Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 198: Someone hit the place

   It was another morning. When the sun shone on the window, Qin Feng sat up, but his face was confused.

   It is still the three questions of philosophy to make himself sober. When he fully awoke, Qin Feng looked at the bedroom. He felt something wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

In fact, this kind of anomaly has appeared since the task was completed last night, but at that time I thought I hadn't rested well, but I slept all night and got up. Logically speaking, I should be the most energetic now. Good time!

  How could it still feel that something is wrong...I am not one of those over-indulgence guys, it doesn't make sense.

   After carefully examining his body three times, Qin Feng had no choice but to get up, because he still couldn't find out where the problem came from. He wanted to ask the system, but after thinking about it, let it go.

   Except for brewing matters, Qin Feng doesn't plan to ask the system anyway. Anyway, he asks for nothing. This guy will definitely not say it.

   got up to wash, and forcibly suppressed the discomfort, Qin Feng started a day's business.

   went to open the door of the tavern early. Aunt Wu had already sold it there early. Seeing Qin Feng still saying hello there, she enthusiastically asked him if he wanted a steamed bun.

   Qin Feng smiled and refused. After all, the little raccoon would come over soon, and he must have brought it earlier.

   The pedestrians on the pedestrian street are all in a hurry, all with dark circles under their eyes. For the sake of life, it is better to live than to die.

   During this period of time, the sales of Dukang Liquor suddenly became particularly good, and I don’t know why, the number of people suffering from insomnia suddenly increased.

   However, Qin Feng estimated that it was because of the house. In the recent period, the housing prices in Zhongzhou City have started to soar. It is the kind of inexplicable increase that has caused many people who are planning to buy a house to be confused.

   The house cannot be bought if the price increases, so I naturally want to make money, but money is always hard to make, and then I can't sleep at night.

  Su Xiaoli came over with a food box, and saw his boss standing at the door in a daze. He suddenly smiled and said, "Boss Qin, good morning, what do you think of this morning?"

   "Me?" Qin Feng pointed to himself and said, "I didn't think about anything. I quickly brought the rice in. I was hungry for a long time."

   shook his head, Qin Feng felt inexplicable again, why would he think about such issues? I have never cared about these issues...

   Of course, what Boss Qin didn't know was that just when he felt unwell last night, two inexplicable people came from the gray wine secret.

   The old man is wide and fat. Walking in the secret of wine is like coming to his own house. He casually looks left and right there. Behind him is a reluctant Fluttershy.

   "Boss, what are you doing here? Do you still want to see the scenery!" Xiaodie asked helplessly.

   But in the next second her face showed a sly: "Boss, could it be... you regret it? After all, this wine secret is a treasure!"

Lao Pang looked around and sighed: "After all, here... Forget Fluttershy, I have told you 800 times. This is always worthwhile. As long as it succeeds, a small wine secret is worth it. what."

"This progress... Forget it, let's go. This time I still came in with your strength. It is estimated that Lao An will be disturbed after a while. Now is the critical moment. It is better for him to concentrate on Qin Feng's place. of."

   Xiaodie curled his lips and came in after so much effort just to see, if you weren't my boss, I would beat you into a pig in minutes, believe it or not!

   The light flashed, and the two people were lost in the secret realm of wine, leaving only the gray sky that seemed to be unchanging.

   "Boss, you don't want to find me for this kind of thing in the future, do you know if you are exhausted?" In Lao Pang's barbecue restaurant, Xiaodie said with a hammer on his shoulder.

   Old Pang smiled and said, "Isn't this worrying about Xiao Qin's progress, I will make up for you when I go back!"

Hearing the word compensation, Xiaodie suddenly opened her eyes and smiled: "It's almost the same... In the future, if you have such a good thing, you will call me Boss. If others don't understand me, don't you understand? My Xiaodie likes to help others most. ..."

   Lao Pang: "..." How could a good sword become like this...

   Qin Feng naturally didn't know what happened here, he only knew one thing, his uncomfortable feeling healed all at once, and there was no sequelae.

   This is really a hurry, sitting at the counter and wondering for a long time Qin Feng didn't understand what happened.

   Forget it, I don't think about it anymore, it's the guy sitting in the tavern that needs to be taken seriously.

"Boss Qin, although these wines here are good, the taste is too dull. There is no change. Although the traditional things are good, they will still be outdated!" A young man in the tavern who looked like 27 or 18 years old. I was standing there talking.

   "And my wine here is different. Every glass of wine is made from a variety of fine wines, and every sip has endless changes. Only this kind of wine has a soul!"

   dumbfounded, Qin Feng asked Su Xiaoli next to him and said, "Who is this kid, this is coming to my Jiuxianju to be majestic!"

The little raccoon girl next to    said: "This is the owner of the bar diagonally across. It is said that he came back from studying abroad. Now he is the top bartender in China. It seems that the most despised are the traditional wines."

   The owner of the bar diagonally across? Qin Feng understood in an instant, feelings are not here to show off their prestige, they are here to smash the scene!

   But isn’t there a teahouse open diagonally across the street? How come it has become a bar again? I remember that the owner seemed to have said that as long as Jiuxianju was open for one day, his teahouse would definitely be open!

   These words are still ringing in my ears~www.wuxiaspot.com~The teahouse has become a bar, and it is such a superb...

Qin Feng looked at the young people standing in the tavern talking loudly. It was obvious that a man was wearing makeup, okay with makeup. The powdery and perfume scent all over his body made the wine of Jiu Xianju a little overwhelming. Can't help...

   Could it be that this guy learned the technique from Eagle Country?

   Thinking of Vivian’s previous situation in Eagle Country, Qin Feng shuddered. Could this be another Miss Li Zifeng...

   sighed that the heart is not old, but the owner of the restaurant brags, this is not a minute transfer.

   It’s just that, two stores have closed down opposite Jiuxianju, Qu Jushi counts as one, teahouse counts as one, and now there is a bar again. This is in a hurry to lose money...

   If it was the past, for example, when the honey wine came out, Qin Feng would have argued. After all, there was a task, but the second was that the pub was indeed not well-known at that time.

   But now, there is no way to compare the status of Jiuxian and the status of the broken bar opposite!

   So he just watched the guy bragging there. He believed that the drinkers of Jiuxianju also watched him bragging. What kind of wine is good, what kind of wine is not good, and he has a little c number in his heart. ...


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