Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 492: Nezha Dojo

Ao Feng smiled proudly when he saw Guo's bad expression. Bayi Middle School √ Wen Wang W ★ www ★. 81z く W. √CoM√

"Uncle Feng, what the **** is it, Xiao Mengmeng went directly into the state of Kaiguang, what is going on?" Guo Bad looked at Ao Feng's low expression and couldn't help asking again.

"Miscellaneous Yuanzhu. One of the things I got in Mystery was not very useful, but today it is used." Ao Feng said with a smile.

More than 100,000 years ago, Ao Feng broke into the mystery of the Dragon race and got the mixed Yuan bead in the hidden place. This bead has no special function, but can stimulate the strength of the mixed Yuan in some special physiques, just like Guo Like the bad baby daughter Guo Xiaomeng, she should be in the realm of the opening period, but for some reason it can't be excited. Under the action of the mixed Yuanzhu, she will directly elevate her realm.

Of course, the mixed Yuanzhu has no effect on general martial arts, but it has a great effect on Guo Xiaomeng. Including future cultivation, this mixed Yuanzhu can even be used as a magic weapon for Xiaomengmen to cultivate.

"Uncle Feng, thank you for being a little girl." Guo said with a smile. He couldn't refuse such a thing. Now he finally knows why Xiao Mengmeng has always been like an ordinary person, but now it is not, Xiao Mengmeng should be Martial arts in the realm of Huaxia ’s smallest lighting period.

"Thank you Grandpa Feng, you gave me a bead, and I gave you a string of beads. If you still have such beads in the future, will you give Mengmeng a good one?" Then, Xiao Mengmeng took a string from her body. The rosary of purple gold sandalwood was handed to Ao Feng, Guo with a smile on his face.

This string of beads was milled by hand with the millennium purple gold sandalwood in the gourd, which can play a role of soothe the nerves and drive away evil spirits. It can be regarded as a small magic weapon, but compared with Ao Feng's mixed Yuanzhu for Xiao Mengmeng, this Things are not good, but Ao Feng still took it over happily. It is really interesting to be able to trade with such a baby in the world for more than 100,000 years.

"Uncle Feng, the four of you live in the ancient house next to the non-medical hall first, familiarize yourself with the current environment, and you can come to me directly if there is anything. I will not go out in the non-medical hall in recent days." It is said that the three of Ao Yuan have tossed a lot of things on the warship. Now when they arrive at the Medical Museum, they still feel novel when they see everything. Guo Gang is afraid that they will cause any troubles like Qiu Daoyuan and Li Shixin. Ao Feng did not say anything in a separate courtyard of the ancient family.

"Ji, please look over and give them a good talk about the current situation. They are like Qiu Ye and Li Ye. They are masters who are not born. You should communicate with them." Do not worry, directly shouted Chen Jiadi and asked him to go to the ancient family to talk to the four masters of the Dragon clan about the current situation on earth.

Emperor Chen Jiadi remembered what happened to the two Qiu and Li, and ran to the Gu family with a smirk all the way.

For more than ten days, did Guo Gang relax and accompany a few Hongyan around the capital every day. When he returned to the hospital, he began to teach his daughter some simple spells, and daily life was easy. Freedom, but the more comfortable, Guo Bad's heart gradually developed a little anxiety.

For a month, Qiu Daoyuan returned from Shushan with a group of people, and the whole hospital was lively again.

"Small bad, I heard you came back when you arrived in Shushan, but we did not rush back in time to make alchemy in Shushan. It looks terrific. It looks like you have come back this time and it is not small. The whole Huaxia is afraid of being invincible. "Qiu Daoyuan's eyes fell on Guo Bad. Within the scope of human rules, Guo Bad's current strength is indeed no rival.

"Ye Qiu laughed, if he really started fighting, he was afraid that it was three juniors who were not Qiu's opponents. Besides, Qiu Qi ’s trip to Shushan seemed to be very rewarding. Any good things came out for everyone to see." Guo Bad felt that Qiu Daoyuan had the same good magic in his body, and he couldn't help but say.

"It's okay to look at it. With the help of Shushan's return desk and the help of Shui Yunzi, I have refined a good destiny magic weapon. Although there is still a little gap from what I used to do, this thing is better now. It can be used. "Qiu Daoyuan said with a smile, and Guo Bad then greeted a few other people, but when the eyes fell on Xuanyuan Hao, the expression of this little guy in front of him made Guo Bad feel a little surprised.

"The third prince, with heavy treasure, what an expression?" Guo asked with a grin.

"Boss, I know that the twelve petals of lotus are not a way to refine the cost of life, and I'm not upset because of the twelve petals of lotus." Xuanyuanhao said softly.

"What happened to the dojo?" After listening to Xuanyuan Hao's words, Guo Bad frowned, making the third prince so depressed. What else could be done besides solving the matter of his dojo this time.

"The Taoist merit body I left in Cuipingshan was destroyed. If I were in heaven, it would have little effect on me, but now that I am in the world, it has a great impact on me. I can feel that if I ca n’t be in Cuipingshan, Restoring the body of merit, even if Tianting re-enters me, I cannot return to my previous strength when I returned to Tianting. "Xuan Yuanhao said softly.

"Then go to Cuiping Mountain. When you first went to the Nether, wasn't it just to solve the issue of Cuiping Mountain." Guo said with a smile, Xuan Yuanhao nodded, but his heart was still unsteady.

When the day came to the Nether, the Jade Emperor gave him a hundred days to solve the problem of the Nether. According to the time in the sky, it is only a few days now, and the time when the third prince wanted to solve the matter, opened up the realm to solve the demon. The thing is to find death, but think about Guo's badness, and I have a lot of peace of mind.

After more than a month of stable life, when Guo Gang told several girls to go to Cuiyun Mountain, except for Yuer, 10,000 other girls were unwilling. The last time they went to the United States, the disappearance was two years. Many, this time to go to Heidong, several girls' jade pendants were all broken again. Now to Cuiyun Mountain, a group of people have never heard of such an attraction in Huaxia, and a few girls were worried again.

"It's okay, let the bad dad go, isn't it just going to a hill for a few days, how do you all look like this." Xiao Mengmeng walked to a group of girls and said with a smile, very happy in recent days, But every day I was forced to learn some spells by Guo Nai, Xiao Mengmeng was annoyed long ago, it might as well be fun to take a hair to catch fish, and it was the kingly way to take away Guo Nan.

"Rest assured, there will be nothing to do with Master Shui and Feng this time. Dazhu and Kong Fei will be honest at home. If something goes wrong, you two will not be of much help." Guo Bad watched a group of people preparing to go out with Guo Bad, and directly uttered a sentence. At the beginning, he also prepared to make a lively group of people uttered by Yuer.

They know that you can make a mess with Guo Bad in the non-medical hall, but if Yuer talks, then just listen to it honestly. Even a few old guys know that if there is no hidden sign given by Yuer, They had an accident long ago.

"Yu'er said it well, in fact, it is useless to go to Cuiyun Mountain here. It ’s useless to go with more people. Feng Ye and Shui Ye just follow it." Guo Bad said with a smile, and a group of people nodded. , Do what you want to do.

"Boss, there is Cuiyun Mountain in front. To be honest, I haven't paid much attention to this place since I was ascended to heaven, and I don't know what this dojo is like now." Xuanyuan Hao said with a dim smile.

"It's no wonder then that believers have ruined your merit. How much you should help believers in the dojo fulfill their prayers." Guo Bad said with a smile, the black line on Xuan Yuanhao's face, so many gods in the sky It seems that no one cares about the situation of his nether dojo.

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