Urban best village doctor

Chapter 1598 The Fifth Change

The picture scroll was made by the blood of a sage, so it was broken, Li Xiao and Xuan Wu's expressions changed.

However, fortunately, at that moment, the warship had already moved forward and passed through that area.


On the warship, the horn blared loudly, resounding in all directions, as if announcing the arrival of Li Xiao and Xuanwu, which was extremely high-profile.

Moreover, the voice was so penetrating that Li Xiao couldn't suppress it even if he wanted to!

This place is really a step by step scene. Previously, there were mountains stretching. The deeper they went, the more desolate they became. A yellow mountain stood in the distance. Plants, bare, not even soil visible.

"Damn it, it's not a mountain, it's a tooth!" The little turtle said in horror. He could tell at a glance that the mountain of tens of feet was a tooth of some kind of ferocious beast. It looks a bit like a mountain.

"What kind of creature is it?" Xuanwu was a little shocked, such a big tooth, its owner must be so huge, just one tooth is already like a mountain.

"There are holy objects on it!"

Li Xiao's eyes were bright, looking at the top of the high mountain, above the peak of the teeth, there was a thing like an antelope, with long horns of an elder, but its body was pure black, full of fierceness.

It is very huge, as high as 100 meters, and its body is full of muscles. Standing on the top of the mountain, it is like a small hillside born on the teeth.

Another holy beast!

When it saw Li Xiao and Xuanwu, it ran away immediately. When it ran, the mountains shook and the ground shook.


Because it was too flustered, it didn't know what taboo it touched. It was crushed by an invisible force just after running out for less than two hundred steps. Before it could scream, it turned into pieces and blood flowed.

Li Xiao and Xuan Wu's mood became more and more depressed.

A holy beast died just like that.

It's really weird here.

Ye Lan, Lin Zixuan, and Ye Han, if they enter here, is there any chance of them surviving?

"No, they can't die, even if they die, I want to see their corpses!" Xuanwu was unwilling to give up, he looked absurd on weekdays, but at critical moments he was extremely serious and never gave up.

Li Xiao didn't say a word, he could start a war among the ten ancient clans for Ye Han, and he could also break into a terrible place for Ye Han.

He has the same idea as Xuanwu.

Live to see people, die to see corpses!

Xuanwu is the teacher of Ye Lan, Ye Han, and Lin Zixuan. He has a special way to sense the breath of the three of them, and he drives the warship forward all the way.

"They've been here before."

Half a day later, they came to a lake. On the way, they encountered many dangers, including the crushing of the avenue and the attack of creatures, all of which were resolved by the two of them.

Following the breath pursued by Xuanwu, the two came here. This is a lake, and the water in the lake is red. It is not so much water as it is blood.

Both of them smelled a bloody smell.

A long lake passed through the middle of the Great Ominous Land, dividing the Great Ominous Land into two halves, and the aura of the three of them disappeared completely when they arrived here.

"How did they disappear here after walking so far?" Li Xiao was very surprised, the lake was very calm, there was no wind, let alone waves, everything here looked very calm.

"It's time to use the divine power of the warship." Xuanwu said cautiously.

"We are going to reverse time and space now?" Li Xiao said, "We are not in danger now."

"It's not reversing time and space, it's just reappearing the old scene!"

This is the second divine power of the warship, and it is also the rule of reversing time and space. Because it is not very useful, Xuanwu didn't tell Li Xiao at first.

He came to the sail and sat cross-legged on the ground, a divine splendor emerged from his body, and his figure gradually became nothingness, as if he had merged with the battleship.

In the next moment, the void in front of the hull, like a wave of water, set off a layer of ripples.

Then, a picture appeared.

Li Xiao seemed to see time going backwards and forwards, and kept going backwards, the sun rose day by day, the sun rose day by day, day after day...


Suddenly, Li Xiao shouted, he saw a small, thin figure in the picture, it was Ye Han!

In the picture, Ye Han was seriously injured, and his vitality was almost extinct.

He walked to the lake and seemed to be talking about something.

No sound can be heard, only flickering pictures can be seen.

Not long after, he took steps and entered the lake step by step, and then was submerged.

Li Xiao's eyes widened!

"Back further!"

"I can't..."

Xuanwu opened his eyes and used the artifact. It was still a broken artifact. Some of the laws needed to be completed by him, and it was difficult to persist: "There is no way to go backwards."

"Let me try!" Li Xiao said, "Teach me how."

"Forget it, I have already modified it, and now it only recognizes me, and the rest can't perform it at all." Xuanwu said, "Who made this Valkyrie too powerful."


For a while, Li Xiao was speechless. He also tried, but the warship didn't respond at all.

"What should I do now? I also saw Ye Han walking into the lake." Li Xiao didn't understand how Ye Han could get here with his strength, let alone who he was talking to and what he said in the end.

"Li Xiao, you are right here, I'll go down and have a look." Xuanwu said, he jumped off the warship and wanted to enter the blood lake, but Li Xiao grabbed him.

"Wait a minute."

The blood lake is too mysterious. With Li Xiao's strength, he still can't see through the bottom. No one knows what he will encounter if he walks down rashly. He doesn't want something to happen to Xuanwu.

"Senior, do you have any advice?" Taking out Hou Yi's bow, Li Xiao hoped that Hou Yi could give some advice.

Hou Yi woke up from a deep sleep, his spiritual thoughts flowed out, and then he immediately shrank back: "It's so dangerous, the law here seems to have a kind of devouring power, this is the place of great evil in your mouth?"

"Yeah." Li Xiao nodded, "Senior, the person we are looking for walked into the lake in front."


Hou Yi was a little hesitant, obviously he knew something, and it was hard to say: "Brother, Xuanwu, I advise you to go back, here...you can't come here."

"Senior, do you understand this place?" Li Xiao asked.

"Tell me!" Little Turtle asked, "Although I don't remember, we used to be friends. You should know my character. My student is missing here. No matter what, I must find out!"

Hou Yi fell silent.

After a long time, he let out a long sigh:

"With this fetish, you have a way out. Maybe, you can give it a try. I probably know where the person you are looking for has gone."

Hou Yi said to Li Xiao: "May I borrow your body?"

"Yes!" Li Xiao agreed without hesitation, "What do I need..." Before he finished speaking, he already felt a wave of divine consciousness, following Hou Yi's bow, entering his body and occupying his body.

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