I just felt that he had an accident." Yuer took Lin Shuang a panacea, Lin Shuang slowly opened his eyes and looked Said nervously.

"I woke up Ling Ling first, Guo Gang encountered some danger, but there was nothing serious, and my sister didn't have to worry too much." Although Yuer said this, her heart was really more tense, but there was nothing about Xiao Meng. Guo Bad should have no worries about life.

"Jade Emperor, Master Zhenxin is not in the Nether!"

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