Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 165: What happened to people these days

Quietly in Jiuxianju, a group of drinkers stared at each other. Look at me and I look at you, the expressions on their faces are extremely surprised!

After a long time, someone asked in a low voice there: "Hey, you just saw it clearly, it seems that Pharaoh didn't drink a sip of wine, right?"

The sister paper next to him nodded in surprise and said: "No, I can see clearly, Lao Wang just smelled it..."

Everyone didn't want to talk anymore. They looked at the jug of wine on the table. What kind of wine was it? You could pour it if you smell it?

Qin Feng is very satisfied here. Looking at Lao Wang, this is a real warrior. Although he has fallen, he has provided himself with experimental data. At least it can now be proved that if this drunk fairy wine is drunk by ordinary people, it is really true. It might just fall off if you smell it...

It's just... this guy also poured too fast, he didn't have time to drink it, so he couldn't know the taste of the wine now, which was very embarrassing.

But if you drink it by yourself...Isn't it a pitfall for yourself, but you can find the system to start and hang up, but you don't want to pay, so... Boss Qin turned his eyes to the other drinkers in the tavern with gentle eyes.

"You guys, look, Lao Wang's drinker is too poor, so who else would like to have a drink? It's okay, no money, I'll treat you!" Boss Qin smiled gently.

Swipe...Everyone retreats collectively. What international jokes are you making? Now whoever drinks your wine is a fool!

Even if Pharaoh's alcohol intake is not good, he is still a person. He hasn't waited to drink, he just smelled a little bit, and he is already on the ground, if he drinks a bite!

Seeing that everyone did not say, Boss Qin was helpless, and it seemed that he could only call his name!

Qin Feng began to look around the entire Jiuxianju, and at the front, Xue'er's head was pressed very low. It was like when she was in school, the teacher asked a question on the blackboard, and then asked which classmate to solve it.

As for Cher’s performance, it’s the same as Xueer scum. She lowered her head there, and muttered silently in her mouth: Can’t see me, can’t see me, don’t call me, don’t call me...

Unlike now, when in school, at such times, there will always be those high school students who will come forward and then walk to the podium to finish the problem with everyone's breath of relief.

But now it’s in Jiuxianjuli, and everyone has just seen it, Lao Wang went up and fell without a sip. It’s a hammer, who’s stupid...

So... after looking around for a week, boss Qin still said, "Xue'er, would you like to try?"

It’s different from going to the podium to solve the problem. After all, it’s the teacher. You can’t bargain. So every time we see the teacher roll the call, the scumbags stay in place for a long time, and then go up under the urging of the teacher... …

The advantage of the tavern is that you can refuse, so Xueer smiled there and said, "Boss Qin, I don't know how much alcohol I drink, so forget it, you can call someone else..."

can not drink much? Qin Feng smiled and said: "Xue'er, it seems that you just said that your alcohol volume is good. Why do you want to drink, and Pharaoh's alcohol volume is not as good as yours. Why has it changed all of a sudden..."

"This..." Xueer didn't know what to say, her face was a little bit painful. Just now, she just wanted to drink. Who would have thought that your wine would be like this. If it smells like this, it will fall down. It's all gone.

But I don't know how to reply, I can only look at Boss Qin's mean look, damn...oh wait, Boss Qin's look... Boss Qin's method!

Xueer suddenly thought, boss Qin often uses this method!

Without further ado, Xue'er quickly replied: "Boss Qin, did I just say it? If we talk about evidence, please show evidence, or be careful I sue you for slander!"

Um? Qin Feng was taken aback when he heard the words. Why did these words sound a bit familiar? This girl actually dared to use her own methods to deal with herself!

I just wanted to take out the Blu-ray version of the system's video to slap her face, but after thinking about it, forget it. If Xueer is drunk now, it is estimated that only she can help send it back.

No way, the beautiful lady Yin and some of Xue'er's friends were not there. In order not to make trouble for herself, Boss Qin decided to bear it...

However, Qin Feng was pondering here, and it fell in Xue'er's eyes that he was thinking of a way, so Xue'er said again: "Brother Qin Feng, you want to try the strength of this wine, so you can find a drinker. Good person, I think Brother Lao Ma is actually a good choice..."

For her own sake, Xueer sold Wanma in minutes. Anyway, Brother Ma likes to drink, okay, I'm all for his good!

Qin Feng's eyes lit up, and that's right, Lao Ma's drink volume is still good, and his brother's drink volume seems to be better, so you can let them try it.

No longer hesitating, Qin Feng looked at Xue'er and smiled: "You have a good idea, but since you have proposed it, then you will be called Lao Ma!"

Clam? Cher is stunned. Is this still related to me?

"Don't be stunned, call now, immediately!" Qin Feng looked at Xue'er and said, "Otherwise you can drink for him..."

Adhering to the idea that a dead fellow daoist will not die, Xue'er immediately called Lao Ma and said directly, Boss Qin asked her to drink, but the wine is a bit strong, so I thought that Brother Lao likes to drink so much...

There is nothing to say. Lao Ma originally said that he was busy, but as soon as he heard that the wine was free, he said that he would come right away, and he was there to thank Cher...

Hung up the phone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xueer looked at Qin Feng and said, "Boss Qin, everything is done!"

Jiuxianju returned to calm, and everyone began to wait for the old horse to come...Anyway, it feels pretty cool to see others being scammed by Boss Qin...

After waiting for a long time, Lao Ma did not come, but someone called by Lao Wang came. Two middle-aged women, one of whom is said to be Lao Wang's wife, came here specifically because they were not at ease.

"Boss Qin, thank you so much, then let's take Lao Wang back, how can we drink it like this..." He was talking, and his wife's face was still a little bit of joy.

Boss Qin smiled again: "Nothing is nothing, in fact, your old king just got drunk after smelling it..."

Uh-huh? Lao Wang's wife was stunned. If it weren't for Lao Wang to be drunk, she would be able to beat Lao Wang in minutes...

After waiting for a long time, the old horse didn't come, but the phone came.

"Brother Ma, why are you not coming now?" Xueer asked on the phone.

"Xue'er, your brother, I have something wrong now, so I can't come, you can drink it by yourself...Ah, that's it, I have a bad signal here, I can't hear..."

While speaking, Lao Ma hung up the phone, Xue Er's face was black, and Qin Feng sat at the counter and smiled helplessly. I was afraid that someone had confided Lao Ma.

Why are all the alcoholics so sophisticated these days? Where are the guys who can be coaxed so simple in the past...

Qin Feng and Xue'er looked at each other and sighed together...

All the drinkers: Where are you, boss Qin still has no points in his heart?

If the old horse is not coming, it seems that this wine can only be tested by himself, and it must be opened and drunk. After all, his boss Qin has always been a Dionysian in front of everyone.


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