Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 3: Make up tomorrow

The morning in Zhongzhou has always been busy. Office workers walked out of the house with dark circles under their eyes. This is the mark left to them by staying up late last night. They hurriedly walked to the pancake stall on the side of the road to buy. A piece of pancake, and then buy a cup of soy milk at the soy milk stall on the other side. This is the morning of the day. With such a busy life, who has the time to chew it slowly.

And in stark contrast to the busyness of office workers are those old men, one by one, holding swords, walking to the square and dancing around, then sit down at the breakfast stalls on the roadside, leisurely drink morning tea, and eat breakfast. , Go home leisurely.

   In this combination of busyness and quietness, on a grocery street located in the second ring road, a young man of about twenty-three or four years stared at the big word on the wall in front of him, his eyes dull.

   rubbed his eyes again and found that he hadn't made a mistake at all, the young man gave a wry smile on his expressionless face, and turned home early with the one he had just bought.

   pushed open the two mottled wooden doors, the young man walked in, put aside earlier on the table, and sat down on the chair, dragging his chin again and began to daze.

   is almost 30 square meters. The hall faces the main entrance. There are six square tables arranged in two rows. Next to each table are four benches. The innermost is a counter, just like those teahouses and wine shops in movies and TV shows.

   In fact, this is a pub, and it is a pub that has been passed down for three generations. On the two wooden doors outside, there is a piece of paper with the words Qin’s Tavern written on it.

   The young man is called Qin Feng, he is the descendant of the Qin’s tavern generation. No way, his father and mother died while he was in college, leaving only this tavern.

   The Qin’s Tavern is a typical self-brewed and self-sold tavern. All the craftsmanship are inherited from ancient methods. It stands to reason that the business should be good, but in fact, the wine in the tavern cannot be sold at all.

Few people are willing to drink in this pub nowadays. In addition, the location is not easy to find. Qin Feng’s parents are also honest and do not understand advertising or hype. After these years of operation, the pub cannot make ends meet, so it closed down. It's been several years.

Qin Feng stared blankly at his tavern. When he was young, he grew up here. He followed his parents every day, watching them make wine, watching them sell wine, and watching them wipe the tables dry. It's clean, but now, it's going to be demolished here.

It doesn’t matter if it’s demolished, Qin Feng thought. Apart from the memories here, he really couldn’t think of anything left. The pub occupies a large area. Behind the pub is the brewery workshop, which contains all the wines. Tools, unfortunately, have been useless for many years.

   Given the size of this piece of land, the subsidy should be very high, and it should be enough to do some other business by myself.

He hurriedly pulled the early into his mouth. Qin Feng planned to go to the brewery behind to take a look at the tools that had been abandoned for a long time, and see if he could take these things away. Although they are useless, it is always this one. The pub has been passed down for decades.

   Crossed the counter and pushed open the back door. Qin Feng had just stepped into the brewery behind the door. Suddenly, a voice rang in his mind.

   "The host is detected to be normal in body, normal in spirit, without history of mental illness, and can be bound!"

   "Dip! The Brewmaster system has been bound, let's start to check the host's winemaking level!"

  The scan is as follows, and the scan results are transmitted in text form!

   Qin Feng, male, 24 years old, heir to a winemaking family, winemaking technology is close to nothing, comprehensive evaluation, a small white winemaking

   "What's the situation, who is talking next to me?" Qin Feng looked around and there was no one.

   "It's the Brewmaster system! This system has been bound to your soul, please ask directly if you have any questions!"

   "Well, what is the Wine Fairy System? How do I feel that the fairy and the system are against harmony, besides, what do those words in brackets mean!" Qin Feng could not help but vomit a channel after enduring it for a long time.

"The Jiu Xian system, from the immortal world of Jiu Jian Xian and Dr. An of the Under Armour galaxy, this is the product of the cooperation of the two, and the host is also requested not to comment on the name. If the result of the scan is outside the brackets, as for the words in the brackets It was added by the system!"

   Qin Feng inexplicably heard what he wanted to express from the serious words of this system: I am also very dissatisfied with this name, but I can't help it, so you give me a hurry to accept the name...

   "This system is a bit arrogant." Qin Feng thought about it.

   "Host, please don't randomly evaluate the character of the system, the system has no character, thank you!"

   "Do you even know what I say?" Qin Feng was taken aback.

   "Host, the Brewmaster system is bound to the host's soul, so the host's thought system is known."

   "Abnormal..." Qin Feng cursed secretly.

   "Detected the existence of the tavern, the task system is turned on, please ask the host to query the first task independently." After the system finished speaking, there was no movement.

   Independent inquiry? Qin Feng secretly thought about the task panel in his mind, thinking about opening it.

  滴! Mission is in transit!

  First task: Change the name of the signboard of the tavern to Jiuxianju, and then attach the following text under the signboard, it must be big and eye-catching!

  Task description: As the host of the Brewmaster system, how can the reputation of Master Jiuxianxian be hidden, so go work hard!

   Jiuxianju? Need to attach text?

   Qin Feng hurried to read the text below.

   makes the jade liquid flow rosy, sweet and moist.

   There are three drunk shops next to the open altar, and passers-by stop at the horse.

   Dongbin used to have a sword, and Taibai was a black yarn.

   The fairy loves wine and does not return home, but he falls drunk to Xijiang Yuexia.

   The corners of his mouth twitched as he finished reading the poem, Qin Feng's face was completely black.

   "The system, with such an arrogant name and such an arrogant poem, how do I feel that I will be beaten like this!"

   "Please try your best to complete the first task!"

   "System, is there any reward for completing the task?"

   "Please try your best to complete the first task!"

   "Then these words, I can't get them on the computer!"

  "The quest items are already in the counter, please go to the host to get them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qin Feng walked to the counter, and he found a large scroll. There was no such thing as of yesterday.

   opened it and took a look, and it turned out to be the Jiuxianju and those verses already written on it.

   From this look, Qin Feng could see his knowledge. Although he knew nothing about calligraphy, Qin Feng could still see the extraordinary of these characters.

   Looks like clouds and flowing water, chic and elegant, dense and dense, and cleverly clothed, just like the word of a fairy!

   "System, whose character is this? Although I can't understand it, I feel it's amazing."

   "These characters were written by the Eastern Jin calligrapher Wang Xizhi."

What? Wang Xizhi? Isn't that a book saint?

   "System, how many years have passed between Wang Xizhi and Wang Xizhi, how is it possible?"

   "If the host needs to trust the system, if the host doesn't believe it, the system can't do anything about it."

   Qin Feng heard the potential of the system once again: Believe it or not!

  Looking at the scroll in his hand, if this is Wang Xizhi’s authenticity, as long as it is sold, you can lie down and eat it in the next life!

   "Host, quest items cannot be sold!"

   Qin Feng reluctantly rolled up this authentic piece of the right army, ready to go out to find a carving master to engrave it on the plaque.

   "Host, you still haven't got any quest items."

   "Isn't it the only one? What else?"

   "And the plaque on the ground."

   Qin Feng glanced over, and a thick and heavy wooden plaque was placed on the ground.

   Mobile Station:

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