Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 496: Suspicious Cloud Reappearance

"What, the boss is fighting doctor in Cuiyun County, where is Cuiyun County? At first I thought I was going to do something big and started playing for a long time. √ Bayi Chinese ★ Network www.81zW.Com. Looking at the phone, the major web pages uploaded the photo of Guo Bad and Lin Xi facing each other.

"Awei, where are you now? Ready to interview the National Football team? Damn, who arranged this interview for you, immediately stop the work in your hand and go to Cuiyun County. Guo Bad, who is not a doctor, will fight with a local **** doctor. Doctor, you go to the interview quickly, where is Cuiyun County? How do I know that Tmd you go online to check, if you ca n’t get the first-hand information, you do n’t have to come back. ”Zhou Cheng, editor-in-chief of Huaxia Entertainment Weekly, scolded him. Hanging up the phone, Awei, who had been waiting for the National Football Team for almost three hours, left the hotel where the National Football Team stayed, and hurried to the airport.

"Editor, the day before yesterday you had an interview with National Football. National Football said that our reporter was not here. I just called Weige and the phone was shut down." A tall female secretary knocked on the door of the editor's office, facing Zhou Cheng. Whispered.

"I know. The plan of the National Football Interview is temporarily canceled. Grandma, if you can win a game, I will not be an entertainment weekly interview with National Football. Xiaoli, book me a ticket to Cuiyun County. I'm going to Cuiyun County. "After Zhou Cheng said, he continued to browse the web.

"Okay, I'll do it right away." Although the female secretary said yes, her heart began to mumble, Cuiyun County? Where is Cuiyun County, and is there an airfield there? Xiaoli thought, and quickly returned to her place, turned on the computer and started searching for Cuiyun County information.

"Oh my god, the idol went to Cuiyun County. No wonder the editor-in-chief is going there, but there doesn't seem to be an airport there." Xiaoli did a check on the Internet to learn about Guo's bad situation in Cuiyun County. Xiaoli couldn't sit still, saying now Who is the hottest in Huaxia is not the owner of the Guo Bad Pavilion who is not a doctor. The Chinese god, yes, after the last plague, there was a group of Guo Bad fans on the Internet, which is called Guo Bad.

"Liu Wei, where are you going in such an anxiety?" Liu Wei just arrived at the airport, and a young man similar to him stood in front of him and asked with a smile.

"Give yourself a vacation, go out and go around, Qin Shao, why are you at the airport, where are you going? Maybe we should go the way." Liu Wei said with a smile to the youth in front of him. (Voice), reporter of New Entertainment Weekly, Liu Wei's college classmate.

The peers are enemies, and these two individuals are even more enemies. Apart from the fact that they work in different entertainment weekly, they are both in the journalist industry. The two were deadly opponents from university. Of course, no one is convinced.

"Ming people do n’t talk secretly, even if you do n’t say, I know where you are going, fly straight to Qidong City, and then go to Cuiyun by car. I ’m right, the doctors do not go out to fight doctors, so big News, how could our new entertainment not know, it looks like your entertainment weekly, hiding it. "Qin Shao said with a smile.

"Qin Shao, you do n’t have to hide and hold on to others, you have to be careful with your new entertainment. You have a good deal with your peers." Liu Wei said with narrowed eyes. "I am going to Cuiyun County. I hope you will Do n’t do anything embarrassing about New Entertainment. The owner of Guo Baduan has done a lot of facts for Huaxia. I hope you will stop there. ”

"Haha, I didn't expect an entertainment reporter to tell me that it would be more than four words. The owner of Guo Bad Hall did a lot of things for Huaxia, but he has a lot of beautiful women, otherwise our entertainment reporters won't follow him. Liu Wei, don't make yourself so tall. Huaxia male god, I'm going to see what famous Chinese goddess wants to do this time. "After that, Qin Shao quickly ran to the boarding gate.

When Qin Shao and Liu Wei boarded the plane, they appeared. It wasn't just the two who were going to rush to Cuiyun County from the imperial capital, and many of them were also boarding their own guys. Guo Bad, in the eyes of Huaxia people, he is no longer just a doctor.

"Do you want to go to Cuiyun County for five hundred yuan?" Although Qidong Cuiyun's buses have been opened ten times, there are surprisingly many people going to Cuiyun today, leaving the station management staff completely speechless. The bus is gone, and there are fewer and fewer "black cars" parked in front of the station. A middle-aged man in a gorgeous dress asked the driver.

"There was no five-hundred-dollar price an hour ago, one thousand yuan, and one point less." The driver said with arrogance.

"It's a thousand yuan. I can get it out now." The middle-aged man, without ink, pointed out ten of the hundred-dollar bills and threw them to the driver.

"Hey, get in and out of the car, just one worse, the guys inside are crowded, we are all together, out." The middle-aged driver threw the money into his pocket and sat in the cab with a smile on his face.

"I rely, this, this is a serious load, maybe, a dozen people." The middle-aged man said loudly as he opened the door.

"Brother, come in quickly, don't count. There are 13 drivers in the driver, so squeeze it. If you are late, you may not see the owner of Guo Baduan and the doctor in Cuiyun County." A middle-aged man said with a smile, because the car was a little dark, otherwise he would have recognized the middle-aged man inside, as he was from Licheng, not who was Licheng Rubber King.

"Some brothers are seated and they are driving." The driver shouted, and the small van was started, and a group of people tightened their hearts again. The car would not break down, but after the van was opened, the window opened and it was quite cool. A group of people were chatting in the carriage.

A week later, the two major enterprises in Licheng joined together to quickly become the largest taxpayer in Licheng. No one could have imagined that the first meeting of the two bosses was in this tattered van.

On the same day, the Qidong City Automobile Exchange set a record high. Later, he rushed to the richest people in Qidong City who did not get on the bus and went directly to the automobile exchange to pick up the car and leave. Of course, everything born outside was coming to the immortal. Guo Bad, who stayed in the hospital, knew nothing.

"Mr. Old, please sit down and wait for me to dispense some medicine. I have a 70% certainty about the yin poison in your body, but it may take longer to dispense medicine." Lin Xi smiled and said to Ao Feng, Ao Feng ordered Nodded, then Lin Xi went into the depths of the medical hall, and Guo Bad stayed outside.

"Uncle Feng, do you believe that Lin Xi can handle the yin on you?" Guo Bad asked with a smile, "The method of poisoning is very special, don't backfire at that time."

"Little bad, spread a large array around the immortal to the medical museum. If the venom in my body is discharged, you will kill this Lin Xi directly." Ao Feng said, squinting his eyes.

"Feng Feng, if this Lin Xi can deal with the evil in your body, I can only say that he is better than the kid in this respect, so he won't kill him, not to mention that it is not easy to kill him with my current strength." Guo Bad said softly.

"Then seal him, and then slowly pack him up." Ao Feng continued, "Little bad, if he can rule out the venom in my body, it proves that Lin Xi is a demonic person, one hundred percent It's the demons. "

Ao Feng said, remembering the fight with the Demon Strong, that was the time when he was trapped by the evil, and was tortured by the evil for more than 100,000 years. At that time, the Devil strong took a word, "Ao Feng, if you want to get rid of the evil in your body, you can only surrender to my demons, and the demons of millions of years can only be cracked by us demons, haha. "

"So it is!"

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