Urban best village doctor

Chapter 501 Heaven

Qian Xiaosheng is not simple, or their family is not simple.

Originally, Li Xiao just thought that Qian Xiaosheng knew something and possessed a strange speed, so he didn't take his title of know-it-all seriously.

But when he read out some of the things he had experienced, the former realized that this guy is really not simple.

You must know that very few people know that Li Xiao is a cultivator, but even this is recorded in the database.

From this point alone, it can be seen that Qian Xiaosheng also knows that there are ascetics in this world.

And Li Xiao also found out that when Qian Xiaosheng said the word ascetic, he just froze for a while, and then returned to normal immediately, so he didn't feel surprised.

This also shows that what Qian Xiaosheng has seen, heard, and contacted will never be achieved by an ordinary person.

"Oath, what oath?" Li Xiao asked suspiciously.

"An oath is an oath, the kind I swear to God, if I do..." Qian Xiaosheng said speechlessly, "As a powerful person, your grandpa knows of the existence of our Qian family, so in order not to expose his whereabouts And some news, he once found our family, and made my grandfather swear not to reveal his information"

Li Xiao had a strange expression on his face: "Your grandfather is really poisonous..."

"I also think that other people are cheating fathers, and he cheating grandchildren. I haven't figured this out yet. Okay, do you still want to know about your grandfather's information?"

"You are not afraid that you are his grandson without jj. Back then, my grandfather swore that he would not tell outsiders. His grandson is an outsider."

"But you didn't know that I was his grandson before."

"So I didn't intend to really tell you just now."

After Qian Xiaosheng finished speaking, he realized that he was wrong, and subconsciously slapped himself on the mouth, "Just now, that last sentence was a joke."

"I believe you..." Li Xiao paused, "Then I'm an idiot."


"Hey." Qian Xiaosheng scratched his head, didn't speak any more, and began to seriously browse the strange characters in the window.

In fact, he really didn't intend to tell Li Xiao about Li Laojiu at the beginning, not only because of the oath his grandfather had sworn.

After all, in his generation, in the 21st century, the so-called oath is a fart.

Even in ancient times, swearing was almost the same as bragging. This can be seen from the sworn relationship between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu.

It was agreed to die on the same day in the same year, the same month, but the two later turned against each other and slashed at each other with knives. In the end, Xiang Yu committed suicide in Wujiang, but Liu Bang was not a shit, and the foundation of the great man lasted for five hundred years.

Then to his descendant Liu Bei, who became sworn brothers with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and agreed to die together like his ancestor Liu Bang, but he quietly became the emperor for several years.

Therefore, Qian Xiaosheng never took the oath to heart. The reason why he really didn't say it was because Li Laojiu's identity was too sensitive.

If his past events are uncovered and known to interested people, I am afraid that the hidden forces in the capital will fall into chaos again.

His family can't afford this kind of thing. Qian Xiaosheng has no ambitions. He only has two wishes in his life. One is to find his long-lost sister, and the other is to live his life in a mediocre way, not wanting to be dragged into the legendary rivers and lakes. resentment.

"Your grandfather, whose real name is Li Damo, was married to eight other people at the beginning, and was ranked ninth, so he was called Li Laojiu, also known as the Nine Masters. He had a lot of experiences in his life. From the very beginning of sight, it has been recorded all the time, if it is said like this, even ten days without eating or drinking may not be able to finish it..."

Qian Xiaosheng clicked his tongue and said, "What do you want to know, just ask me, and I'll see if there is anything you want."

"I just want to know where he is now." Although Li Xiao wanted to know about the past, the most urgent thing was to find him first, and he would naturally learn about those things in the future.

Besides, he believes that although the so-called Qianjia is powerful, they may not really know about some relatively private things, such as Li Xiao's clairvoyance, isn't it also recorded.

"Let me help you take a look..." Qian Xiaosheng pulled the scroll bar and murmured, "The last time he appeared was in a winter five years ago. That year, there was heavy snowfall in the capital, and the whole city was covered in snow. That night on the Great Wall in Kyoto, a great battle was brewing."

"At 7:50 p.m., Master Tianyuan from Emei, Zhang Shaoyun from Huashan, Ling Woxing from Taishan, and Li Laojiu, four people appeared at the same time."

"Night, it's very quiet, only the heavy snow is drifting. The few people are like immortals, standing side by side, and disappearing into the night after a long time..." Qian Xiaosheng stopped suddenly after reading this.

"And then?" Li Xiao urged, "Where did they go next?"

"I don't know, it wasn't written on it, it was recorded by my grandfather." Qian Xiaosheng said, "It's just that since then, Li Laojiu seemed to have evaporated from the world and never appeared again, which made Wo Xing and Zhang Shaoyun feel ashamed." Disappeared, the only one who came back was Tianyuan Shitai, and even Tianyuan Shitai died suddenly on the second day after returning home..."

"The four of them were all masters at the time, and they were also cultivators. The other three were your elder brother and elder sister who were worshiped by your grandfather." Qian Xiaosheng said, "That's all there is in the records, and there is no trace of their subsequent whereabouts."

The more Li Xiao listened, the uglier his expression became.

As for the authenticity of the information, he believed it was true. From the time point of view, it was very consistent with what the old Sun family had said, and the above basic information about his grandfather was correct.

What the hell did they do that night five years ago? Frowning tightly, Li Xiao asked, "Where's your grandfather, take me to him. Since he was able to record this that night, it means he must have seen something."

"I forgot to tell you that the one who disappeared with them that night was also my grandfather, and the things my grandfather recorded were brought back by someone." Qian Xiaosheng looked a little depressed, "My father was overly sad because of his grandfather's disappearance. , suffered a heart attack overnight, and then died, so this database is in my hands."

"I'm sorry!" Li Xiao said apologetically, "I didn't do it on purpose."

"It's okay, I'm used to it." Qian Xiaosheng said, "After so many years, I actually want to know what happened that night, um... By the way, do you have anything else to ask?"

"Yes!" Li Xiao paused, then continued, "I want to know where Emei is."

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