Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 499: Dreaming of the Devil

"It's really amazing. The bone in your hand should be a leg bone of your demon predecessor. That's why your demon people would have such a perverted idea and use their ancestor's bones to refine weapons. "August Chinese website www.w.81.w.com." Guo bad can't help but said loudly.

"You don't need to control any refining weapons," said Lin Xi, and rushed to Guo Bad again. Guo Bad had an extra flying knife in his hands. Yes, it was in the hands of the Hilton family Taobao. The flying sword, then Li Xunhuan soared into the realm of heaven, and the flying sword that broke the thunder, the thing of the sun, was exactly the one that restrained the thing of the yin in Lin Xi's hand.

"Brother Xunhuan, I don't know if I used this knife to break the air, I used it right, to die." Guo Bad roared, the flying knife in his hand turned into a silver light and flew to Lin Xi, so close, Lin Xi hides nothing Can hide.

"Yuan Ying comes out, this body is really too weak, Guo bad, let you see my true body." Just as the flying knife hit Lin Xi, a Yuan Ying separated from the body, and then Lin Xi Changed a look, rushed directly to Guo bad.

"You actually forcibly occupied the physical body of a living person, **** it, this is against the sky. Do you have no wives, children and young children in the demons?" Guo Bad escaped Lin Xi's blow and looked at Lin Xi's physical body lying on the ground. Live asked loudly.

Zhixin Zhenjun occupied Guo Bad ’s body that day because Guo Bad ’s Yangshou was exhausted that day. Although the soul was not taken away by the ghost soldiers, but the physical body was already a soulless thing, but Lin Xi ’s approach was completely different. He even took it directly. The physical body in front of you forcibly suppresses the original soul in the physical body.

"It ’s just as noble as you are. Is your physical body yours now? Do n’t let it go, I tell you, whether you were sent by heaven or degraded by heaven, no matter if you were Jinxian is still a quasi-sage. In the world, you are not my opponent, let's die. "Lin Xi finished and disappeared into the void.

Guo Bad looked at the disappearing Lin Xi, a familiar feeling poured into his mind, and then a little smile was revealed in the corner of his mouth.

"Xiao Guanbao, don't worry, there is nothing going on with your sister, Guanbao doesn't cry!"

"Little guy, don't cry anymore. I'm here to save you, Chen Guanbao. This name doesn't sound good. It's called Chen Qingyuan in the future."

"The path of medical ethics is orthodox. Healers first, medical ethics first, medical skills second, and no virtuous doctors are not doctors."

"Spiritual heart, recently I can feel that I can no longer control the heavens, for fear that there are not many days in the world, I am going to ascend to heaven."

"Chen Qingyuan has practiced for thousands of years in the world, you can go to the Department of Heavenly Medicine to be a Heavenly Doctor!"

"Laojun, I heard that the Shangxian who is in charge of Tianshu has been transferred to another place. Please see if I have been in the medical department for this day. Is it possible for me to see Tianshu?"

"Chen Qingyuan is in charge of Tianshu for thousands of years. He comprehends the skills of reading the mind from ancient books, and has completed his merits.

"Xinzhen Zhenjun peeped at the fairy bath, this sin should be punished!"

"Sin is not worthy, let us downgrade the world!"

"Guo bad, this name is good, good people don't pay for their lives, bad people live for thousands of years, and life on earth is good."

From the time when Guo Bad met Sun Dasheng in Tongtianhe to being degraded for tens of thousands of years, it was like playing a movie and flying in Guo Bad's mind. Guo Bad shook his head. It turned out that his life was so rich, as if I have forgotten that I am fighting a war with the demons.

"Haha, read Xinzhen, I didn't expect that you were really a fairy, haha, peeping at the fairy bath, I didn't expect that you still have such a hobby, Zhenjun, get to know me, I am a descendant of the power of dream magic You can choose how you want to die. I will create a beautiful dream for you, haha. "Lin Xi appeared in front of Guo Bad, watching Guo Bad saying.

