Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 238: Boss Qin pretended to be forced again!

?Although our Russian player No. 2 has a heavy accent, even though the Chinese is sandwiched, all the people present, including the netizens in front of the TV and the Internet, understood it.

For a while, everyone was staring at him, including the host Zhou Li, who now feels that she is a bit too round.

What is it called, live broadcast, and the result came out directly to you that the wine is poisonous, and it's still a foreigner...

Therefore, for a while, Zhou Li was stunned on the stage.

She was stunned. The scene director felt that she was dying, and hurriedly shouted in the headset: "Quickly, go up and ask the person what's wrong, what's the matter?"

Upon hearing this, Zhou Li quickly stepped forward and asked in Russian: "Hello, how are you feeling now, do you want to send you to the hospital?"

"Yes, yes, I have to go to the hospital, I want to have a gastric lavage, this wine is poisonous, very poisonous..."

Zhou Li wanted to see the sky there, gangster, if the wine was very poisonous, you should have died long ago. Seeing that you were shouting there seemed to be full of breath.

The stage was such a farce, offstage, Old Man Bluff was already stunned!

He never dreamed that the man he brought to China could actually shout such things!

The wine is poisonous... Is this what he can yell at the scene? Who provided this wine? Boss Qin provided it.

Do you mean that you are saying that the wine provided by boss Qin is poisonous?

What do you tell me and boss Qin in the future, old man Bai Lifu quickly looked at Qin Feng's direction, and then directly saw a face with no expression, and suddenly felt bad.

There is no way to explain it. If Old Man Bo knew an old saying from Huaguo, he would definitely think that it would be the most suitable now...

That is, the yellow mud fell into the crotch, it was either **** or shit...

Needless to say, boss Qin will definitely feel that this is what he taught, otherwise how could the people you bring say this during the live broadcast.

The comments on the Internet were also shocked, but most of them were from poor Zhou Li, especially the audience in Donghai City, who were familiar with Zhou Li.

Seeing Zhou Li at a loss on stage, she suddenly felt distressed...but why did she seem to be laughing.

The old man Kenway beside him was already laughing too hard.

"Haha goose goose..."

He laughed until there was no sound, the old man wiped his tears and said: "Brother, where did you choose this talent, teach me..."

Roddy couldn't help it anymore, but for his own restraint, he just forcibly endured it there. It was very uncomfortable, and some strange noises were always made in his mouth...

"Puff puff……"

Just when the on-site director wanted to notify people to go up and bring people down, he found that he didn't know when, Qin Feng sitting below had already walked up.

What is this? The director feels that next time there is such an event, don't call him, even if he starves to death, he will never lead such an event again!

First, the contestants cried out that the alcohol they used was poisonous, and then the audience below came up to the stage privately. This is live broadcast, brother!

Fortunately, Zhou Li has forcibly stabilized, watching Qin Fengqiang and asking herself: "What does Boss Qin have to say?"

What she has to do now is to make the show continue...no matter what way it is, it just needs to be able to continue anyway.

Qin Feng waved his hand, then walked to the table, looked at the guy who was full of breath but had been shouting that the wine is poisonous, and casually asked the staff around him to borrow a cup.

The staff looked at Zhou Li's wink, then stepped off the stage and took a cup back and handed it to Qin Feng.

I don’t know if it’s deliberate or in a hurry. Anyway, the cup I brought up was a bit big, the kind of big cup that I used to drink beer on weekdays, and the one that would go up to the sky with just one cup...

Qin Feng stopped paying attention to that guy, fiddled with the wine gourd, and poured himself a full glass of drunk fairy wine.

Raising his neck, as if drinking water, Qin Feng directly drank this large glass of drunk fairy wine, which was almost two-thirds of a gourd wine!

After drinking, wiping his mouth and putting down the cup, Qin Feng still didn't say a word, so he stepped off the stage and sat in his original position again.

The laughing boss who wanted to explain to Qin Feng before was stunned, and the old man behind him was also stunned.

What is meant by pretending to be invisible? Boss Qin is!

He went on stage without saying a word, just drank a glass of wine, but all the problems have been solved.

Sometimes, there is no way to explain, and the behavior is much simpler than the explanation.

The big Russian man on the stage looked at Qin Feng with a **** of eyes, but after seeing it for three seconds, he himself stepped down in despair.

The wine you said was poisonous, and people drank the same pot of wine when they went up. As a result, you vomited in one mouthful, and they just drank a glass. What else can you say?

Invisible force, the most deadly!

Old man Bai's face is now terribly red. He swears that he will not make this guy feel better after he goes back!

Zhou Li breathed a sigh of relief, and the live director also breathed a sigh of relief, and the show was on track again.

Only unexpectedly, this time the netizens on the Internet were not so surprised.

"Hey, why aren't you surprised? That boss Qin drank such a big drink in one gulp!"

Someone on the Internet asked there.

Soon, someone stepped up and explained: "What's surprising about this. If you pay more attention to Boss Qin, you will find that these are all basic operations. Sit down and sit down. There is no need to shout. 666..."

Anyway, boss Qin is a pervert in everyone's eyes. He has done anything more awesome than this, and this is nothing.

In Kyoto, Miss Xue’s house, Xue Tian has been watching this show, and when he saw that the Russian man said that the wine was poisonous, he was immediately angry there!

"What is poisonous and not poisonous? How could Xiao Qin's wine be poisonous~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don't say that if you don't drink well, don't say that there are none. If I go up, I will be fine if I drink 30 pots!"

Xue Tian yelled very happily, but after yelling, he found that his wife was staring at him with a strange look.

In an instant, Xue Tian seemed to realize something, and hurriedly walked to the door to look at the cat's eye. He knew clearly that it was night now that no one could come outside, but he just wanted to see.

It was too miserable to be pitted by Qin Feng last time...

But when he turned his head back and saw Qin Feng drank such a large glass of wine there, Xue Tian was stunned.

I knew Xiao Qin could drink for a long time, but he didn't expect to drink so much. After thinking about it, he silently took out the phone.

"Hey Lao Zhao, didn't we say that we will fight against Xiao Qin when we get married? I think we have to think about it again..."

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