Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 500: Domineering Golden Lotus

Everyone heard Xuanyuan Hao's words, they all choked, and even forgot that they were fighting each other. Guo Gang is a black line with a look on his face. The third prince, can't be out of trouble. The strength of the three people who are fighting has reached the end of life. Realm, what fun is your little kid in the opening period. "㈧㈠ 中 Δ 文" network WwwW. 8⒈Zw. Com

"Old woman, grab your hands quickly, otherwise this is your end." Xuanyuan Hao looked at a group of people with weird expressions, feeling a little upset, shouted at the old woman, and then threw a man in black from his sleeve, not old Who is the ghost?

"This, it's impossible. What kind of blinding method did you use? If you want to kill the old ghost, it's still far from your kid." The old woman said, giving up chasing Shui Yunzi and heading towards Xuanyuan Hao. Fly away.

"The third prince is careful, you are not his opponent." Guo Bad shouted loudly, and it was too late to rescue Xuan Yuanhao.

"In terms of strength, it is just a seven-star demon. Let me see my destiny magic weapon, the true lotus body." Said, Xuan Yuanhao did not dodge, there was a golden lotus beside him, and he hit the old lady unfairly.

"No, what is this? The demonic breath on me is completely suppressed, go to death, stinky boy, who are you?" The old woman said, although the demonic breath was completely suppressed, but with her physical strength, she attacked again Xuan Yuanhao.

"Who am I? Haven't you heard what the bad brother shouted? When I came to my dojo and asked me who I was, I was your grandfather." Xuanyuan Hao said loudly, watching the old woman flying to her, Lotus covered herself directly, and then spread a layer of golden halo around her body.

"Touch!", The old woman bumped out of the aura, and then bounced out fiercely. Originally, the magic breath was completely suppressed. Now it's okay. There is no living breath, Guo Bad looks around, frowns Up.

"Dead?" Xuan Yuanhao put away the lotus and asked the old woman lying on the ground couldn't help.

"People are dead, but the three souls and seven souls are gone, weird." Guo Bad said softly. Shui Yunzi and Ao Feng had fallen in front of the old woman's body. After examining for a while, he shook at Guo Bad. Shake his head without leaving any clues.

"Prince III, you killed this old ghost. Did they show their souls at that time?" Guo Gang looked at Xuan Yuanhao and asked.

"No, when dealing with this guy, I directly killed them with these twelve petals of lotus. I didn't notice the soul. Is it true that the demons have no soul and soul?" Xuanyuan Hao couldn't help asking. Road.

"No, the demons and humans also have three souls and seven souls, and they know how to protect their souls better than humans. The seven-star demon, if the lotus body in the hands of the three princes does not absorb the soul, there is only one It is possible that when they occupied the flesh, they only separated a trace of consciousness. If so, the real strength of the two seven-star monsters is estimated to be around ten stars. "Ao Feng said with squinting eyes.

The bad nodded his head slightly. The Tianshu records are good. If it is a ten-star demon, he can indeed occupy the flesh without the soul, and his strength is comparable to that of the big Luo Jinxian, and he is only a short distance from the quasi-sage realm.

"Little bad, don't worry too much. Now that there are rules in the world, even if it is a ten-star devil, we have a way to deal with it." Ao Feng looked at Guo Bad with a smile and said, "Three Prince, your twelve petal lotus is Bring it out at the Humanity Mansion. According to the situation on earth, it should not be possible for you to refine. How did you do that? "

After Ao Feng said, several people set their sights on Xuanyuan Hao, came out of the human family mansion, several people went to Shushan, and used the return platform to refine several good magic weapons, but they could not gather the power of the people at that time. The refining of the twelve petals of lotus leaves nothing to be desired, but the true lotus body used by Xuanyuan Hao was indeed transformed by the twelve petals of lotus.