"I, I have now entered your dream. Is this dream the dream of Dasheng?" Guo Gang asked with a hint of nervousness.

"I naturally don't have the strength of my ancestors at that time, and I can trap the grand monkey of Qizhongtian, but with my current strength, it will be more than enough to trap you as a little magpie immortal and a kid at the peak of Jindan period." Lin Xi smiled Saying deliberately, "I won't follow the ink with you, remove you first, and get the two old guys outside, right, it seems that the kid who came with you ran away, but it doesn't matter, I will take you by my side Remove all of them, haha. "

"Is that? I think so too, I feel like I'll get rid of you, and then I'll deal with the two old guys outside, the descendants of Dream Devil, you should be the second one I met, if I didn't meet the first one I'm afraid I will plant it here this time. "Guo said with a smile.

"Read Xinzheng, you are the strongest opponent I have encountered in the world, but you want to break my dream, it is impossible. You think you say this now, I will be afraid of you, will I believe it?" Roared loudly, looking at Guo Bad straightly, as if to bring Guo Bad into another dream.

"Don't waste your energy, I am indeed in your dream, but you are also in my imagination. Although I cannot use mind reading, but it is more than enough to deal with you, yes, I forgot to ask you a question Now, if you have the blood of dreamers, you should know Xia Houtian. ”Guo Bad said with narrowed eyes.

"Xiahou Tian was killed by you? It's you, I know, no, how could I lose to you, no, my ancestor rescued me." Hearing Xiahoutian's words, Lin Xi suddenly went crazy, he was taken One of the ten million demon soldiers in the sleepy array, because he got a trace of blood from the dream when he escaped from the array, he naturally knew who Xiahoutian was, and one escaped earlier than him. Demon Demon soldier, but somehow was killed.

"Afraid, don't be afraid, let me see what secrets you have in the demons, Dream Demons, demons are powerful, we have a beam again." Guo Bad said, Lin Zhi's technique fell on Lin Xi's body , But has not played any role, Lin Xi has no breath.

"Mengmon, just escaped a trace of blood, there is such a mighty power, if it is really escaped by the big demon, I am afraid that the world will face a catastrophe." Guo Bad said to himself, and settled Lin Xi, It's time to see how Shui Yunzi and Ao Feng are now.

"Old lady, Xiao Linxi's breath disappeared, fear of an accident, what should I do now?" Just as Guo bad got Lin Xi, the impenetrable old man with Shui Yunzi asked loudly to the old woman.

"Xiao Linxi is dead. We can't live if adults blame them. Old man, you can find a way to escape. There is no way we can break through the big gap in Cuiyun Mountain. I ’ll entangle them. It ’s bad for us. Let them pay a little price. "The old woman said, in fact, it has skyrocketed, and the original itself had a concealed sign. Ao Feng did not dare to explode too much strength, but now she ca n’t control so much. , Has slowly caused Tianlei to roll.

"I dare to explode the Yuan God, do you dare? Haha, you three have to die, old ghost, run fast, the farther you go, the better, the adults will find a way to contact you. Yes, sooner or later, the Three Realms will be ours. "The old woman roared loudly, smashing Ao Feng's attack and rushed to Shui Yunzi.

"Shui Yunzi, run away, this old woman is very weird, don't try to hit it hard." As soon as the old woman rushed to Shui Yunzi, Ao Feng shouted loudly, Shui Yunzi didn't dare to carelessly, his figure flickered. However, the old woman chased Shui Yunzi relentlessly. At this time, the old ghost had escaped the scope of Shui Yunzi's attack.

"Shui Ye, Feng Ye, you let go, so presumptuous in Xiao Ye's dojo, do you really think that Xiao Ye is a nibble?" Xuanyuan Hao didn't know when he had appeared in the void and shouted at everyone. .

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