Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 166: Jiuxianju is going to hold an event

"Look at you guys, every day, everybody is boasting that Second Master Wu is reborn or something, and the amount of alcohol is too low. As a result, I want to ask you to help me try a drink, so I'm all embarrassed!"

"Couldn't you, like Lao Wang, be the kind of guy with a cannon on your mouth, right?"

"No one has spoken yet. That means you are all. Then don't say that you drink well in the future!"

Inside the tavern... it wasn't silence to be precise, everyone was still doing their own things, anyway, no one was going to talk to Boss Qin.

No matter how loud he speaks, no matter how ridiculously he is...

Seeing everyone's reaction, Qin Feng closed his mouth helplessly, originally intending to use this method to pull a wave of hatred, maybe there are those who opened the ground to stand up and slap himself in the face!

As a result, his mouth was dry when he was sitting at the counter. No one paid any attention to him. Let alone stand up and drink, he has already called the name again, but the person who was spotted immediately lay there and pretended to be drunk... …

What a joke, since Pharaoh lost someone, everyone has no idea. After blowing for so long, the result was a scent and it fell. I guess it's about the same when I go up...

"Forget it, it seems that this kind of thing still depends on the boss!" Boss Qin said with a sigh, and then picked up the flask, ready to pour himself a glass of drunk fairy wine.

As a result, the moment Boss Qin picked up the jug, all the alcoholics who were still doing various things in the tavern suddenly looked over.

The guy who was drinking and punching stopped punching and got up on the table drunk. With bright eyes, Qin Feng didn't look like he was drunk...

Qin Feng curled his lips and said, "I thought you weren't interested at all..."

Old man Zhang smiled there and said: "Boss Qin, we are not worried, after all, your wine looks so terrible, it doesn't look like wine..."

"It's not like wine?" Qin Feng was startled when he heard the words, "I am a winemaker brewing something that is not like wine, what else can it be like!"

Old man Zhang Tan said: "Who knows, anyway, I will pour it after smelling it, even alcohol is not so scary..."

Qin Feng said disdainfully: "You guys, all of them are toads at the bottom of the well. If you haven't seen the market, you will talk less. What is not like wine. When the old Wang wakes up, you can ask yourself to see what he smells. Not the smell of alcohol!"

"As for this wine, I will drink two sips in front of you, lest you think that boss Qin is bullying!"

He picked up the wine gourd, poured into the wine bowl while everyone was watching, and said: "Everyone see clearly, the wine I am drinking now is the wine I just drank to Lao Wang!"

After finishing talking, he picked up the wine bowl, drank it directly, and put the wine bowl on the table.

Smashing his mouth, Boss Qin said indifferently, "Hey, this wine doesn't have much energy..."

All drinkers: "..." Boss Qin, if you pretend to be* you will be beaten to death, don't you know!

Boss Qin was sitting at the counter. It was a happy one. I like the way you want to beat me but can't help it...

Of course, that's what I said. In fact, I went to Qin Feng to drink the taste of the wine. The system won't make him drunk, but the taste of the wine is still tasted.

To be precise, this wine is even stronger than Bihuo Wine in one sip!

If Bihuo wine is like a flame of fire when drinking it, then this improved drunk fairy wine will be a real fire with shamisen when you drink it...

The wine directly burned in the mouth, and then slipped down the throat, feeling like swallowing a burning fireball!

But this is nothing. After all, it was the same when Bihuojiu was drunk. The most important thing is that this modified Dizhuxianjiu enters the stomach, and it feels like an explosion in an instant, with a strong feeling spreading directly throughout the body. !

That is to say, Qin Feng's body has been transformed by spiritual power, so he can bear it. If it is an ordinary person, it is estimated that this will directly scream!

The feeling of flame raged throughout the body, coming fast, but going fast too. To put it in exaggeration, it was like swallowing a sun, and then the sun exploded in the stomach...

This feeling will last for about three to five seconds, and after the feeling of heat from the whole body fades, there is an unspeakable comfort all over the body...

If you insist on describing it, it's like after that, after the first shower, the body is exhausted, but there is a sense of extreme satisfaction inexplicably...

This feeling collided with the previous fiery burning, making the whole person feel ecstatic. If you use a specific numerical value to describe it, Qin Feng thinks it should be ten times the feeling of drinking Yunxiao wine. ...

Qin Feng sat at the counter, on the surface it looked like nothing unexpected, but even with his concentration, he couldn't bear it under this kind of stimulation. This is not suitable for drinking in a pub at all. It should be secretly at night by himself. Drink...

Why do you want to ask? It's as if you got a dream teaching film~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You must hope to hide in your house and watch it by yourself, and then go to heaven by yourself...

Of course, Jiujian would not do this kind of cock's behavior. After all, Jiujian is a man with a girlfriend, hehehe...

However, Qin Feng felt very satisfied with this feeling. Drunken Immortal Wine is first wine, and the most basic element of wine is to drink it to make people refreshing.

If the drunk fairy wine is uncomfortable after being modified by him, then it is meaningless!

The tavern fell silent again. Everyone silently watched boss Qin pretend to be*, but helplessly, when the atmosphere was a little silent, Qin Feng put down his wine bowl and spoke.

"Everyone, what do you think of this wine?" Qin Feng asked when he looked at everyone.

The drinkers looked at each other, the expressions on their faces were a bit sluggish, why did Boss Qin ask this question...

Seeing that everyone was silent, Qin Feng asked again: "Uh...This question is not easy to answer, so let me change the question. What do you think of the quality of my Jiuxianju wine?"

This question is easier to answer, and Xue Er quickly said: "Of course this is good. Although Mr. Qin, your character is not good, the wine is still good..."

My character...Qin Feng decided that the topic of character is still not discussed in Jiu Xianju.

"Since everyone feels good, then I now announce that Jiuxianju will have an event to be held next. For the specifics, you can just read my notice!" Boss Qin announced with a big wave.

The drinkers looked at each other and felt a little inexplicable. Boss Qin took the wrong medicine again today, did he take the initiative to hold an event?

Or do you want to pit us again... That must be the case!


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