Urban best village doctor

Chapter 1597 Fourth update

Xuanwu stopped.

Standing in front of the ancient warship, he proudly said: "After months of research, I can use it to reverse time and space once!"

"Reverse time and space?!"

Li Xiao was surprised: "Really or fake?"

Reversing time and space, even if Li Xiao is an ancient sage, he can't do this. The stronger his strength, the more he feels that the principles of heaven and earth cannot be changed.

Reversing time and space sounds like an illusory thing.

"Of course it's true." Xuanwu said affirmatively, "It's too mysterious, and I can't explain it clearly, but I know it's definitely possible, just like we know how to use mobile phones, but we don't know how to make them."

"I can use it, and for what reason, I can't analyze it."

"However, it is not all time and space that is reversed, but some things."

Xuan Wu explained it to Li Xiao, and Li Xiao probably understood that the time and space reversal mentioned by the former refers to a few specific people, a specific time, and a specific area.

Not the whole world!

In other words, once time and space are reversed, it will only affect a small number of people and things, and the general direction of the entire world will not change.


This is amazing enough!

With it, it is completely equivalent to having an artifact, you can continue to try and make mistakes, and you are not afraid of failure!

"Unfortunately, it can only be used once. After one time, this warship may be completely destroyed." Xuanwu said, "Don't waste time, let's go in!"

"Remember, if there is any danger in a while, don't stay too far away from me!"

Xuanwu stood on the battleship, his whole body was glowing, and when he pressed his palm forward, a strange way was engraved in the void.

"Once something goes wrong, we will reverse time and space and come back here!"

In order to reverse time and space, a point must be left. Now that the artifact is damaged, it is impossible to reverse it for too long. They said that this 'point' was left outside the place of great evil.


The warship made a loud and clear sound, floating in the void, as if walking on the water, slowly entering the place of great danger.

"Not only Zixuan, Ye Lan, but also Ye Han have entered the place of great danger." Li Xiao stood at the bow of the boat, said to the little turtle, and told Xuanwu about his battle with the ten ancient clans.

"What... Duan Tian said, he is dead?" Xuanwu was shocked, obviously, he had been secluded in that empty space and knew nothing about the outside world.


Li Xiao said: "Yueyan and I are also married."

Xuanwu was surprised. He never expected that in just a few months, Li Xiao would set off such a turbulent wave, destroying the ten ancient clans, awakening the Great Ming Peacock King, and entering the Lingxiao Pavilion.

This speed and efficiency shocked Xuanwu extremely.

"There are also those few jade pendants, which were taken away by Tian Xia."

Over the past few days, Li Xiao told Xuanwu one by one what he had experienced. After hearing this, Xuanwu had a deep meaning: "Heavenly Blind has always followed reason and nature. The way of heaven shows that the way of God will come out. Maybe he is doing this. Those who The jade pendant has long been deduced to be related to the legendary divine path."

"Giving it to him may not be a good thing."

Xuanwu expressed his opinion: "I have been in contact with Tianxia, ​​he is not a good person, nor is he a bad person, but he is too stubborn, thinking that everything needs to follow the trend, this person must be guarded, he is likely to end up Lean toward the protoss beyond the universe!"


Li Xiao nodded. He had already had this idea. If everything went according to the trend, then all spirits in the universe would hardly be opponents of the Protoss.

"One more thing." Li Xiao said.

"What's the matter, tell me quickly, you're still hiding what you're talking to me?" Xuanwu despised Li Xiao and chirped.

"Then what, I'm sorry for you. I fought with Duan Tiandao and broke your imperial army...uh..." While speaking, Li Xiao took out the map of Shanhe Sheji.

Today, the Mountains, Rivers, and Sheji Map has long lost its divine light, and it looks like an ordinary picture scroll, which is very dim.


"What did you say?!"

The little turtle gritted its teeth and roared: "Your sister, you accompany me, accompany me Dibing, this is the Dibing who has followed me for many years, Dibing, you broke it like this?!"

Li Xiao was silent.

"You stay with me, you have to stay with me!" Xuan Wu persisted.

"Don't talk, we're here." Suddenly, Li Xiao spoke, signaling Xuanwu to be quiet.

With the delay of time, the two have come to the place of great evil.

They seemed to have passed through a layer of enchantment. It was still a plain before. After passing through that layer of enchantment, the appearance in front of them completely changed. The mountains in front of them were undulating and winding, and the mountains were like giant dragons lying on their backs, with magnificent waves.

The only strange thing is that there is no life here, and you can still feel the breath of life. The old trees seem to be full of vitality, but in fact they have died at some age, with only a shape and no spirit.

It's like the specimens preserved by human beings seem to be full of vitality, but in fact they have long lost the existence of life.

This is the restricted area.

All restricted areas have one thing in common, that is, there is no life on the surface, otherwise they would not be called restricted areas.

As soon as they came in, Li Xiao and the two felt a strange law, depriving them of vitality.

The same as the forbidden life zone that Li Xiao went to, there is also a life-depriving power here, which is stronger than the forbidden zone of life, more than ten times stronger than a hundred times stronger.

Now, with the strength of Li Xiaoxuan and Wu, it is not a bad idea to go to the restricted area of ​​life, but here, they still have to raise their spirits to resist that kind of power.

"There are creatures!"

Not long after walking, Li Xiao's eyes shot out a bright light, and he looked towards an old forest, where a pair of blue eyes was watching them.

It had a strong aura, and it was a beast of the saint level. It was terrifying. Although it was a holy beast, it was strange that it had no intelligence. The pressure of the ancient saint burst out in Li Xiao's body, and it fled away immediately.

However, Li Xiao and Xuanwu also had to be 10,000% focused. Just now when they came in, they encountered a holy beast. What kind of existence would there be in the central area?

"I have observed this place before, and every step inside is a murderous intention." Li Xiao said, when he and Yue Yan spent their honeymoon, he came outside the restricted area to observe the situation inside.

He discovered that the layout of the place of great evil is really a vivid killing formation, once touched, it will inevitably set off a shocking killing.

"I know, but there is no way, I must break through!"

There is no solution to those killing games, at least with the abilities of Li Xiao and Xuan Wu, it is impossible to just get through it so peacefully.


As soon as their words fell, the warship touched something, and there was a rumbling sound in the air, as if a mountain was collapsing. At the same time, the void was torn open, and a terrifying force of devouring gushed out, trying to swallow them go in.


Xuanwu had already made preparations, and when a picture scroll was sacrificed, Li Xiao directly resisted this force without making a move.

However, this was only for a moment, and in the next moment, the scroll shattered and turned into waste paper, flying all over the sky.

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