Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 497: Is man a devil?

When Lin Xi was going to dispense medicine, Guo Gang walked out of the immortal and went to the medical hall because the patient took a photo. Now the whole fairy went to the outside of the medical hall and was surrounded by people. Guo Gang came out from the inside and many people recognized it at a glance After Guo was bad, the scene was extremely hot. Bayi Chinese Website www.く 8 く 1√zW. CoM

"There is no way to line up like this." Guo Bad said secretly in his heart, then waved his hands to the crowd, and the people who watched in an instant calmed down.

"All of you, Dr. Lin from the immortal is dispensing medicine. I hope everyone will cooperate. If there is a need to see a doctor, one hour later, regardless of whether Dr. Lin Xi has finished dispensing, I will see you here on the spot." Guo Bad said with a smile, a group People cheered.

"Dr. Guo, I'm a reporter from Cuiyun Daily. Could you ask me if you came to Cuiyun County to find Dr. Lin Xi? Now there are rumors on the Internet that you think you can't treat the illness of Mr. Lao. Lin Is there a doctor? Is this true? "A female reporter asked loudly, holding a recording pen.

"It is the doctor's responsibility to treat illness and save people. The so-called fighting doctor is just a process of mutual learning between doctors and doctors. I came to Cuiyun County for something else this time. I happened to meet Dr. Lin Xi and came here. A beautiful woman also said well. I ca n’t treat the hidden illness of the old gentleman who came with me. Dr. Lin can. If he can heal the old gentleman, I will thank him alone. ”Guo Bad said with a smile.

There was another uproar at the scene, and then Guo Bad explained to the people at the scene a few words. With the help of several people, a group of people pushed to the tea house where the immortal went to the hospital.

"It's really troublesome to get it done. The location of the medical hall where the immortal arrived was not bad. It fits the avenue of feng shui. It's not easy to set up a team." Guo Bad said secretly, a few yin and yang twin jade pieces turned into powder Alas.

Lin Xi's strength is not weak, Guo bad dare not care, after a large array of cloth, and then followed up with eighteen small arrays, this is the end, Guo bad looked at the crowd in the teahouse, shook his head can not help but shook his head, I hope nothing happens.

Guo Bad didn't return to the medical hall, and began to agree with these people. Guo Bad looked at it for an hour and talked directly with the owner of the tea house. He took out a table and a chair from the tea house and directly outside the tea house. Put down, after a while of effort, the line was lined up outside.

"Good luck today. Although I didn't wait for Dr. Lin Xi to see a doctor, I didn't expect to meet the owner of Guo Bad Museum who was not a doctor." One doctor said with sigh, other people who came to see the doctor also nodded. They know a little bit.

"Not good, Xiaolinzi is in danger." While Guo Babu was playing, the old man and the two old men who were staying in the farmhouse became hard to look. The old man opened his eyes and said softly.

"There should be no flaws exposed. They are all famous and decent. Can they not say anything without a hand?" Said the old woman, squinting.

"Famous orthodox? When I sealed my master of the Demon race, I still used it all the time. I just divined for a moment, Lin Xi is in danger, I just released a trace of my sense to the immortal and went to the medical hall. I feel that the immortal is here. The array was laid out outside the medical hall, and it was terrible. "The old man said softly.

"Is that the two old guys clothed them? It looks like they came prepared. I didn't expect that a third prince ’s temple would have caught the attention of these guys in Heaven. It ’s really bad. I ’ll go out and see if The real medicine seal Kobayashi, I don't mind fighting with them. "The old woman squinted.

"Old lady, it's not the two old men who play the formation, but the formation of the young man." The old man shook his head and said, "You can't take the shot unless you have to. There are rules in the world. We may not be the opponents of these people. We ca n’t afford to lose it now. It ’s important to rescue our ancestors. "

"It is because we ca n’t afford to lose that we have to rescue Xiaolin Xi, old ghost, do n’t forget, there is the blood of the ancestor in Xiaolin Xi. If he is taken away by the people in heaven, our future plan will be It is even more difficult to achieve. "Said the old woman, with a faucet crutch in her hand, and a strong breath came out from the crutch. The old man shook his head helplessly, standing with a short stab in his hand. stand up.

