Urban best village doctor

Chapter 500 Machinery

Qian Xiaosheng was stunned, his whole face froze when he heard the growl, and he turned his head mechanically.

What came into view was a simple, innocent, and somewhat lazy face, that face was smiling at him, and beside him, there was a little dog that looked like a pet. animal.

"Hey, I didn't expect to catch up so soon." Qian Xiaosheng squeezed out an ugly smile, "Well, my food is still in the pot. If there is nothing wrong, let's play chasing each other another day. , um, that's it, I'm leaving..."

Li Xiao looked at Qian Xiaosheng with great interest. Just as the latter was about to leave, Xiao Bai stopped in front of him, blocking his way.

"Hey..." Qian Xiaosheng turned around, "Dude, don't bully me too much!"

"That's right, I'm just bullying too much, what's the matter!" Li Xiao spread his hands, he likes the way others can't understand me and can't get rid of me.

"Okay, okay, you forced me!" Qian Xiaosheng took out a pack of cigarettes from his body, took out one and lit it, took a deep breath, and then exhaled thick smoke.

Under Li Xiao's guarded gaze, he suddenly sat down on the ground, changed the subject, and begged, "Brother, please let me go, please, I really, really haven't seen the person you asked before." !"

"Do you think I believe it?" Li Xiao was speechless for a while, he thought the grandson was going to make some big moves.


"Little Bai, bite him!"

"Don't, don't, don't!" Qian Xiaosheng raised his hand, pretending to be protective, and said quickly, "I said, it's okay if I say it!"

"You're smart." Li Xiao looked at him condescendingly, looking very calm on the surface, but in fact he was already extremely nervous.

If this guy had really met his grandfather, then his goal for this trip would be much clearer, at least he wouldn't be running around like a headless chicken.

"The person in the photo is called Li Laojiu by people in the Jianghu, and more people call him Jiuye. He has a very wide network in Kyoto. When he was very prosperous in Kyoto, it was probably my grandfather's time. Later, he appeared again. It seems to be Five years ago, it was said that someone had seen him." Qian Xiaosheng squatted on the ground, smoking a cigarette, seeing that he was continuing to remember.

Usually, when most people talk about the past, they will take out a cigarette, smoke it slowly, and then show Qian Xiaosheng's expression.

Having found the clue, Li Xiao was not in such a hurry, he just looked at Qian Xiaosheng quietly, waiting for him to continue.

"Hmm..." Qian Xiaosheng nodded to himself, and continued, "I don't know what's next."

"What?" Li Xiao grabbed his collar, "You really don't know?"


"Little Bai, bite him."

"I know, I know..." Qian Xiaosheng seemed to be very afraid of wolves, and when he saw Xiaobai about to charge up, his expression changed.

"Isn't that right? Are you going to force me to be rough?" Li Xiao let go of him, and patted his neckline, "Everyone is a gentleman, if you can use your hands, you must not use your mouth. Hurry up, my time is precious. "

"The records about Lord Jiu are all things he did in Kyoto before, and those things were recorded by my grandfather, which is very mysterious. I don't think you will believe it. Our family never easily provides information to others."

After a pause, Qian Xiaosheng glanced at Xiaobai, and said, "But because of our predestined relationship, I'll give it to you for free. Come with me."

After finishing speaking, Qian Xiaosheng turned around and left. In order to prevent him from escaping again, Li Xiao followed him every step of the way. He had roughly guessed that this kid basically had no other skills other than running fast.

Qian Xiaosheng took Li Xiao, and soon came to an Internet cafe, found a computer, took out an old-looking USB flash drive from his body, and inserted it into it.

Suddenly, a square window popped up on the computer monitor, and various green texts flashed in the window. In the center, there was a search box, which looked very sci-fi.

"What is this?" Li Xiao asked curiously.

"The family heirloom of our Qian family contains information about Kyoto and celebrities in various cities!" Qian Xiaosheng narcissistically praised himself while typing some strange symbols into the input box.

The symbols didn't seem to have any rules. After he entered more than a dozen, he pressed Enter, the search box disappeared, and various folders flashed non-stop.

In less than ten seconds, the search box stopped, and rows and rows of special symbols appeared on it. On the far left, there was a photo.

The photo showed a man in his thirties. After seeing him, Li Xiao was taken aback for a moment, but soon became excited.

Because the eyebrows in that photo are very similar to Li Laojiu.

"This is when Master Jiu was young." Qian Xiaosheng explained, "Don't stare at the screen. These things are a combination of English, Chinese and special symbols. No one in this world can see them except me and my father. Understand."

"Isn't it just a piece of information, is it necessary?" Li Xiao clicked his tongue.

"This is not just a piece of information, but a database. With it, most things in the world can be known." Qian Xiaosheng said proudly, "For example, information about you!"

As if to demonstrate how awesome he is, Qian Xiaosheng turned the computer camera to Li Xiao, and Li Xiao's appearance appeared in the window. At the same time, an exclamation point appeared in the window, and another row of information appeared immediately.

On the left side of the file, there is also a photo, which is actually Li Xiao's.

"Li Xiao, who lives in Ningxiang Village, is about to be 21 years old, um... Yes, he played a key role in the collapse of the Sun family in Pujiang. He has a strong influence in Pujiang, established the Ningxiang Group, and many women There is an unknown relationship..."

Qian Xiaosheng looked at the various symbols in the window and read them out at a leisurely pace. As he read more and more, Li Xiao's expression became more serious.

Ten minutes later, Li Xiao was dumbfounded. Qian Xiaosheng actually read out his date of birth, when he was a child, and when he left Ning Village.

And this is because of the complicated text in the window.

Among them, Li Xiao is a monk.

Fortunately for Li Xiao, there is no record about his clairvoyance, nor the three years since he disappeared.

Those three years, even in his database, showed a blank.

"No wonder, no wonder you are looking for Li Laojiu, so you are his grandson..." After reading all of Li Xiao's information, Qian Xiaosheng entered another line of characters, and Li Laojiu's information appeared again immediately, "In this case, about I can tell you about Master Jiu, and it is not a violation of the oath my grandfather made back then."

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