Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 167: Really scary

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The time finally arrived at twelve o'clock in the evening, Su Xiaoli and Yin Xueqing still looked ignorant, not knowing that boss Qin's heart had already been raised.

For Qin Feng, this was an extremely dangerous test. He was testing the system to see what the system wanted to do. Through the reaction of the other party, Qin Feng could determine one thing, confirm this all-time guess!

And at the moment when the second hand left twelve o'clock, Qin Feng suddenly smiled at Yin Xueqing: "Xueqing, okay, you can tell, this time tells stories, there is so much atmosphere..."

Yin Xueqing: "..." This is my experience of love, not a horror story. As for telling it at twelve o'clock...

However, the beautiful woman Yin Dacao is still very dedicated to her work, and if she accepts other people's wine, it must be done according to other people's affairs. After all, not everyone is as unethical as boss Qin.

"Actually, my experience is quite simple, that is, I like him but he doesn't like me..." Yin Damei said very casually, with a calm expression on her face.

After all, it has been so long, even if it was the unforgettable love at the beginning, it is already about to be forgotten now, not to mention the character like Yin Damei.

"What's wrong, boss Qin, do you have any questions?" Yin Xueqing asked suddenly while she was talking.

Because she saw that when she said that the boy who had little characteristics didn't like him, Boss Qin's face suddenly changed, as if...as if constipation!

This makes the beautiful woman Yin very upset, you said that I kindly told you about me, and you actually laugh at me now. This is tolerable or unbearable!

Qin Feng hurriedly apologized after hearing this: "No, Xueqing, I'm not laughing at you, I just suddenly thought of a funny thing..."

Well, he didn't believe what he said, let alone Yin Xueqing. Looking at the mocking smile on her face, Boss Qin suddenly wanted to look up to the sky.

"One more pot of honey wine!" Qin Feng instantly added before the explosion of sister paper.

"What a big deal..." The beautiful woman Yin said with a smile: "Boss Qin, you just smile, it's okay..."

Of course Qin Feng wasn't laughing at Yin Xueqing. In fact, he didn't smile at all. The reason why his expression changed was because it was past twelve o'clock, but the system never said anything!

What's the situation? Didn't it say that if the mission cannot be completed within a month, terrible things will happen? How come there is nothing wrong now?

This makes Boss Qin feel very upset. What do you mean? I, Qin Feng, had already posed and prepared tools. I was waiting for you, but you actually withered?

You are here, you are punishing, you are doing those horrible things, why are you dumb now...

Boss Qin was sitting there, spitting in his heart, huh, it turns out that the so-called system punishment is actually a silver pewter tip, and that's it. If it is really scary, you will come!

Finally, Yin Xueqing here finished her own experience, but now, Qin Feng can no longer think about these things, because the system that pretended to be a dead dog for a long time finally spoke!

"It was detected that the host did not complete the task'What is love' within the specified time, so the system will punish the host. Starting today, all the gains within one month will be deducted by the system!" The system's voice is still the same, but Qin Feng Inexplicably, I heard a kind of... mockery?

Right is ridicule! Qin Feng can be sure that he heard it right, this system is deliberate, absolutely he is deliberate!

As for this punishment... The unwavering boss Qin only wants to do one thing now...

"System, we are not brothers, I was joking just now, I was really joking, you know, I like to joke, this kind of punishment is unnecessary..." Boss Qin said in three seconds. Kneeled to the system inside.

It's a dog day! This so-called punishment is really scary...

However, no matter how he begged for the system, the system just ignored it, and finally waited for Boss Qin’s plea to stop before the system spoke again: “Although the host has exceeded the mission deadline, the mission has been completed in the end, so the mission'love is What's the reward of unfeeling wine is still issued, please check it by the host!"

Hearing this, Qin Feng's eyes lit up, as he had guessed, even though he had exceeded the deadline, the system still gave a task reward...

That's right, Qin Feng had guessed before, is the task the most important thing in the system?

No, the most important thing is the reward after the mission!

From the beginning to the present, the tasks given by the system, except for those tasks that are particularly nonsensical as if they are deliberately punishing people, the other tasks of the system have only one purpose, to develop Jiuxianju, and to grow oneself!

And before, Qin Feng didn’t know about this, but after he started to come into contact with the wine secret realm, he already started to think about it, even though he entered the secret wine realm in the so-called soul state, but everything in that secret realm They all bring him an extremely real feeling!

Qin Feng has always had a doubt about the system. It provides itself with all the brewing technology, all the raw materials, and the technology is not important, it is the materials that are important!

Where did these materials come from?

Although Qin Feng has come into contact with the supernatural now, he still believes in one thing, that is, these materials can never be produced out of thin air, even if the other party is a system!

The system is the creation of Jiujianxian. Perhaps Jiujianxian is very powerful and can create everything out of thin air, but what about the system, does the system also have such powerful power?

Qin Feng didn't think so ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so he guessed after the secret of wine came out, the materials given by the system should be obtained from the secret of wine!

Of course, there is one more thing Qin Feng didn't understand, that is, the ingredients of the fairy wine are not in the secret world of wine. After all, the materials that can brew the fairy wine are extremely rare!

Through this incident, Qin Feng thought of other aspects, and that was the purpose of the system.

All task rewards in the system seem to be calculated, everything is to improve his brewing skills, so Qin Feng boldly imagined that in the system, the important thing is not the task, but the reward of the task!

Today, through this test, Qin Feng has confirmed his guess. According to reason, if the mission is really important, then the mission period must not be exceeded. Once it exceeds, the mission will definitely fail.

However, on the basis of punishment, the system still gives rewards for tasks...

So what is the purpose of the system? Sitting at the table, Qin Feng was lost in thought...

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