Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 169: Xiu Enai's daily operations

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One sunny morning, the bitter cold of winter is slowly disappearing, and spring has gradually awakened the plants that had rested for a whole winter.

Boss Qin still got up very early. No one knows what he experienced last night. Everyone can only see that Boss Qin seems to be less concerned about tavern business...

No way, all of the monthly turnover will be deducted, which means that no matter how much wine is sold this month, it has nothing to do with his Qin Feng.

So don't blame him for being distracted, it's all normal operation...

But, this person is sitting at home, the pot comes from the sky, and boss Qin sits well at the counter, and suddenly he is stunned by Xueer's words!

"Boss Qin, I heard that you left Sister Xueqing until twelve o'clock last night?" Xueer said with a gossiping face: "What did you do last night? It is said that Sister Xueqing didn't go to work today!"

As soon as the voice fell, all the drunks in Jiuxianju all looked over. Everyone's face was full of gossip. What happened, boss Qin actually carried Miss Xue on his back... spent the night with a single, older beauty?

Yin Xueqing: Sleep, let me talk about my age, your dog's head!

Huh? Qin Feng was stunned, but he quickly reacted and said, "What do we do last night? Let me tell you Xueer. You can't talk nonsense about this. I didn't do anything last night!"

"Cut..." Xueer said with a smile: "Boss Qin is worried, you see this kind of thing, everyone understands, talk about what we did, we will keep it secret for you..."

Qin Feng curled his lips, but we will keep it secret for you, every time it is yours to spread the news quickly.

"Just to reiterate, I just invited Miss Yin to do something last night, Xiao Li can testify!" Qin Feng retorted again, pointing at Su Xiao Li while speaking.

Little Limeizhi nodded and said: "It is true that Boss Qin just asked Xueqing to tell her love story, and she didn't do anything else."

Brother Monkey who didn't know where he came up immediately leaned forward and laughed: "Boss Qin, Xiao Tan is your waiter and listens to you. She can't be a witness."

"And why didn't Yin Xueqing go to work today? Boss Qin, you still admit it..."

"Yes, boss Qin, you still admit it..." the other people eating melons in Jiuxianju said there at the same time.

I, he...Qin Feng stared his eyes and said: "I did not do anything, I admit it, I tell you this is slander, this is absolutely slander, I am such a clean and self-conscious man, now it is rare to see you know! "

It's a pity that no one believes him anyway. It's mainly Xueer's "supposedly". Yin Xueqing didn't go to work today. Then what happened last night is obvious...

"Boss Qin, invited a single beauty to tell a love story at night? Do you think we are fools?" Boss Yu Bancheng, who had just finished a project, said with a smile.

It was in Jiuxianju that he was able to joke like this, and out of Jiuxianju, he is the biggest carry handle of Zhongzhou Real Estate.

"That's right, Boss Qin, everyone is a man..." Lao Pang smiled there: "Although I am always clean and self-conscious, I will always only like one person, but, men, everyone knows and understands... …"

Even Lao Pang came to join in the fun, and Qin Feng suddenly wanted to see the sky, and now he couldn't cleanse himself when he jumped into the Yellow River.

And seeing Lao Pang joking like this, Qin Feng's suspicion of Lao Pang being Jiujianxian was directly reduced to less than 5%. After all, Jiujianxian is so lustful, it is absolutely impossible to say that he only likes one person.

Originally, there are few things that can make everyone happy in the tavern. After all, since the reputation spread, all the guests who come to Jiuxianju are like partridges, and they are incredibly well-behaved.

It’s hard to see Boss Qin’s iconic martial arts, which also makes the people who eat melons at Jiuxianju a lot less joy. Therefore, as long as they seize the opportunity, they must be joyful...

And there is nothing more joyful than "framing" Boss Qin, especially when you look at him with a serious face and explain there, you can feel refreshed for three seconds just by looking at it...

In the past, your boss Qin always took us seriously, and made us speechless. As the saying goes, the way of heaven is reincarnation, who will the sky bypass? Your boss Qin also has today!

To talk about suspicion, everyone basically believes in Qin Feng. How is he and Miss Xue? Everyone has always been watching. If you really want to do something, I believe that Su Xiaoli who is in Jiuxianju every day will be A better choice!

After all, up to now, many people on the Internet still regard Su Xiaoli as the goddess in their dreams. Many men and women who come to Jiuxianju to drink are all for Su Xiaoli...

But Boss Qin is not helpless. After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and said, "Since everyone suspects that I have done something bad, it is simple. I will let Lingyun look at it, and you will tell her. Believe her or not!"

With that said, Qin Feng invited Miss Xue to open a video. It should be night at Miss Xue's side, but it is time for dinner, so it must be dressed in clothes, so there is no need to worry.

In the United States, Miss Xue had just finished eating at night and was sitting on the sofa to rest.

What? Why take a rest? Of course, it’s because I ate too much, so I’m tired, I don’t know this.

Since having hawthorn wine, my mother no longer has to worry about me eating too much...This is what Miss Xue thinks. Now her appetite is twice as much as before...

Suddenly heard the mobile phone vibrate next to her, she picked it up and took a look, Miss Xue suddenly smiled, swiping her finger, and connected to the video.

"Eh Xiao Qinzi~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Did you miss me yesterday?"

I'm sorry for Tian. Boss Qin can swear to Tian. This is a daily operation. They both use these words to start chatting every day, so this is the same reaction as a nerve reflex...

"Of course I miss you. Twenty-four hours yesterday, 1,440 minutes, 86,400 seconds, I missed you all..."

After speaking, Qin Feng found something was wrong, and saw a group of people eating melons in the tavern looking at him collectively, all dumbfounded...

"Ahem, so what... Don't mind these details, everyone, I am usually used to this, so be considerate, be considerate..." Boss Qin quickly apologized.

After all, showing affection with a group of single dogs in the tavern is almost the same rhythm as smoking a cigarette after a gas leak...

In the United States, Miss Xue also heard that something was wrong, and quickly asked: "What's the matter with Xiao Qinzi, why are there other people on your side?"

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