Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 118: Blu-ray version of surveillance video

Many people have forgotten that Boss Qin bought a computer before. Of course, the so-called monitoring is provided by the system, but Boss Qin paid for it.

Then this monitoring came to boss Qin’s laptop that hadn’t been turned on for eight lifetimes...

Not to mention the one a week ago, even if he asked for the monitoring of Jiuxianju's opening, he can still take it out, and it is guaranteed to be very clear, the kind that Mao can count clearly...

Here, as soon as the words were spoken, Liu San was immediately stunned. There is actually a monitoring inside the Jiu Xianju?

He had thought of this before, after all, he came to step on the plate, and he deliberately watched it several times in the tavern, but he didn't find any cameras at all.

I asked other alcoholics again. They also said that there was no surveillance in the tavern, so they were relieved, and suddenly a surveillance came out...

Looking at Su Xiaoli next to him, he was already planning to enter the bedroom, and he couldn't worry about why the monitoring computer was in the bedroom. Liu San hurriedly said, "I may have remembered that wrong, it may be last month. It's time..."

This decisively can't look at it this way. After all, the monitoring is placed there. As long as you are a little patient, you can tell if he has been there, so the time is directly postponed by one month.

This is also because the surveillance in general stores is covered almost every month.

As soon as these words were spoken, the drinkers in the tavern couldn't help but want to laugh, but they wanted to continue watching the fun, so they resisted.

The wine in Jiu Xian Curie is not cheap, unless it is a rich man like the laughing boss, otherwise, how could he remember the time of the last visit by mistake.

The cheapest wine here is nine hundred and ninety-nine jugs, and you can buy good ones when you take out to buy clothes. How can this kind of consumption be forgotten...

Little Limeizhi stood there and looked at Qin Feng. She didn't hear the boss telling her to stop, so she went straight into the bedroom and quickly walked out with a laptop in her arms.

Damn it! The computer was placed on the counter. At first glance, the drinkers in Jiuxianjuli were collectively dumbfounded... Mr. Qin, how long has this computer been useless!

What was placed in front of everyone was a laptop that looked very expensive and was actually very expensive, but it was dusty.

If you don't look at the brand and just look at the dust on it, you feel that this computer looks like an old product from many years ago.

"Boss Qin, you... can your computer still turn on?" Xueer couldn't help but ask after watching for a long time.

Um... Qin Feng looked around the computer in front of him, and said in an uncertain tone: "It should be... OK?"

After that, he turned his head and looked at Liu San with a smile: "When was a month ago? Don't worry, I have surveillance here."

Suspicion flashed in Liu San's eyes again, has been monitored for a month?

He suspected that Qin Feng was defrauding himself, but he didn't dare to confirm, so after thinking about it, he made a revelation and said: "Oh, by the way, boss Qin, I remembered it, this time I really remembered it. The last time I came to your Jiuxianju was two months ago today. I really remembered this."

It changed again. Liu San felt that those alcoholics were going to laugh at themselves again, but it didn't matter. Anyway, if a liar went out, the first thing he learned was to cheek. If he lied, he would blush and he would cheat.

However, the drinkers did not ridicule, because they were watching it wonderfully. With such a good show, the original three glasses of alcohol can now be enjoyed by one more drink.

Looking at Liu San, Qin Feng asked with a smile, "Is it sure this time? It's definitely today two months ago, right? It won't change anymore? I'll give you a chance to regret it!"

Look at that tone, it's like in those quiz shows, the host is letting the contestants decide with a look of constipation.

This... Originally Liu San wanted to directly say yes, but looking at the other person's appearance, could it be that this guy's monitoring kept the matter from two months ago?

"Boss Qin, let me think about it again. I don't have a good memory when I do business every day..." Liu San said there quickly.

Qin Feng said with a smile: "It's okay, don't worry, you think about it slowly, don't worry at all..."

Of course he is not in a hurry, anyway, today there is time to play with you, and he is worried about how to invite people.

Picking up the pot of wine that hadn't been finished, Qin Feng waited slowly again, with an expression of "You have no loopholes in your organization".

The drinkers of Jiuxianju looked at Liu San with pitiful eyes. Although you are a real warrior, your brain is not enough to provoke boss Qin.

Looking at this miserable picture now, I guess I'm thinking about the time exhaustively there...

Of course, Liu San was thinking about time exhaustively. In fact, by now, he knew that he had been exposed. After all, as I said before, he often came to Jiuxianju.

As a result, the time of the last visit in a blink of an eye was two months ago, and it is still not sure...

He is now uneasy and has deceived people for so many years. He has never been so embarrassed and embarrassed as he is now!

So he wanted to find his face, so he didn't believe it. How much surveillance video can your broken computer save? Even if you save a lot, there must be a problem with the resolution. When the time comes, look for someone with a similar profile, and you won't believe this evil!

So Liu San, who made up his mind, looked at Qin Feng and said, "Boss Qin, I really think about it now. It's probably too busy. The last time I came to your tavern was a year ago..."

Puff... The wine in Xue'er's mouth squirted again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing Liu San staring at him, Xue'er quickly explained: "Uncle, sorry, I just thought of something wrong. Happy things..."

Okay, Xueer really wanted to laugh again. A year ago, she knew better than anyone how many people were in the tavern at that time. This guy was also convinced...

But looking at Boss Qin, Xue'er was also a little worried. She knew very well that there was absolutely no monitoring in the tavern...

Uncle... Liu San decided not to talk to this little girl. Of course, he also had to be thankful that he was being kicked by boss Qin.

Although there is only one brother Qiao Feng, as long as one phone call, it is really a cloud-piercing arrow, and thousands of troops will meet each other...

Decided to ignore other things, Liu San said again: "Boss Qin, I am sure it is today a year ago. This time I am 100% sure and I promise that it is correct!"

Hearing this, Qin Feng chuckled, and then turned on the computer in front of him... Okay, this thing still works.

When I turned on the phone, there was nothing in it, only a lot of surveillance records. After a little flip, Qin Feng found the surveillance video of Jiuxianju a year ago.

Turning on the video, Qin Feng turned the computer to Liu San and said, "Come on this gentleman, take a good look. This is the surveillance video of today a year ago. Do you have a closer look?"

What? Is there really a monitoring record from a year ago?

And most importantly, this monitor is actually a Blu-ray version of Meow!

Looking at Qin Feng's broken computer, Liu San was dumbfounded. Can the broken computer contain so many monitoring records?

Moreover, your video is in the Blu-ray version. What is your surveillance camera...


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