Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 484: Not good, not good!

On the Palace of Ling Xiao, the Jade Emperor had nothing to do and let the Taishang Laojun look at the situation in the Nether with a retro-mirror, and once again remembered the decent Emperor Zhixin Zhen, saying that this thorn is not in the heaven, and the Jade Emperor sometimes feels less. What to order. Bayi √ Chinese website www www. ★ 8√1√z く W. QCZOM

However, the sentence of Taibai Venus was not in the lower bound, which made the Jade Emperor's eyes widened. It has been a few days since the reading of Zhenxin Jun was dismissed from the lower bound. A few days ago, because of the plague in the world, he had a fierce view on merit. How could this not be in the Nether.

"Thousands of miles of eyes, ears of wind, look at where you are now reading Xinzhen, look at it." Jade Emperor said loudly, the other people in the heavenly faces looked at each other, Tota Li Tianwang Li Jing frowned, because just one hour ago, he and The connection between the three princes Nezha was broken. Before coming to Ling Xiao Baodian, the mirror did not find Nezha.

For almost three minutes, Qianliyan and Shunfeng ear looked at each other and reached the middle of the Ling Xiao Bao Dian. They said at the same time: "We cannot find the whereabouts of Zhenxin Zhenjun. He is indeed not in the world, including the Nether World a few days ago. The third prince is not on earth. "

The Jade Emperor frowned when he heard the words of Qianliyan and Shunfeng Ear, and then the queen mother around him winked at the Jade Emperor. The two left Ling Xiao Bao Dian. The immortals looked at each other and left.

"Wang Li Tian, ​​aren't you in the world? What's going on?" Barefoot Daxian stopped Li Jing and asked softly.

"I don't know too much, but people have nothing to do. They should be following the reading Xin Zhenjun to go somewhere." Li Jing shook his head and said, when the third prince was in the lower bound, he asked the third prince to let him have something. I went to read Xin Zhenjun, but when entering the six reincarnations, the Chang'e fairy said a few words to him. I didn't hear it clearly. I didn't expect such a thing to happen now.

In the back garden, the Jade Emperor and the queen mother walked side by side. Several fairies who had followed them were taken away by the queen mother. They came to a gazebo, and they sat in the gazebo.

"Mother, I don't know what you think about the matter of reading Xinzhen and the third prince." The emperor asked softly as she looked at the mother.

"That day, you should n’t let the little Nezha go to earth. You do n’t know about Chang'e's reorganization of the Night Army. The chaos clock was taken out a few days ago. The monkey is now following her wholeheartedly. You do n’t want to participate in this matter. Now, I have more time to listen to the ancestors of Hongjun ’s preacher. You are a small figure in the fifth heavenly realm. It ’s not good to say that you do n’t deserve to be involved in the present things. ” Speaking with eyes.

"On that day, the matter of the third prince's lower bound was the result of discussions among the immortals, and I can't refute it, but this time they disappeared." The emperor asked intently.

"Pop!", The Jade Emperor flew thousands of meters, and landed in a gazebo away from the distance. "Say, your strength is not worthy to participate in the present affairs. If it is not for you, Breath of the emperor, based on the crime of losing the emperor jade alone, you do not know how many times you have died. There are some things that you should not ask. "

Jade Emperor's puppet was destroyed, and she looked at the queen mother thousands of meters away. In the heavens, only a few people knew the relationship between the queen mother and the Jade Emperor. A woman who broke through the twelfth heaven, why? Everything may be communicated to you a fifth-day man.

"Haha, the queen mother is angry. Haha, it ’s not good to find anyone. In the past, you had to find the Jade Emperor. You deserve it. In that year, after completing the road of merit, your strength was close to the tenth heaven, and the ten thousand days of practice broke through the twelveth heaven. A fifth heavenly man feels, haha. "Chang'e smiled arrogantly, Wu Gang and Yang Yan who were ten thousand meters away looked at each other, and they ran away in general, and had to go to the secret, they must go, otherwise The monkeys couldn't beat it.

In the ancestral mansion, Xuanyuan Hao and Guo Tongyuan got what they wanted, walked out of the hall, and after passing a passage, they reached a brand new plane directly. This plane has nothing, but it is clear See the current situation in Burial Dragon Valley.

"Here, here is Burial Dragon Valley. The original Burial Dragon Valley recorded in the book of the year really existed, but who was breaking the seal outside Burial Dragon Valley, cattle, how did it feel a little familiar, did it make such a big noise? Is the man really reading the heart? Xuanyuan Hao's eyes widened, but with his current strength, he could not see the scene of the funeral of Longgu Fenglong.

"Isn't it my brother? If you make such a big noise, even Tianxian Realm doesn't have such a great ability." Guo Tongyuan couldn't help but said, at this time, Qiu Daoyuan and Li Shixin brought Qin Fengyu and Xuan Yuanhao to the end of the passage. Guo Tongyuan met.

"If you didn't guess wrong, this should be the mansion of the first generation of the ancestors of the human race. Many people knew about the burial of Longgu that year. I did not expect that the ancestor's mansion was really in the world. It is really impossible to imagine that the ancestors had How powerful. "Qiu Daoyuan said softly.

"Senior Qiu, Senior Li, I feel that the Fenglong Formation in Burial of the Dragon Valley has changed a bit, and there is a trace of Guo's bad breath in the formation. I don't know if the seniors feel it. Since this is the residence of the ancestors, I think The predecessors took off the hidden symbols on their bodies, and the full strength should not lead to the calamity. "Xuan Yuanhao looked at Qiu Li and said with a smile.

The two looked at each other, two hidden symbols were taken off their bodies, and then the passage was full of energy. Guo Tongyuan and Qin Fengyu knew that Guo Bad was polite to the two, knowing that they were masters in the master, but they could not think of them. Even so powerful, the strength is already comparable to Taiyi Xuanxian, and the strength of Taiyi Jinxian is only one line behind.

"Prince III, the strength of the two of us is still deserved." Qiu Daoyuan said with a smile, the strength of the world has been suppressed within the Jin Dan period, now in this tribal mansion, finally can fully reveal his strength .

"It's amazing, it really is the master of the human race's slaughtering monsters at that time. This kind of strength, and no one is your opponent in heaven." Xuan Yuanhao sighed, Guo Tongyuan even widened his eyes, and made himself a magic weapon that year. After flying into the heavens, it was almost like getting a Taiyi Xuanxian Dangdang. I did not expect that these two human race masters who had never risen in front of me turned out to be so powerful.

"Qiu Lao Dao, Li Lao Dao, I did not expect that the two of you have been sealed for such a long time, the cultivation has not been pulled down at all." Guo Fanyu and Xue Dazhu appeared in front of the crowd, Guo Fanyu said with a smile, but he could see Qiu Li The strength of the two is, of course, not Guo Fanyu himself, but the father of narcissus Shuiyuanzi in his body.

"Troublesome second old, let's look at the situation of Xiao bad, I don't know how he is now." Guo Fanyu said softly, no matter how strong the person in front of her, in her heart, the most important thing is her nephew.

Qiu Li and Li looked at each other, and they sat cross-legged, and then fell through the space on Burial Dragon Valley. For about ten minutes, the two recovered the consciousness and the coercion that Burial Valley gave them. No, they look pale.

"how is it?"

"Not good, not good!"

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