Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 237: The wine is poisonous!

?Whether it is the people on the spot, or those who are watching the live broadcast on TV or online, it is all daunting.

What's the situation? With such a big waist and such a strong body, why did you get down before drinking it!

This is unbelievable. Everyone sees it for real. After this big Russian guy went up, he took a sip of wine and then lay down.

After the big Russian man lay down, a staff member hurried up next to him, plugged the cork of the wine gourd, and dragged the lying down Russian big man onto a stretcher.

Zhou Li had the bottom of the previous second round of activities, and now it was natural to host it. When the Russian man just lay down, she started playing there.

"It seems that our Russian player is not in good shape today. This just proves that drinking has a lot to do with mood."

"Isn’t there an old saying in Huaguo, that you can add to your sorrow with wine, that is to say, don’t think about drinking when you are in a bad mood, because drinking at this time will make you more likely to get drunk..."

"So I guess our Russian friend must be in a bad mood..."

Qin Feng looked at Zhou Li who was talking nonsense on the stage, and he couldn't hold back immediately. Look at what is professional. This is professional. Even if you lie down without drinking a sip of wine, others can make it for you. A paragraph.

However, it is obvious that Old Man Bluff won't buy it, his eyes are now bigger than cow eggs!

Uh... As for why I know the size of a cow's egg, I don't want to discuss it here.

The old man Kenway and Roddy on the side could no longer laugh.

"This is your first player? Are you in a bad mood? Haha..." The old man Kenway laughed wildly there.

They all bring headsets and have a dedicated translator for real-time delivery. Of course, the money is very expensive, but these people are rich owners.

Roddy next to him is okay. After all, these two are elderly people. As the saying goes, people do not exceed the rules when they reach their seventies. That is to say, after they reach the age of seventy, they can do whatever they want.

Although it is not like it was in ancient times, people are always tolerant to the elderly.

This will be old Kenway can laugh at, he Roddy has to hold back...

The old man Bailifu said with a black face: "This...this is the meaning, don't you allow others to perform abnormally, you really are..."

At this moment, the people watching TV are okay, after all, there is no bullet screen.

The live broadcast signal on the Internet is tens of seconds slower than that on TV, but despite this, netizens have also seen this scene, and they immediately fry the pot on the Internet.

"I'm lying down, and I'm falling down? It seems that the guy just now is considered to be tall and strong, but I didn't expect that he didn't hold on for even a second..."

"No, no, no, in fact, sometimes when you are tall and strong, you will feel softer. My boyfriend and my girlfriend have said so..."

"Upstairs, what did I find? I feel that the amount of information is a bit big..."

The melon-eating people on the Internet still sprayed like they used to, and then sprayed and found that the building had no idea where it was crooked.

But everyone sprayed back and forth, but no one felt that there was a problem with this wine.

On the contrary, in everyone's opinion, Boss Qin's wine has such power, then it is normal. If only one person can dry the wine, then it is not worth seeing.

In the studio at this time, Zhou Li had already passed the first round easily, and with the bursts of bgm, the second one to participate in the event walked in.

The old man Bluff looked at him and was taken aback, because the second person who came in was still their Russian, with the same big waist and the same muscular muscles.

With that full-faced beard, he didn't need to speak at all, and he stood there as if it were an iron tower.

Because these players are drawing lots to determine the order, Old Man Bluff didn't think much. Anyway, he can get it in the morning and evening, so it doesn't matter.

It's just inexplicable, but his heart is a little nervous. After all, the first one just came up and lay down before taking a sip. If this is still like that...

Shaking his head to drive this horrible scene out of his mind, Old Man Bluff stared straight at the person above. The meaning in his eyes was very clear. If you can't drink a pot of wine, try to live!

The Russian player above naturally saw Old Man Bai's eyes, and suddenly felt a cold sweat.

In fact, even if the old man below does not give pressure, he is under a lot of pressure now.

I don't know how many people are staring at them in the country. The first guy made it clear that there will be no good fruit to go back. That's for sure.

During their preparations, there is nothing to offer, such as eating, drinking, having fun, wine, food, women, everything, everything can be enjoyed.

But again, how much you enjoy, how much you will lose when you fail...

The wine on the table has been changed to a new pot. Today, whoever drank the wine will have it. Of course, the money comes from the gold masters of these players.

Cautiously pulled out the cork of the wine gourd, this time the Russian player has learned how to behave. He won't go up and smell the mouthful, and he won't pretend to be forced, so he just **** and started drinking!

According to his experience, if you want to drink too much, you have to hold back at the very beginning, no matter what it feels, just go inside.

As for what will happen later, don’t worry about it. It’s okay to go to the hospital for gastric lavage. It’s nothing compared to the benefits.

However, the first sip of wine was in his mouth, and the face of the big man suddenly changed.

The power that originated from the green fire grass engulfed the liquor into a raging fire in an instant, and began to fill the entire mouth!

This is a totally unbearable feeling...at least in the opinion of Russian Dahan II!

He tried to swallow the flames, but his body didn't seem to listen to his commands.

Of course, this feeling of burning flames must be an illusion, just because the wine is so strong that you can't bear it.

It's like burning a knife~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Drinking it in one sip, it's like a knife going straight down your throat, and most people can't stand it at all.

And at this time, because the big Russian man subconsciously thought he swallowed a fire, his body instinctively wanted to reject it and didn't want to swallow it.

If he didn't want to swallow it, he could only vomit. The big man tilted his neck and just saw a small basin next to the table. He couldn't help it. Now he just vomited naturally.

During this process, he didn't even have time to look at that piece of wine...

The wine vomited, the big man lay on the table and wanted to slow down. Now he doesn't think that the wine gourd in front of him is filled with wine. The wine is obviously poisonous!

So while he lay there, he yelled in his half-baked Chinese, "This wine...this wine is poisonous!"

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