Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 166: Real old driver

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This show operation made Boss Qin dumbfounded. Sure enough, there are many forests when the bird is older!

Using girlfriend's money to trick another girl into opening a room, of course this is not the point. The point is that he really did it. It is estimated that he could continue if it weren't discovered by this girl.

Sitting at the counter, Boss Qin felt melancholy. It’s okay to put a single experience here. After all, there is a good saying, who hasn’t met a few scumbags when he was young.

But, what's the problem? The two experienced him forming a perfect contrast. The first one is rich but caressed, and the second is not rich, he also caress...

After thinking about it for a long time, Boss Qin finally touched his conscience and exclaimed: "Perhaps only a man like me is rich and handsome, and he doesn't bother..."

However, Boss Qin decided to open a video with Miss Xue first to soothe his wounded heart...

But as soon as he took out his mobile phone, Qin Feng saw that the door of the tavern was pushed open, her hair still fluttering, and Li Tongmei, who is known as the dirtiest tavern, walked in.

"Hey, it's Tongtong, rare guests and rare guests, come and sit down quickly!" Boss Qin rushed over and let the little raccoon girl who was going to go up to receive the paper look dumbfounded.

People who didn't know thought this sister paper was boss Qin or who.

Tongtong? Li Tongmei took two steps back immediately. She felt that she was frightened. Boss Qin’s attitude was nothing. After all, he always behaves like this every time he asks for help. The key is this title...

"Boss Qin, if you have something to say, I think you can help as soon as you can, but you must not call these two words, I can hear it a little bit..." Li Tong said with a scared expression on his face.

Boss Qin laughed and said, "In fact, it's nothing. I just want to ask you, have you ever been in a relationship before?"

It turned out to be in this respect. Li Tong nodded, found a place to sit, and casually replied: "Of course I have, you are not nonsense, I'm so old, I can't always use cucumbers. ..."

Cough cough... Boss Qin suddenly felt choked with his saliva. He drove off off guard, making himself a little unacceptable suddenly, and I wonder if he can get off the car...

But, sometimes it’s just a bad mouth. When encountering these things, I can’t help but reply. For example, now, boss Qin subconsciously replied after coughing: "Actually, I think bananas should be good too..."

"Cut!" Li Tongmei sneered: "How can a banana compare to a cucumber? The cucumber surface has small raised particles. You can learn from practice. Boss Qin, you don't even know this..."

Qin Feng: "..." Qin Feng roared crazily in his heart. How could I be a man knowing this? I can't use this stuff. It's not easy to say anything else...Bah, what are you thinking!

On the other hand, Li Tongmei didn't care what Qin Feng was thinking about there, and said to herself: "Actually, these are all trivial things. You see, I had a friend before, her boyfriend, that would be very selfish. "

Um? Mentioned a boyfriend, although it is a friend, but it is not bad, maybe it can be regarded as an experience.

So Qin Feng answered there, "Oh, where is selfish?"

Li Tongmei said: "My friend and her boyfriend, you have to wear a small umbrella when you are together."

Qin Feng was a little confused when he heard the words, but he still asked, "It doesn't mean that the man cares about the girl."

"Don't interrupt!" Li Tong said dissatisfied: "Also, these are all threaded!"

Qin Feng: "..." In fact, he especially wanted to say that if this is selfish, then he would be extremely selfish. It is clear that everything is for the girl's consideration!

But sister paper wouldn't let him say, he could only hold it there.

At the table, Li Tong continued to say, "Are you trying to say that this is not selfishness? I tell you, the key question is that the man wears the cat in reverse every time..."

Ah...Huh? Boss Qin... Boss Qin has only one idea now: Open the door, I want to get off!

I sat back at the counter in a daze. Three minutes later, boss Qin was still thinking about a question. Didn’t I ask her about her love experience, why was she dragged along for some reason...

Maybe this is the real veteran driver, who took you into the car smoothly.

Boss Qin, who had been stunned for a long time, decided that he would be safer when choosing a candidate next time. Forget those guys who are like this kind of drag racing in minutes.

Of course, just like Xueer, the old driver who seems to be inexperienced at all, Mengxin, forget it, after all, it is impossible for her to have any love experience.

In the next period of time, boss Qin hooked up with all kinds of beauties in the tavern all day, delivering a pot of wine, and then let the beauties tell their stories.

What? White, rich and beautiful girl? Don't say a pot? What's this little thing? Believe it or not, I killed it with ten pots of wine...cough cough, what, little raccoon, go up and fix her!

Anyway, you also eat all men and women... Oh no, it's all kill. Since you have this ability, you should save some bars. It is not easy to make money these days, right...

With the help of the little limei paper, boss Qin's progress is called fast. Of course, he is a little confused by so many love experiences.

The world is so big, as expected, from the first unhappy, to now I want to take the initiative to listen to other people's stories.

It's a pity that this is immoral, and how could a man such an upright, courageous and kind-hearted man like Boss Qin do such an immoral thing, so he decided to listen to ten or eight more...

Of course, after the mission is over, the mission period must not exceed nineteen. Otherwise, the mission will be completed. His boss Qin really wants to see the "horrible things" mentioned by the system!

With this progress, time flies quickly, and it soon arrives in the evening a month later.

It was 11:30 in the evening, but the little raccoon girl still did not go home.

Without him, boss Qin said, let her go later tonight, and by the way, help send back the last guest in the tavern.

Su Xiaoli only rolled his eyes about this, and actually asked himself a girl to send another girl~www.wuxiaspot.com~What do you guys do!

Looking at the time, Beauty Yin yawned again and said: "Boss Qin, it's almost time, you still have to pinch time when listening to the story. What's wrong..."

Think of me, Yin Xueqing, ice and snow, smart, beautiful and invincible, if this guy promised to give five pots of honey wine, how could he do this!

Qin Feng smiled and didn't say anything. His action tonight was an adventure. The two sisters present, Yin Xueqing and Su Xiaoli, didn't know how dangerous it would be next!

He knows the power of the system very well, so what exactly is the horrible thing the system says?

Under the light, Qin Feng's had silently controlled the Liuqijian, this was the power that Xiaodie gave him!

After all, at this time, the system is not so reliable in his eyes...

Time is ticking, and finally, the second hand drags the minute hand to the top...

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