Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 199: Because you are ugly

   Qin Feng doesn't care. In his opinion, this is just an inexplicable guy trying to step on himself to become famous.

   Or take a step back and say, even if he fails and his reputation is beaten, his bar business will become better, so Qin Feng decided not to give him this opportunity.

   So he was just sitting there with the old **** sitting on the ground, but it made Richard who was blowing all kinds of things down there a bit inexplicable.

   That's right, Richard, he was called by this name. Of course, his initial name was not like this. At first, he named him Li Daniu. It is reasonable to say that this name is a little bit dirty, but it's not bad.

   It was really nothing at the beginning, but when he got older, he felt that the name was not good enough, but he was still a man who admired foreign cultures very much.

   For him, the eagle country gentleman culture is simply too attractive, so under such circumstances, he went to change his name to Richard...

   Don't care, anyway, with a hint of foreign flavor, that is a good name in Richard's opinion!

   He was furious and asked him to change his name back. No matter how bad he was, he couldn't use such a name. He definitely wouldn't follow it. So after a fight with his family, he went to Eagle Country alone.

  In Eagle Country, I learned a great bartender, and immediately started to be arrogant. After returning to China, I tried to compete with a few bartenders in Zhongzhou, and I felt that the wine I made was the best!

   I have made some money abroad in the past few years. There is nothing to say. This must be a bar, and it must be in the best location!

   There was a teahouse on the pedestrian street that was about to change hands. There was nothing to say about the location. It was also considered a prime location in Zhongzhou City, so I just came down.

   has been remodeled and opened for business. The sign is: The boss is the top bartender in China, so you can feel a world in a glass of wine!

   I want to say whether Boss Qin knows... he really doesn't know, because during this period of time, he stays simple and simple every day, and at most he goes outside when he goes out, and what he thinks is his own fairy wine in his mind.

   So he didn't even know that the teahouse opposite had changed hands, and now it has become a bar...

  Everything went so smoothly. According to Richard's estimation, his bar is in such a good location, coupled with his skills, once it opens, there must be a steady stream of business!

   So I didn't have any opening activities... also because the money has been spent almost, and there is no capital.

   On the day of the opening, there were many people who came to see it. The key is that there was an inexplicable look on their faces!

   This made Richard a bit uncomfortable, and went over to talk with his temper. Maybe the one who saw him at the time was good, he warned him and said that you should close the door quickly and don't open the bar here.

   Li Chade was curious and asked why, he said directly, saying that you are driving opposite to Jiuxianju, it must be closed down, everyone will go to Jiuxianju, no one will come to your bar.

   Li Chade exploded when he heard this. What does it mean, what kind of **** Jiu Xianju can have a business?

   I tell you I learned this technique from abroad, so what Jiuxianju can steal my business? Dream it!

   Wait for me to grab all his business!

   However, the ideal is plump, but the reality is skinny... It has been a week since the opening, and the daily business is a bleak, occasionally a few people come, he is very happy, with 100% craftsmanship, and wants to keep people.

   Before the result was over, I heard someone say there, saying that if it’s not that Jiuxianju has no place, you have to line up for a long time. Who will come here...

   This is tolerable or unbearable. After thinking about it again and again, Richard decided to come to Jiuxianju directly to hit the market today!

   He also checked the name of Jiuxianju, but in his opinion, those guys don't understand anything. How could a traditional tavern have such good wine? Tease me!

   Then it was what happened today, but what made him a little puzzled was that he had said so, the boss Qin was sitting at the counter, and he didn't say anything!

   Isn't he afraid that he would take away his guests like this?

   While in doubt, someone finally spoke in the tavern, but it was not the boss of Qin.

   Xueer tilted her head there, and said with a pure face: "Wow, brother, is your wine really that good?"

   Seeing Xue'er like this, the melon-eaters in the tavern wanted to mourn for this bragging guy for three minutes.

  The people in Jiuxianjuli don’t know what Xue’er’s acting skills are like, don’t look at how cute they are usually, they are not at all unequivocal!

   Boss Qin can be said to be her elder brother. Although Boss Qin usually has one mouthful, he can only come to the pit by himself, and everyone else has to stand aside!

   So seeing Xue'er stand up, everyone is not surprised at all, just thinking there, what kind of method Xueer will use to cheat people today.

   Li Chade looked back and found that she was an extremely pure and lovely girl with collagen all over her face. She smiled slightly there, she was so sweet...

In an instant, Richard's voice became extremely gentle and said: "Little sister, of course it is true, my wine, there are many changes in that one sip, various flavors are mixed in the mouth, but each flavor They are all highlighted, and I promise to let you drink it and you will never forget it again!"

   While speaking, Richard looked at the counter and said in a relatively despised tone: "More importantly, it must be better than some ancient winemaking..."

   Xue'er heard this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The smile on her face was even worse, but people who are familiar with her can tell that Xue'er is just smiling on her face, but her big eyes are full of indifference.

   Since the family treated her like that, Xue'er has always been smiling, using a smile to create a shield to keep everything out, but only Qin Feng knows that Xue'er's heart is actually lonely...

   That's why she cares so much about her brother...

   "Really? That's amazing!" Xueer clapped her hands and said, as if I was a child innocent.

   After receiving Cher's compliment, the complacency on Richard's face became stronger, but before he could laugh, Cher said again.

   "But I can't choose your wine..." Xueer said again, with the innocent expression on her face, coupled with her baby face, basically no one could tell that she was talking nonsense there.

   "Why?" Li Chade was a little puzzled, and said that I am so good, how can I not choose my wine?

   "There is no reason, because you are ugly!" Xueer took it for granted.

  噗hahaha... the people eating melons in the pub can't hold back anymore...

   Xueer is now like this, already has the seven points of boss Qin's feeling of anger and desperation! ...


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