"When the bad brother set off, I was idle and bored, and went to Cuiyun Mountain again, but just after reaching the top of the mountain, I suddenly felt that the twelve petals of lotus in my body seemed to have a reaction, and then followed the twelve The petal lotus guide came to an open area, and then I felt a terrible breath, but before I found a way to deal with it, the twelve petal lotus automatically recognized the Lord, everything was passively accepted by me, to be honest, I Now I do n’t know why there is this lotus body. ”Xuanyuan Hao said slightly red.

"Ahem, then you dare to deal directly with the old ghost man, you are not afraid to be taken away by the old ghost man." Guo Bad asked with a black face.

"I came down from Cuiyun Mountain and saw a dark shadow in the void. Then I felt that the twelve petals of Jinlian were full of warfare. It was also his idea to kill the old man. I was passive, but it was me who dealt with the old lady. Dominate, it seems that after the old woman was killed, Jin Lianzhen really fits me completely. "Xuan Yuanhao said softly.

"Clean up here first, how to explain to the patients coming here tomorrow is the big problem. Dr. Lin Xi was killed, and it is a little troublesome." Guo Bad said softly as he looked at the two bodies on the ground.

However, to clean up the mess, the three princes, Ao Feng, and Shui Yunzi did not help. Guo bad collected the two bodies into a gourd, and then lifted the shrouds surrounded by the gods to the medical hall. After finishing these, it was already At four o'clock in the morning, it was slightly cold, and at this time a little girl appeared in their field of vision.

"Boss, that little girl is coming here, it won't be a descendant of Da Mo." Xuan Yuanhao asked softly.

"It's a little girl, but why do you look so familiar?" Guo Ai whispered softly, greeted quickly, and the weather was slightly cool in the early morning of autumn. The young girl was wearing some thin clothes, Guo Ai covered her clothes with a small The girl's body.

"Thank you big brother, my name is Lin Yunyun, you can call me Xiaoyun." The girl said softly, Guo badly nodded, at this time Guo bad knew who this little girl was in front of him, and Lin Xi's daughter was occupied by the big demon Lin Xi's daughter before the body.

"Come in the medical museum. I happen to have something to ask you." Guo Bad said, took the little girl's hand and walked into the fairy to the medical museum.

"Is Dr. Lin Xi not here?" The little girl couldn't help asking softly after entering the medical hall.

"Xiao Yun, Lin Xi should be your father, why don't you call Dr. Lin Xi instead of calling your father." Guo Bad asked softly.

"A month ago, Dad moved the previous medical museum here. From that day on, he asked me to call him Dr. Lin. My dad was called Lin Xi and his name was Lin Shan. Brother, what happened to my dad, why is he not in the hospital? Inside the hall, I heard my classmates say he wanted to compare with a divine doctor in the imperial capital, and I wanted to come and see him today as early as possible. "Xiaoyun's voice grew older and quieter, and Guo Bad touched Xiaoyun's head lightly. Lin Xi ’s body was inside the gourd, and his soul was forcibly suppressed by the big demon. To be precise, Lin Shan was not dead, but it was not easy to reawaken Lin Shan ’s soul.

"Xiao Yun, your dad is not in the medical center now. He will be back in seven days. By then, your dad will still be your previous dad. The elder brother promised to get your dad back." Guo Bad said softly, Xiao Yun listened When Guo was bad, a smile appeared on his face.

"Uncle Feng, go to Cuiyun Mountain with the third prince to take a look. I will find someone to resolve the matter at the third prince temple. Uncle Shui, I remember that you said before that water is the spirit of all things, and I will leave it to you to awaken the soul. Now, if anything is needed, I will try to find it. "Guo Bad said with a smile.

"If you can find a nine-turn Jindan, things will be done. You can find them, and I'll do other things." Shui Yunzi said with a smile.

"Cough, cough, Uncle Shui, if there is a nine-turn Jindan, this matter will not bother you. I will find a way to deal with Yang Dan, but Lin Shan's body must be handed over to you for help before it can be completely completed. The effect of panax medicine. "Guo Bad said, took Xiaoyun to the rest, and then handed Lin Shan's body to Shuiyunzi.

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