Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 100: What wine taste is this

There are many metaphors for life. What is like tea or wine or coffee, but for Boss Qin, nothing feels like. Life is life. You have seen two people whose lives are the same.

The reason for saying this is because now Qin Feng looks at Old Man Yan's state a bit wrong.

The other party came, didn't bring the Secretary Su Yan with him, and said that he let her resign...

To be reasonable, Qin Feng thinks he still knows this old man very well. The other party relied on his ability, from young to old, to successfully make himself one of the top sommeliers and the one with the most enemies.

After all, old man Yan tasting wine, few people can hear good things from him, so many people who specially invite him to wine tasting and want to advertise are finally sprayed with the birth of the Three Buddhas.

But this world is just like seeing a ghost. In the eyes of his colleagues, he was a dead old man, but he was more and more popular with everyone. Many companies actually rushed to let him scold him...

So everyone feels that this is really a bad day. We are so easy to talk. As long as you have money, the good people who can praise you are not invited. People like you who give the money and you still scold you after receiving the money are so many people please... …

Of course, it's not that no one wants to imitate. After all, everyone in this world has people imitating even things like ants on live broadcast days, let alone those who collect money and curse.

It's a pity that Dong Shi Xiaoping said that, when someone collects money and scolds others, you collect money and scold others... and there will be no more.

After seeing the appearance of those colleagues, no one dared to imitate Lao Yan anymore. Since then, Lao Yan has become the only one in the industry.

Before, Qin Feng felt that Lao Yan had such a high seniority in the industry and his skills were so good, so many people must respect him.

It turned out later that Lao Yan's appearance in wine tasting is the same as that of his boss Qin in the wine industry. They are not seen by others. Perhaps this is the so-called high altitude, as boss Qin thinks. road……

Looking at the untouched drink on the table, Qin Feng said helplessly: "Old man, if you want to drink, drink it quickly. I made it specifically for you. If someone else sees if I can make it, this morning... "

He was really helpless. Old Man Yan said he wanted to drink, and then he walked in and sat there until he brought the wine to him or sat there, not drinking, just watching quietly, watching everywhere.

This made Qin Fengyu feel that there was something wrong with Lao Yan. If in the past, Jiuxianju's wine was in front of him, the old man would definitely drink it when he picked it up, without burping!

Hearing Qin Feng's voice, Old Man Yan smiled slightly: "Boss Qin, stay calm. You can drink wine faster and slower. Different moods have different drinking methods."

"I went out this time, ran a lot of places, drank a lot of wine, but only after turning around, there is still no wine that can compare to yours..."

Qin Feng was a little surprised when he heard Old Man Yan start to talk about the wine he went out to drink and who he met. However, Old Man Yan said that they were no better than his own, so he listened very happily.

Old man Yan was talking there, speaking in great detail, and Qin Feng listened very patiently here...Anyway, he is eating breakfast now, it doesn't matter, he should just talk to him with old Yan.

Su Xiaoli stood by and watched. He was about to pour the wine, but the two of them are not drinking now, so they can only watch.

Old man Yan spoke for about forty minutes, and then he smiled as if he suddenly woke up: "Sorry, boss Qin, let you listen to such nonsense for a long time..."

Having said that, with a pair of old eyes looking at the pear blossom white wine on the table, Lao Yan shook his head and smiled: "But this wine, I can't drink it anymore..."

The words were very calm and the tone was very calm, but the meaning in the words made Qin Feng a little creepy...

"Old man, you...what's wrong?" Qin Feng asked tentatively.

Old man Yan laughed and said: "It's nothing, but some minor problems were detected, so the doctor said that you can't drink..."

It was still that relaxed tone, without a slight change, but Qin Feng still heard something wrong.

Who is the old man Yan? He is a real alcoholic. Qin Feng thinks that the guys in Jiu Xianju are all pseudo-drunkards. Old Yan, he really likes wine from the bottom of my heart, rather than just pursuing wine. feel.

The most important thing is that there are many minor problems with not being able to drink, but Lao Yan has a big problem like this. Not only did he make Su Yan resign, he also suddenly came to Jiuxianju to ask for a bowl of wine, but didn't drink it, just watched there... …

If Qin Feng didn't guess wrong, the old man Yan in front of him is not a small problem...

Lao Yan is certainly not a minor problem. Liver cancer is a cancer with a very high rate now, especially for people like him who have drunk all his life.

The only good wine in this world is Jiuxianjuli wine, because they are not ordinary wines, and the materials used to make wine come from the fairy world.

But there was only one Jiuxianju system, and there was only one Jiuxianju, and before Jiuxianju opened the door, Lao Yan had already broken his body by drinking.

The doctor gave him a diagnosis, take a good rest, maybe he can live for a month...

When he got out of the hospital, Lao Yan thought a lot. There were many people who were hostile to him and many friends, but there were not many real friends. At this time, the first thing he thought of was Jiuxianju, the wine of Jiuxianju. , And that boss Qin.

So he came. After he came, he stopped drinking. Lao Yan didn't know why, or... he was laughing at himself in his heart, and he was afraid of death after all, otherwise he should let go of the courage to drink and die. what……

In fact, now, seeing Boss Qin, seeing Boss Qin’s wine, Lao Yan already feels very satisfied. Although Qin Feng is young, he seems to be a confidant. If you are old, you can have such a confidant. , It's pretty good.

Qin Feng looked at the old man Yan, knowing that the other party had a big problem but didn't say anything, this made him very unhappy!

After thinking about it, Qin Feng asked, "Lao Yan, if you can't drink or you can't drink, are you sure you don't want to drink now?"

Old man Yan still had that smile, as if there was nothing to move him at this time.

"I don't want to, I have drunk all my life..."

Indifferent, Old Man Yan is indifferent now, after seeing so many winds and rains, now he doesn't care about anything...

Qin Feng shrugged, then looked directly at Su Xiaoli, and the other party understood what he meant when his eyes moved.

There is a little monkey wine left in the brewery. It was the first bottle left over. The quantity is very small, that is, it looks like you can pour half a glass.

The little raccoon girl pursed her lips and smiled, and then went into the brewery. She knew where the wine was.

Here ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Old Man Yan is already there and said goodbye calmly: "Boss Qin, I have put it down completely now. Wine is not so attractive to me anymore, and I won't see you like I did before. It's time to drink the wine..."

"I have come to the present. I have experienced a lot and learned a lot, but I have never regretted it..."

Lao Yan said something calmly, which made it look like a wise elder who didn't fear death at all...

Until the little raccoon girl at the counter opened the wine fairy gourd and poured out the last bowl of monkey wine...

"Look at the current society, people's hearts are floating... um wait!" But when he saw Old Man Yan twitched his nose twice, he suddenly curiously said: "Hey, the taste of this wine is really fragrant!" ()


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