Guo Bad unhurriedly showed the patient to the fairy outside the medical hall, and Shui Yunzi walked out from inside, watching a trace of merit entering Guo's body, Shui Yunzi couldn't help but want to open a The clinic is now in the world. The best way to return to heaven is to accumulate merits.

From 3 pm to 6 pm, Guo Bad treated more than a hundred people continuously, but more and more people saw the doctor. There was no movement at the side of Lin Xi, and Ao Feng stayed in the immortal to the medical hall.

"Dear friends, come here today. I just looked at everyone's situation just now. There are no particularly serious illnesses. Come here today. It has been three hours. To be honest, I am a bit tired. Now I will show you. I am afraid that the effect is not as good as before, so it is too irresponsible to you. "Guo Bad stood up and said softly.

Everyone said that they could understand that most people who knew that they were not in the hospital were very clear. They do not open until six o'clock. Unless there is an emergency department, they usually do not accept doctors after six o'clock.

"Everyone go back first. It ’s bad for your health at night. I went ahead. I will be here tomorrow at ten. I will try to help everyone as much as possible. In addition, after returning to the imperial capital, I will speed up my medical treatment. Cuiyun County will be selected as the museum's opening of the medical museum throughout Huaxia. "Guo Bad said loudly, the crowd cheered, got Guo Bad's promise, and everyone left slowly. Guo Bad took a deep breath. After returning the tables and chairs to the teahouse, walked into Shenxian again to the medical hall.

"Thank you very much, Guo Guan. If it wasn't for Guo Guan's help in treating so many patients today, I'm afraid I can't figure it out for three days alone." Guo Bad walked into the medical hall. Not long after, Lin Xi changed his clothes. Stepped out of it and said with a smile.

"Dr. Lin is polite. Dr. Lin is satisfied that Guo bad is nosy, and Guo bad is satisfied. I don't know if Dr. Lin's detox medicine, Dr. Lin, can handle it." Guo Bad asked with a smile.

"Father, I'm very lucky. The seniors of Zongmen sent me some medicinal herbs a few days ago, otherwise this detox medicine might be difficult to handle." With that, Lin Xi had an extra pack of Chinese medicine in his hand, and Guo Gang smelled it with his eyes closed. Smell, a lot of medicinal scent was inhaled, and most of the medicinal materials Guo Gu could directly guess what it was, but there were two things, and I didn't know what it was.

"Dr. Lin, send the Buddha to the west. It is better to help Uncle Feng here to take the detox medicine here, and cure Uncle Feng, Guo Bad has a great gift." Guo Bad said with a smile. Lin Xi nodded, but at this time Ao Feng's expression was serious.

"Xiao Bad, he just said that some of Zongmen's predecessors sent me some herbs. In Cuiyun County, he may have more than one Demon. The Demon's whereabouts are weird and everything is careful!" Ao Feng Chuanyin told Guo Bad.

Lin Xi did not ask the apprentice to help. He put the Chinese medicine into the casserole in front of Guo Badian's face. After a small carbon stove was lit, he started to decoction. The four of them sat around the stove. Lin Xi's face was calm, but this time But the back has been completely wet with sweat.

"The medicine is fried. Does the owner of Guo Guan still need to check it? If you don't check it, the old man will drink it while it is hot. After a joss stick, the junior will put a few shots on the old man to let the Yin poison out." Lin Xi said with a smile between Guo Bad and Ao Feng.

"Thank you, my friend." Ao Feng poured medicine into his mouth without waiting for Guo to speak badly.

Lin Xi watched Ao Feng take the Chinese medicine, and there was a sense of pride and coldness in his eyes, but Lin Xi also did not have a glimmer of expectation in Guo Bad and Ao Feng's eyes. Is Lin Xi a man or a demon?

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