Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 202: Sad reminder Aaron

Zhang Jian took the third glass of wine. Originally, his idea was to finish the wine in one sip, and then he gritted his teeth and held on. No matter how uncomfortable it is, it's all for that family!

However, after drinking this wine, he unexpectedly discovered that it was not as unpleasant as he thought, and it even made him feel particularly delicious.

As a result, Zhang Jian drank the third cup of wine more carefully. Although he has never drunk wine, although he can't taste wine, he just drank beautifully.

Phew... After drinking a glass of wine, Zhang Jian put down the glass and said contentedly: "It's so fragrant..."

Oh, by the way, in this hall, there are some radio equipment, and outside, there are also speakers. That is to say, what Zhang Jian said, people outside can hear...

All the people are silent, the old buddies behind Zhang Jian are full of black lines, big brother, you still let people live!

You said that you only need to refresh the hand area with your full rank. You actually pretended to be cute before you started. Have you ever had a drink before? I believe you ghost, you are a bad old man!

There was no way to watch the barrage on the Internet, and a bunch of people slammed there.

"What is a big guy, this is a big guy, look at people like this, pretending to be cute and so like..."

"In fact, I'm only interested in the sentence that is really sweet, and sure enough, no one can get rid of the theorem of a hot man..."

"Big guys take me, how can I pretend to be so fresh and refined, I will call six or six..."

Yingxue Meizhi was eating dried fish there, but she was so scared that the dried fish fell out. What's the situation? Is it a childcare for natural entertainment?

But didn't Mr. Li tell me that she is the only one in Donghai City, is it because the other party is trying to hide herself?

It's possible that the guy looked at the suit, and he might be a gentle scum...

At this time, the monitoring room...

Qin Feng looked at President Li again, and even the smiling boss turned his head and looked at him, his face a little suspicious.

He is coordinating the entire event, but it does not mean that he knows these specific things. Looking at Zhang Jian's performance now, it is more like a childcare than that sister paper!

President Li hurriedly replied: "I swear to God, this is really not a childcare. If I had known that there was such a good person, I would have a childcare, but this is really not..."

Mr. Li said what he could do, and he was also helpless. In other words, where did this guy come from? Could it be that other entertainment companies came to the scene?

With a move in his heart, President Li waved his hand and called the secretary, and said: "Go, look at the background behind this person named Zhang Jian, how dare you come to hit my place!"

After finishing talking, I saw that the boss's face was wrong, and he laughed quickly: "No, no, it's Mr. Zhao, your place..."

Hmm...I'm satisfied with laughing boss.

Activities in several major cities across the country are in full swing, while in foreign countries, due to the time difference, some are a few hours earlier than the domestic ones, and some are later.

After all, it is to keep in sync, but it's just about time sync. You can't let it start at night in order to cooperate with this side, that definitely won't work.


The Big Apple City in the United States, the old man Kenway sits here, his activity location is not in the hotel, but in the square!

As for whether these activities can be held in the square... The old man Kenway said that it is not people who decide, but rice dollars. As long as there are enough rice dollars, what a square is.

Standing on the square, Old Man Kenway looked at the time, the activity should begin.

Of course, he can't really be responsible for the organization, so these are all handed over to a special company to do. With the bursts of music, the Bacchus competition in the United States has officially started!

Lao Mi, the first one to come up must be famous, and the Bacchus campaign is no exception.

A burly man with a height of over 1.9 meters and a burly figure walked to the center of the event scene amidst the applause of the crowd. There was also a table with a hip flask and wine glasses on it.

The man was waving his hands while walking. He was only wearing a black tight-fitting short-sleeved shirt. His muscles propped up the short-sleeve. His face was resolute. His actions were vigorous and his muscles were like pieces of solid steel!

The United States is a country that advocates tough guys. Whether in the entertainment circle or in the sports world, people like this tough guy with a tough face like an iron strike!

The visitor is indeed a tough guy, of course, a tough guy on the screen, but the muscles really make everyone scream.

Aaron, a famous tough guy star in the United States, has created a screen tough guy image after another, no matter his looks or the muscles on his body, they all give people an unstoppable feeling!

The organizer of the event recommends that he be the first one to play~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so as to maximize everyone's desire and make the whole event more popular...

Aaron did not disappoint everyone. He walked all the way to the table and waved his hands constantly, presumably to show everyone that his arm was stronger than Tarzan...

However, the old man Kenway watching next to him was poking his lips. This tough guy in everyone’s eyes actually asked the organizer to prepare a special wine for him before, because he had heard that this kind of wine from the East seemed to be very strong, so I am worried that there will be problems in front of so many people...

However, even a tough guy couldn't stand Mi Yuan's offensive. Of course, the host also told Aaron that the wine was not too strong, and the Chinese girls were all right after drinking it.

Then... the old man Kenway took out the video of Yingxue sister drinking...Of course, it was the video taken when she was a nursery in the previous experiment.

This Aaron will certainly not easily believe it, but the old man Kenway swears there that this girl absolutely drinks that kind of wine, and in the name of God!

Now Aaron can only choose to believe it. After all, in the West, it's good to move out in the name of God...

Old man Kenway is naturally confident, because this is indeed true...

Then the organizer also said, if you do not agree, then we will spread the news that you let us cheat, and see who will be more worried at that time!

As for whether you are upset...Who cares about you, old man Kenway, as a well-known capitalist in the United States, has several generations of intertwined roots. Not to mention you are a star, but the president has a great say.

Then Aaron had no choice but to agree. Now he was biting his head, and he thought to himself that he should be fine. After all, his daily drinking volume is quite good...


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