Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 170: That feeling

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Boss Qin was there to explain the situation to Miss Xue, and in the tavern, the stunned melon-eating crowd finally eased up, but all of them had that kind of stunned feeling on their faces.

What else are you talking about? What little report is there to fight? People are starting to show their affection directly!

"Lingyun, this is the situation!" Qin Feng finished explaining, then looked at the people in the tavern and said, "Well, talk to Lingyun, including all the rumors you know..."

But before Qin Feng's voice died down, the door of the tavern was pushed open, and the beautiful lady Yin came in.

Today's Yin Xueqing is wearing sportswear, and her slender legs are wrapped in black sweatpants, which makes people involuntarily give birth to the idea of ​​"legs **** years".

"What's the matter? It's so lively, what are you talking about... Oh it's Lingyun!"

But it was the beautiful woman Yin that she saw that it seemed very lively as soon as she entered the tavern, and after a curious question, she saw Miss Xue in Qin Feng's mobile phone.

"Xueqing, you are here too, we were talking about you just now." Miss Xue covered her mouth with a chuckle.

"Say me? What do you say about me?" Yin Xueqing found a place to sit down, a little puzzled.

"That's it, they are all asking Xiao Qin and you what they did last night, and then they said that you didn't go to work today. It must be Xiao Qin..." Miss Xue said very directly.

No way, that's the case with other sister papers, even in Qin Feng's opinion, this girl is sometimes more direct than a man.

Yin Xueqing laughed immediately after hearing this: "I thought what you were talking about, it turned out to be this. Boss Qin did keep me late last night, but just wanted me to talk about my previous love experience..."

Clam? The people who eat melons are stunned again, he is really like this, you are a man, leaving a beautiful woman late, actually listening to her talk about love experience?

Are you sure this is something a normal man can do?

Qin Feng looked at the bewildered people and shrugged: "Believe it now, why doesn't anyone believe the truth these days..."

Xueer said with a dry smile: "Boss Qin, that's all gossip, don't care about these details..."

"That's right, Boss Qin, how could a handsome man like you do that kind of thing? Just now it was all joking, joking..." the monkey said there too.

Qin Feng: "..." It was too quick, you weren't like this just now.

And Yin Xueqing also mentioned the reason why she didn't go to work. It was very simple. Today, sister paper was taken by her mother to go on a blind date again, and the consequences naturally fell apart.

After all, she was born beautiful, and she has become a company executive. She belongs to the kind of girl who can make money and buy a house and drive everything by herself. Normal men naturally look down on it.

So as soon as the blind date was over, I ran to the tavern for a drink.

It's okay, Qin Feng chatted with Miss Xue again, then hung up the video and sat back at the counter.

The unintentional show of affection with Miss Xue just now gave him a feeling again. Combining the love experience of the twenty girls he had heard before, Qin Feng was thinking more and more.

But it's just a feeling. He feels a lot now, but they are all scattered, so this feeling comes and goes quickly, just like a holy Buddha afterwards...

After thinking for a long time without a clue, Qin Feng decided that he didn't want to. Unexpectedly, when he looked up, Qin Feng saw that Lao Pang sitting at the table was looking at the drinkers in the tavern with some inexplicable eyes.

Only for a moment, Qin Feng could be sure that it was definitely not the look that ordinary humans would have!

The look in that kind of eyes felt like... it was like an aftertaste after infinite years and vicissitudes of life. Perhaps this idea is a bit exaggerated, but this is Qin Feng's only idea!

It's just... how is it possible? Qin Feng looked at Lao Pang, and probably discovered that Qin Feng was staring at him, and the feeling of vicissitudes that permeated Lao Pang's body disappeared instantly.

The fat face was humble again, and Lao Pang looked at Qin Feng with a smile and said, "What is Boss Qin doing staring at me, this fat guy? Are you worried that I have broken your tavern stool?"

Qin Feng shook his head, and a smile appeared on his face: "It's not bad to sit, I just thought of my new wine, and thought of some problems, so I was thinking about it..."

That’s right, Qin Feng is hanging Lao Pang again. In his opinion, combined with what he confirmed yesterday, the system really wants to make himself a wine fairy, so if Lao Pang has something to do with the system, then he will definitely care about it. thing!

However... an unexpected thing happened, Lao Pang looked at Qin Feng and smiled: "Oh, boss Qin is about to make a new wine, not bad, I will definitely taste it by then..."

This sentence is not the point. Qin Feng has been staring at Lao Pang’s eyes, and his eyes are the window of his soul. Qin Feng has always believed this sentence, not to mention that he has drunk so much Fengming wine, and he is concerned about the details of the changes in his eyes. You can see it clearly!

But he was disappointed. When he said his new wine, there was no slight fluctuation in the eyes of the opposite Lao Pang. The look was exactly the same as the look of other drinkers when they heard the new wine...

As a result, Qin Feng sitting at the counter felt a little hesitant again, what is going on with Lao Pang!

Looking at the Flowing Sword on the wall again, Qin Feng thought for a while, but still didn't make a decision.

That's right, since last night, Qin Feng has been fighting between heaven and man, whether or not he should use the Flowing Sword to explore Lao Pang's bottom!

After all, he didn't know the identity of the other party. All Qin Feng's current power was on the Flowing Sword and the system, but he already felt that the system was unreliable now, so he could only use Flowing Sword.

At any rate, the sword spirit Xiaodie once gave herself "authorization", and if she does it, she won't be persuaded~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's just that the risk of doing so is too great, and Qin Feng is a little bit at a time. Hesitate, in case Lao Pang's identity is unusual, and if he does that by himself, then it will really be a sheep's mouth.

It's just... if the other party wants to be disadvantageous to himself, it is simply too easy, so Qin Feng is very hesitant now...

After thinking about it again and again, Qin Feng decided to take a look first before talking. The matter has not yet reached this point. He is only suspicious of Lao Pang. If he does this rashly, it may cause some bad consequences.

Calm was restored in Jiuxianju, Lao Pang ate and drank enough, and then left Qin Feng, before leaving the tavern.

As soon as he walked out of the tavern, a smile appeared on Lao Pang’s fat face. If he was right, this young man should have walked his own way. Not bad, it seems that there is still hope!

It's just... the other party seems to be suspicious of himself, then... do you want a showdown?

Standing on the pedestrian street, Lao Pang was also lost in thought...

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