Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 203: Double the bonus!

Aaron bit his head there, but the audience next to him or even those on the Internet who were following the event did not know.

In their eyes, Aaron is the tough guy among the tough guys. Seeing people in the movie, a person can kill an army with a knife, then it must be a matter of drinking or something.

After all, creatures like tough guys have always been associated with beautiful wines. Of course, in this, the importance of beautiful women is definitely greater than that of wine.

After all, the audience would definitely be more willing to watch those tough guys showing their muscles and hot beauties rolling out flyers... After all, men like to watch them, and women like to watch them, so they get what they need...

As for fine wine, this thing is not so important, but you can't deny that tough guys must be able to drink, and it is the kind of wine that does not blush after blowing a bottle of wine!

What? You lie down after drinking some wine? Then you are not a tough guy at all!

Aaron stretched out his hand to pick up the jug, and he was ready to pour the wine. Of course, at this moment, he had no idea what kind of wine he was about to drink...

Old man Kenway looked at Aaron who was about to drink, and his wrinkled face showed a smile. Anyway, he didn't know what was going on, maybe he was old, he was watching these muscular tough guys not pleasing to his eyes.

How awesome are you in the movie. You can overturn an army by yourself, and save the hot girl with such precision every time. After the hot girl is over, would you still be grateful for you to roll out the flyers with you?

On the other hand, I don’t have any abilities, I can’t single out an army, let alone let the hot girl take the initiative to roll out flyers with me and willingly do nothing...

There is only a lot of money that can't be spent in the next life... So Old Man Kenway is very upset!

Since he is upset, he can't make others upset, so at this event, he specially invited several tough guys and celebrities to attend, of course, they were scattered in several big cities.

Old man Kenway mainly organizes events. Secondly, it is for everyone to see. In fact, these tough guys are in their lives. They are soft eggs... They can't even drink a pot of wine. That's not what soft eggs are!

Aaron poured the wine, and at this time, the crowds onlookers were louder and louder. All kinds of fans were shouting outside, Aaron, I love you. .

Aaron waved his arm again, and then drank the glass of wine in his hand confidently!

After all, he is a professional actor. Although he bit his head and drank it, there is no problem with the live performance. It really seems to be full of confidence.

However, after this sip of wine, Aaron was stunned, and the expression on his face can probably be described in two words: Fuck!

If you add the following words, then it can be almost like this: Fuck, who said this thing is wine?

It was a raging fire, like swallowing a raging fire into your mouth. The wine syrup strongly stimulated your mouth and then slipped down your throat, but the stinging sensation did not abate!

In the blink of an eye, Along's face began to become distorted, and the cup in his hand fell to the ground, turning into countless fragments.

Aaron's mouth is already open, and he is spraying. The specific scene can probably imagine a puppy in summer, where he sticks his tongue out and keeps breathing. It is estimated that it is to dissipate heat.

Fortunately, this modified version of Dukang does not really rely on calories...

So Aaron was even more uncomfortable. He had never drunk such uncomfortable wine, or so to speak, such a strong wine!

He wanted to tell the staff member to quickly bring himself some ice water, but with his mouth open, he couldn't say a word, he could only make an "ahhhh" sound.

The cheering voices of the surrounding people eating melons became even higher, and many sisters shouted there: "Who would dare to say that Aaron has no acting skills and only has a face!"

Yes, everyone regards Aaron's current appearance as a performance... Many American stars like to make fun of such activities. After the end, everyone knows that he is performing.

Some people who originally had a prejudice against Aaron also sighed there and said: "Indeed, I haven't found Aaron's acting skills to be so good before. It seems that a good director and a good script are too important for an actor. ..."

Aaron could hear the words around him, but couldn't say it. He could only gesticulate to the staff anxiously: picking up the glass of water, then trembling after drinking, indicating that he was drinking ice water.

It was indeed the description of the movement like the soul, and then... the staff's eyes lit up, and he quickly took out another cup, poured another glass of wine, and handed it to Aaron.

"Look, Aaron is about to drink a second glass. His action just now is to tell me that he feels very refreshing drinking this wine, and it's very refreshing!" The staff also yelled to the people around ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Aaron's eyes widened, and Jiu Jiner was on his head in an instant. He felt that he was starting to feel dizzy now, and the world in front of him began to spin.

After all, he had drunk before and had rich experience. Aaron realized that he was drunk, but he was a tough guy after all. He wanted to face him, so he couldn't be carried out at last!

As a tough guy, even if you are drunk, you have to say hello to your fans, and then go out on your own strength. This will not cause much damage to your image...

But the staff in front of him is like a pig!

Labor and management want ice water, ice water, I think this wine is very cool, now labor and management are almost coming out of nose and tears, you can't see how it is dripping!

The shouting of the staff made the fans even more excited, and the staff finished shouting, then turned around, looked at Aaron, and whispered: "Actually, I am your fan too, come on Aaron, we all Look good on you!"

Aaron: "..."

boom! Aaron lay on the ground and fell asleep in a drowsy manner. He didn't know if he was angry or drunk. There was intimate friction between his beard and the concrete floor, and the image of a tough guy was gone forever...

It is estimated that when he passed out, he still screamed in his heart: I don't have such a fan, I don't, I really don't...

Snapped! Old man Kenway patted the black silk thigh of the girl next to him heavily, and shouted with a big smile, "Which company does that staff member belong to? It's pretty good. Let me know. The bonus will be doubled!"

The scene of the event suddenly became calm. Everyone looked at the field blankly, looking at the muscular tough guy, the expression on his face was the same word: Fuck!


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