Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 99: Drink another bowl of your wine

Although I have been sitting outside and waiting for a long time, Su Xiaoli is not impatient at all. In fact, there are very few things that can make the little fox impatient...

Of course, boss Qin hiding in the tavern without opening the door is probably one thing, and apart from this, Su Xiaoli, who has lived for so long, doesn't care at all.

So after seeing Qin Feng coming out, Little Limeizhi immediately stood up and smiled: "Boss Qin, you finally came out. People have been waiting for you for a long time..."

Well, this is the other side of the little fox. Whenever you want to be coquettish, you will be coquettish, if you want to be pure, you will be pure. If you look good, you will feel like she is dancing even if you are crazy there...

The ugly appearance of natural people is the other opposite. You dance all kinds of efforts there, and everyone will think you are crazy there... There is no way this is reality.

But here, boss Qin’s face is a bit dark, and the little fox, the little daughter-in-law, feels like waiting for his own man to sleep with him. What kind of trouble? You say that this person is handsome but there is no way...

"Okay, little raccoon, go and eat it for me... Oh no, it's the next one. I'm hungry after a busy day." Boss Qin waved his hand.

Now Zimeizhi didn't say anything, she turned around and entered the kitchen, but when she entered the kitchen, she threw a wink and almost made Boss Qin be electrocuted.

After eating, Su Xiaoli went home with a grieving expression on his face. Qin Feng took a shower and lay down on the bed, feeling empty around him. After thinking for three seconds, he walked out of the bedroom and was sleeping with a sweet little black hug. Come in and put it on the bed.

Xiao Hei was awakened, but was quickly frightened by Qin Feng. A dog's face was a little deformed, but unfortunately he couldn't get rid of Boss Qin's hand. He could only watch the bedroom door close in front of him... …

Snapped! I slapped Xiao Hei’s **** with a slap to let him lie down, Qin Feng... just now... he hugged him, there is really nothing to hold, and holding Xiao Hei is also a good choice...

What? Did I misunderstand what I wrote? It’s all because your thoughts are too dirty, okay...


Although it was a winter morning, Jiuxianju was full of warmth, but on the pedestrian street outside Jiuxianju, there were gusts of cold wind. Although the sun had already climbed the branches, it still did not bring much warmth to the street.

Boss Qin also woke up, but was lying in the bed and refused to get up...

Boss Qin used his own practice to prove one thing that the illness of difficulty getting up is completely different from the warmth at home. Even if the house is very warm now, Qin Feng still refuses to leave the bed.

Unless Miss Xue can help him dress now... well, this is a dream. He always helped Miss Xue who had difficulty getting up in the late stage of her life dress.

As for the tight little black who was baby yesterday, I don’t know when he was kicked out of the bed, and now he is also awake. Looking at the owner of the bed, the dog’s face is full of inexplicable...

Ah! man……

Although he really didn't want to get up, Qin Feng still got up after lingering on the quilt for a while. There is no way that Su Xiaoli should come. When you say that it is time to go to bed or get up.

After going in casually to wash, Qin Feng walked out of the bedroom and added a handful of dog food to Xiao Hei before he came to the door.

Although it can be considered a half immortal by now, Qin Feng still mustered up the courage to open the door...Well, it's still so cold, but looking at the overtime dogs hurrying on the street, Boss Qin suddenly felt...life Still very beautiful!

Why do you say that there are overtime dogs in the people you see in the morning? This is the experience of boss Qin.

After being on this street for so long, I didn’t learn the others well, so I only learned this eye. If you look at that, the radius of the dark circle is about a quarter of that of the panda’s eye. I decided to stay until two o’clock last night. Just slept.

And that, that is directly one-half, needless to say, four o'clock!

The most powerful ones are the ones who are just as glorious as panda eyes. With dark circles under their eyes, they are comparable to national treasures. Needless to say, they must be programmers, and they are programmers who have spent the night!

I don’t know which cheating product manager gave them the task...

After three seconds of silence for these big brothers, Boss Qin began to say hello.

"Oh, Lao Liu, I haven't slept so early yet. Let's stay up all night last night. Come and come in and finish the bar...Of course there is no alcohol at this point. Would you like to drink a bowl of water?"

"What's the relationship between us? Who do you think of me? It's not a big deal to charge you ten yuan for a bowl of water..."

"Eh, Lao Liu, why don't you drink if you don't drink? Why do you curse? If you have the ability, don't come to drink today!"

That’s right, I don’t know when it will start. Boss Qin, who was originally just getting up in the morning to see those working people, is now directly incarnate as the king of mockery. If he didn’t have a handkerchief in his hand and he didn’t eat melon seeds in his mouth, he would be alive like this. Taking off the old bustards of the ancient Yichun courtyard, opening your mouth and shutting up is the uncle here to play...

At this time, Su Xiaoli who came to deliver the food would cover his face. He really didn't know that guy. Where was the good cold? Are you not a male god?

It's just a little strange today. Before the little fox brought the food, an old man walked over.

Qin Feng didn't even look at it. He just wanted to say that there is no alcohol right now, but when he swept his eyes, he saw a familiar face, and he suddenly stunned his original words, which directly became these words.

"Yeah, you are always alive!"

The conscience of heaven and earth, boss Qin can swear, this is definitely not what he wants to say, he wants to explain that it is "your old body is okay...", the ghost knows that it becomes what it is now.

Old man Yan: "..." Boss Qin, you haven't been beaten to death yet, I really think you are dead!

That's right, the visitor is the old man Yan, who hasn't been to Jiuxianju for a few days. I heard that he took his female secretary to travel abroad, which made Qin Feng very envious!

What is a bull? This is called a bull. You can still have this ability if you are seventy old and eighty, it is considered powerful.

It's just that the old man Yan who is here now is alone, but the secretary Su Yan next to him is not there.

"Old man~www.wuxiaspot.com~ you are finally back, where is your secretary?" Qin Feng asked with a smile.

The relationship between him and old man Yan is similar to that kind of year-end friendship, so sometimes he doesn't seem to be so polite when he speaks...Of course, no matter how polite, with the first sentence pad, then the other party will have a way to kill him. impulse.

Old man Yan smiled and said, "I told her to resign. It's not good for her to follow me all the time..."

Qin Feng: "..." That's really not to mention it, but it's crazy in my heart!

Old man, you still have the face to say that it is not good for the other party to follow you, you know it is not good and you still carry it for so long...

"Okay, boss Qin, don't talk about it, let's go. Why are you asking me to stand at the door? Go in and have another bowl of your wine!"


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