Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 190: Problematic couple

Everyone in Jiuxian Juli looked at this little couple, together with Boss Qin. After all, this was the first one to take the initiative to drink monkey wine after the card was sent out!

It's just...Looking at Li Yan and her boyfriend, everyone always feels a little bit wrong. ? WWWW.suimeng.lā

But this was just a feeling, and then everyone turned their attention to Boss Qin, because everyone wanted to know whether Boss Qin would fulfill his promise!

After all, this is not an ordinary wine in a tavern, but it is a wine that can be scrambled by so many rich people at auctions.

Moreover, even boss Qin seems to be very difficult to make this kind of wine, because the auction has only been held twice until now. The first time there were only three pots of wine...

At the counter, Qin Feng sat steadily, and said as usual: "Oh, I want monkey wine, okay, little raccoon, you go to the brewery to help me get the wine out, just go in on the left hand side."

Little limei paper responded, and then went in to get the wine, but Xiaodie, who was sitting next to her and watching the excitement, had a hint of inexplicable in her eyes. This incident seemed very interesting.

Before long, the little limei paper came out with a pot of wine. In an instant, this pot of wine attracted the attention of many people in the tavern. Such a pot of wine would be worth a hundred million...

Putting the wine on the counter first, Su Xiaoli came to Li Yan and said, "Well, this lady, you can give me the card."

She doesn't care who just pulled out the card, she only knows that Boss Qin gave the paper to her sister.

Seeing this, Li Yan's boyfriend hurried forward and said with a smile: "Hey, this is a card, this is a card, that... now we can drink, right?"

Su Xiaoli stared at the man in front of him for three seconds, and then smiled sweetly: "Of course it's okay, I'm going to help you bring the wine..."

"Eh don't bother, I can do it myself..."

Since they took the initiative to serve the wine by themselves, the little raccoon girl nodded, whatever you want.

Li Yan's boyfriend couldn't wait to come to the counter, picked up the tray with the monkey wine, and came to a corner of the tavern. Li Yan followed him.

The two of them sat there, but the eyes of the people eating melons in the tavern did not look away. After all, this is monkey wine. You can't drink it yourself. It would be good to see others drink it.

And in this atmosphere, Su Xiaoli came to the counter and whispered to Qin Feng: "Boss Qin, the two of them seem to be a bit..."

Just halfway through the conversation, Qin Feng waved his hand and smiled: "Don't say anything, little raccoon, I can see it too."

Su Xiaoli was full of doubts upon hearing the words: "Boss, you have already seen it, so why are you still..."

Qin Feng smiled. Although Su Xiaoli hadn't finished speaking, he also knew what the other party wanted to say, that is, he knew that the young couple had a problem, but why did he give them the wine...

"Little raccoon, I set the rules, so I naturally have to abide by the rules!" Qin Feng said in a flat tone: "So, the two of them took my card to drink, and everything did not break the rules."

"So, no matter what their problems are, since the rules have not been broken, it means that the game must continue. Therefore, I must give them the wine."

Little Limeizhi nodded with ignorance, okay, boss Qin, you value the rules the most...

However... Su Xiaoli didn't know. Qin Feng himself was still confused now. He didn't understand. It was obvious that the couple seemed to be at odds. Why did the system still believe that they are still in love?

That's right, whether the couple is in love and whether they meet the requirements of the task are all tested by the system. Just now, Qin Feng has asked the system about this question. Unexpectedly, the system's reply is that there is no problem with the test and the task continues as usual... …

But afterwards, the system explained it, at least for the time being. Maybe they wanted to break the rules, but the task could not be stopped before it was broken.

So Qin Feng could only look at it like this, watching when this little couple broke the rules...

At this moment, in the corner of the tavern, Li Yan looked at her boyfriend with a little hesitation on her face: "Are we really going to do this? If that boss Qin finds out..."

The boyfriend next to her also looked nervous, but still said, "Xiaoyan, this is our only chance. As long as we can take this wine out, even if it is only half a pot, the boss promised us to give it directly. A suite!"

"With this house, I believe your mother can no longer oppose us. If we miss this opportunity, how many years will we have to save to save a house?"

Li Yan's heart was moved by the boyfriend's words, but looking at the boss Qin at the counter, she still felt a little flustered.

Seeing this, Li Yan’s boyfriend hit the railroad while it was hot: “These rich people, one by one, are rich and unkind. Don’t look at this boss Qin. He sells such a pot of wine so expensive, it’s obviously a pitfall. We do this too. It's a good deed..."

If Boss Qin heard this, he would probably fry his hair on the spot. No matter what wine I sell, it is clearly priced. As for the so-called 100 million wine, the conscience of that day, it was sold at the auction.

The starting price is only one hundred thousand yuan, so it’s my **** that other people spend so much money on wine...

But obviously, Li Yan was moved by her boyfriend and gritted her teeth and said: "Okay, we will do it, but we still have to take it slowly, and we have to drink a little, otherwise there will be no doubt about the wine in the bowl. of."

As soon as he said nothing, Li Yan picked up the jug containing the monkey wine and slowly poured a bowl of wine~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but in order to wait for more, this bowl of wine was dissatisfied.

This is so, the charming and extremely scent of Monkey Wine still fills the entire tavern, making all the wine guests shine!

The smell is so fascinating, Lao Wang was there sniffing and sniffing, and while smelling it, he looked at the monkey wine on the table. Seeing that, he probably wanted to grab the drink in the next second.

At the table, Li Yan and her boyfriend smelled the aroma of the wine, and then looked around, the people in the tavern began to look at them again, suddenly a little confused.

They never thought that a kind of wine could cause such a big movement!

Of course, they couldn't even think of it, because the doors and windows are closed now, otherwise the smell has spread all over the pedestrian street...

"What are we going to do now?" Li Yan was a little flustered. She had been a good girl since she was a child. She was nervous when doing this kind of thing for the first time. Now she became even more nervous.

"It's okay, it's okay, we will wait for a while and pretend to drink, I don't believe they will keep looking at us..." Li Yan's boyfriend said next to him, but his pale face revealed his mood.

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