Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 493: Temple of Medicine

Cuiyun Mountain is a mountain in the northwestern mountains of China. It is not well-known. The local government does not have too many tourism resources. There are not many tourists. However, Tianting attaches great importance to this place, because of the last battle of the devil. At that time, a great demon was trapped under Cuiyun Mountain. Later, the Jade Emperor was worried about some trouble, and directly entrusted some people in the Dreamland Dojo to get Nezha's Dojo to Cuiyun Hill.

"Prince III, this place is not bad, but there are fewer people. If the incense is a bit stronger, it will not be less than the merit you get." Guo said with a smile.

"After ascending to heaven, I don't have much expectation of the power of merit. It's better than Zhenjun to get the source of sin. Even if I stay in heaven for ten thousand years, I can't get so much power of merit." A hint of jealousy said, Guo Bad could not help but smile.

If the gods of various ascension to the heavens are better than merit, the general gods can't compare to the medics. This is also the time when many people chose medical practice to cure diseases and save people. The merit comes quickly, of course, there is another Good ways to get merit, go west, and go west, there is definitely a lot of merit.

"Boy, with your current strength, I'm afraid it's already possible to set foot on the cloud. We might as well fly directly to the top to see. If Xiao Nazhe's merit is only destroyed by mortals, it is easy to repair it, anyway Boy, you have more money. "Shui Yunzi said with a smile.

"Senior water, here is the world, we can use less spells as much as possible. Although our current state is not subject to the rules, but we must also consider other impacts. Since it is the world, we will be a mortal. If we Someone is asking us for trouble, just do n’t suffer. ”Guo Bad said with a smile, Shui Yunzi thoughtfully, then nodded with a smile, which was fun and interesting.

Ao Feng looked at Guo Bad, and nodded with a smile, this kid is indeed a funny guy.

"A few of you, yes, that is to say, you guys, show your tickets." An aunt in her fifties went from the other to Guo Bad four.

"Do n’t have a hippie smile, there are two of you old men, what are you looking at, tickets? I do n’t know if it is dangerous to go up the mountain from the north **** now? Is there no ticket, and they are so old to escape the ticket?" A red cloth was on the sleeve. Auntie said loudly.

"Ahem, aunty, we are foreigners. I heard that the Three Princes' Temple on the mountain is very clever. When I came here, there was only the North Slope road. I didn't expect there was another one. We didn't buy a ticket. How much money do you see, we Make up the ticket. "Guo bad smiled.

"This is the case, young man, there is no San Prince Temple on the mountain. The San Prince Temple has been renovated a few days ago. Now the temple on Cuiyun Mountain has changed its name." Aunt said with a smile, "If you are going to San Prince Yes, I think you should go back, you do n’t need to make up the ticket. If you want to go up and see, three adults are thirty yuan each, this little guy does n’t have to buy a ticket. ”

"Auntie, come, sit down and rest. We have already reached the middle of the mountain. Why do we have to go up and see if you can tell me why the Three Princes Temple on the mountain is gone. What is going on?" Guo said. Then, I wiped a big stone behind me, and then handed a hundred dollar bill to the aunt, "Auntie, please take the ticket money, let us tell you."

The aunt took the hundred-dollar bill with her eyes wide open. This young man is different from many people. There are very few people traveling to Cuiyun Mountain, and even fewer people have evaded tickets. They have also caught evasion tickets before, but there is no evasion ticket. Like Guo bad, he directly took the money to make up the ticket.

"Lady, there is no San Prince Temple on the mountain now. The temple on the mountain is now called the Temple of Medical God. You should be regarded as the first group of tourists. Let me talk about it for you." Aunt said with a smile.

Temple of Medicine? The moment Guo bad heard these three words, he shook his head and healed. It seems that this is to meet the rhythm of colleagues.

"In the past, people from the counties and cities around Cuiyun Mountain would come to the Three Princes Temple on Zhuxiang every holiday, but there were many people who wished and few people vowed. Basically, making a wish has no effect. In the past six months, Cuiyun under the mountain There is a medical hall in the county, called Shenxian to the medical hall. Lin Xi ’s medical skill is very clever. This Prince Cuiyunshan Temple was converted into a medical temple. It is a wealthy businessman who communicated with the local government and rebuilt after he was optimistic about the disease. . "Aunt said with a smile.

"Shenxian arrived at the medical museum? My breath is not too small, aunt, thank you. Let's go to the mountain to see first, and then visit the medical museum to see the Doctor Lin." Guo Bad said with a smile, her aunt nodded, and gave them again Explained that smoking is not allowed on the mountain, and you are walking down the mountain with a hundred dollar bill.

"Boss, there is no one who has been demoted to the lower world. Run here to open a medical museum, but if it is a **** in the sky, you should know that this Cuiyun Mountain is my dojo. Why would it come here?" Xuanyuan Hao said thoughtfully.

"It would be okay to say if it was a degraded deity, but I don't think this matter is so simple. Let's go and see if we know it." Guo Bad said, and took the lead to walk up the mountain.

Although the aunt watching the mountains said that they were the first group of tourists, when they reached the top, four people saw the original Three Princes Temple. The current medical temple is very lively. The tourists coming to Hong Kong are endless, and the incense fire is exuberant. Some people widened their eyes, and Guo Bad could even feel a little bit of merit entering a statue in front of the temple.

"Boss, I don't think there is such a person in the entire court of heaven." Xuan Yuanhao said softly after watching for a while, "I did not expect the incense to be so strong, but this is my dojo, he did it a bit ..."

"Go in and take a look. The temples are weird, and the staff in these temples are also weird." Guo Aiyuan whispered while watching a few busy staff members.

"Four people, come here to make a fragrant or make a wish. Our medical temple has worked very well, and some of them have caught up. If it takes a few more days, I am afraid that they will have to line up at that time." One wearing a robe, But the youngsters who were all sorts of nonsense came to four people and said with a smile.

"Go in and take a look. I was going to pay homage to the third prince. I didn't expect to change it to the Temple of Medicine." Guo Bad said with a smile, but the young man in front of him was obviously unhappy when he heard this.

"This younger brother, how can the Third Prince Temple be better than the Temple of Medicine? Lin Shen's medical skills are so good, otherwise these three Prince Temples will not be changed to the Temple of Medicine. A few of them will go in and look." The young man said with a smile. .

"Everyone said that people are fighting for a scent of Buddha. If you change the third prince temple to a medical temple like this, aren't you afraid that the third prince will blame him then?" Xuanyuan Hao asked loudly.

"Strange sin? Any strange sin? This Nezhan Temple has been here for thousands of years, but after worshiping Nezhan for so many years, I haven't seen him bring anything to Cuiyun Mountain, then look at Lin Shenyi, Now there are a lot of people who come to Cuiyun County every day. What's wrong with changing the third prince temple to the medical temple. "The young man said loudly, a group of people praying for the blessings looked at here, Xuanyuanhao couldn't tell Come on.

"Since the medical temple is so convincing, let's go in to the column incense, haha." Guo Bad laughed and walked into the medical temple.

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