Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 117: Surveillance in the tavern

The scene was a bit awkward at this moment, at least in Liu San's opinion.

He doesn't know what happened to these people now. Is it funny that he questioned the taste of wine?

After thinking about it for three seconds, Liu San decided that he still had to talk to Boss Qin about this matter. After all, the alcoholic guests for the past seven days did not support him, which made his behavior look a bit like a clown.

At this moment, Liu San actually regrets doing this a little bit. You said it would be better to step on the plate and walk, why bother to do it like this? Spend some money and spend some money...

It's a pity that it's too late to regret it now. Since they have said that their wine tastes wrong, then you have to stick to it.

Otherwise, you are just talking about it for fun. Liu San can be sure that even if he doesn't talk about it now, the boss Qin won't let him go!

"Boss Qin, what do you say about this?" Liu San turned his head and looked at Qin Feng at the counter, and said with a righteous indignation.

Liar, it is natural to act like something. Although I am very hesitant in my heart, I can't see it at all on the surface.

"Boss Qin, don't tell me that I'm talking nonsense. I have drunk your pear white white many times, so I am familiar with the taste. Now this pot of pear white white is really different from the previous one. It's light, it's very light, it's like mixing..."

Liu San deliberately didn't say the last word, as if he was giving boss Qin face.

However, at this time, anyone with a brain already knows, he wants to say that Boss Qin has mixed water in the wine...

"Puff...hahaha..." Brother Qiao Feng couldn't help being there anymore, and he started laughing wildly after spraying alcohol.

Liu San turned his head helplessly and looked at Brother Qiao Feng and said, "Brother, is what I said so funny? This glass of wine is obviously very weak, drinking it like...like mixing with water..."

Everyone was laughing, so Liu San had no choice but to say it.

"No, no, no, I'm not laughing at you, I just suddenly thought of something happy..." Brother Qiao Feng explained while laughing there, "My wife is going to have a baby, I'm very happy!"

"Ha ha ha... ha cough cough" Xue'er was forced to endure it by the side, and couldn't help it anymore when she heard this. She couldn't get up with laughter, and coughed violently there.

Liu San rolled his eyes and looked at Xue'er and said, "This girl, isn't his wife just you?"

"Haha no... it's not me, you continue, you don't care about us, you ask Boss Qin, that stingy guy is definitely mixed with water and didn't run!" Poor Xue'er replied this sentence is also very difficult, there was a violent smile. Coughing has to keep talking.

Liu San had no choice but to turn his head and continue to look at Qin Feng. Unexpectedly, after he turned his head, a fierce laughter suddenly sounded behind him...

The drinkers in the tavern laughed. They thought this guy would find any reason, but they didn't expect to say that boss Qin's wine was mixed with water...

I have to say that this is definitely a talent, even if it is not a talent, it is definitely a warrior!

"Okay, everyone, don't laugh, is it so funny?" Boss Qin at the counter finally spoke. This first sentence directly made Liu San feel relieved in embarrassment.

Not bad, but this boss Qin can talk, that's right, it's so funny, and your wife gives birth to children, as if someone doesn't have a wife!

Boss Qin doesn't like to listen to this. Those of you who are reading books, who is not a single dog!

However, after Boss Qin said this, he laughed: "No, let me laugh for three minutes, absolutely only for three minutes..."

Liu San: "..." Are you afraid that you didn't know my name and did it deliberately!

Standing in Jiuxianju, Liu San felt as though he hadn't eaten vigorously, and felt uncomfortable all over.

Thinking that he made his debut in his teens and traveled north and south, and deceived countless people. When did he encounter such a scene, he had already been laughed like this before he started to deceive him.

Several times, he thought about leaving, but he continued to persevere after thinking about the consequences.

"Boss Qin, I think you did it deliberately, you thought it would be okay with a smile? How do you explain the taste of this wine?" Liu San raised his tone and said again, abruptly suppressing Qin Feng's laughter Living.

At this moment, Qin Feng, including the group of people eating melons in Jiuxianju, finally stopped. Qin Feng is still very natural, but the drinkers are already flushed, and they all want to see how boss Qin handles this matter. .

Smile back to laugh, these drinkers also know very well that this kind of falsehood is the most disgusting, the key is that you can't prove it.

He has drunk the wine, and now he says it tastes wrong, how do you look at it, even if you ask other people to prove it, but he will not be forgiving there, it will still affect the business.

Of course, there is no problem that affects business in Jiuxianju, but the drinkers want to see what will happen to the countless boss Qin in this situation!

Qin Feng sighed, originally didn't want to reason with this guy, after all, his boss Qin always makes money with rapport, but he didn't expect this to make a face, and he couldn't bear it decisively.

Qin Feng looked at Liu San in front of the counter and asked, "You said you've been to Jiuxianju many times, and you've also drank this pear white white many times, right?"

This is what I just said personally, so Liu San readily admitted: "Yes, boss Qin, is there any problem with this?"

That kind of serious expression appeared on Qin Feng's face, or he couldn't say that serious, just the kind of expression that looked so annoying that he wanted to go up and punch his nose!

Seeing this expression~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the drinkers in Jiuxianjuli were shocked, and then glanced at each other. That's right, it seems that Boss Qin is about to start stunned again!

In an instant, Jiuxianju, who was still a little noisy, suddenly quieted down, and all the drinkers stared at the counter.

"Of course there is no problem, but I want to ask this gentleman, can you tell me about the time when you came to my Jiu Xianju to drink pear white?" Qin Feng said while looking at Liu San in front of him.

Time to come to the pub? Liu San was a little dazed, but still tentatively said: "I don't remember this, I have come to your tavern too many times..."

Boss Qin smiled and said: "It's okay, it's okay. You can tell me when you came last time. You have said that you came often, so you should remember the time you last came."

There is no way to deny this. Liu San pretended to think about it, and then said: "The last time I came was on the weekend two weeks ago. Yes, it was the weekend. It seemed to be at noon, it seemed to be in the afternoon. I can’t remember exactly. NS……"

It's also fortunate that he can compile it in such a short time, because it is frequent, so the time interval cannot be too large, but he was worried about problems, so he made it out for two weeks.

As for why it is the weekend, it is because the passenger flow of Jiuxianju will increase sharply on the weekend...Although it will not be less on weekdays.

And after saying this, Liu San explained there: "I have been on a business trip for a few days, otherwise I won't be here for such a long time..."

"The weekend two weeks ago..." Qin Feng smiled slightly, and then said to Su Xiaoli: "Xiaoli, go to my bedroom and take out the computer. Let this gentleman look at the surveillance that day and see what's inside. Is there such a person as him."


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