Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 2 Chapter 283: News of Heliconia

"So Boss Qin, can't it be accommodating?" Roddy looked at the opposite Qin Fengdao unwillingly.

He just asked why he couldn't take the wine out. Boss Qin answered the rules, and the rules are used to break them, so subconsciously, Roddy resorted to the law of money.

Money Dafa is really good, and ordinary people can't resist it. Although Boss Qin is an ordinary person, he has no choice but to have a system, and he dare not do anything, so he can only act according to the rules.

"Of course not, Mr. Roddy, no matter how much money you give, it doesn't work. The rules are like this." Qin Feng said lightly, if it weren't for the sake of being a rich person, you thought I was willing to explain. .

"Really not? What about the two million?" Roddy asked again.

At this moment, not only the people who eat melons in Jiu Xianju were surprised, even Qin Feng sighed there: "Look, this person is still too rich. It's like a dollar."

"It's a pity that it still doesn't work. I have already said that no amount of money will work. This is the rule."

"How can it be at the auction?" Roddy asked unwillingly.

"That's also the rules." Qin Feng said with a calm look: "I just made the rules before participating in the auction."

Roddy: "..." I especially want to give you a knife now.

"Then next year, boss Qin, will you participate in the auction next year?" Roddy asked again, as long as it can be bought at the auction, that's fine.

"This..." Qin Feng hesitated, but still said, "Well, it depends on the mood..."

Roddy: I ​​don't want to talk anymore.

In fact, of course it doesn't depend on the mood. After all, this still depends on the situation, to see how far he will be upgraded by then, and how low the rules of the system are. Otherwise, he can only participate in the mission system.

Although Roddy was very speechless, he was a little relieved now. It is worthwhile to fight over the wine from those old guys. This means that his own wine is the only one outside!

Jiu Xianju has the rules of boss Qin. Obviously, he can only drink it here. No matter how much money he pays, it is impossible to buy it. Then this wine is definitely the most precious wine in my own collection.

Again, things are rare and expensive, and many rich people don’t understand wine at all. The wines they collect are actually rare wines. Think about it this way, if you pretend to be forceful in the future...

But now, I still have to ask Boss Qin clearly what other methods can be used to bring the wine out here.

"Um... do you want to know how to take those wine out?" Qin Feng raised his head and said.

Roddy and Old Man Kenway all nodded, only Old Man Foreman had already been sitting side by side with Dragon Snake Wine, of course not drinking it now, anyway, his wine could be taken out.

Since it can give tasks to vampires and werewolves, it is also okay to give these rich men. Qin Feng took out his mobile phone after thinking about it, and said, “There is still one method, but it’s more difficult. You can take three of them after completion. The bottle of wine with the * number, this is my free gift."

"Boss Qin, just say it, no matter how hard it is, we are willing to finish it!" When I heard that we could buy three pots, the two alcoholic drunks suddenly became excited. You know, in the tavern of Boss Qin, they can only drink for one day. A pot!

If there were three jugs of wine, it would be a good idea.

I don't have any thoughts about what Boss Qin wants to give away. It doesn't matter if I give it away or not. It's not that everyone doesn't have the money.

"It's just a few of the above things. Take a look. As long as you can find one of them and send it over, I will give you three pots!"

As Qin Feng asked the two to take out their phones, he directly passed the introduction and pictures of the remaining three brewing materials.

Rao is Roddy's good Chinese, so I'll be confused when looking at the introduction above. I finally understand it after a long time.

"Boss Qin, are you sure these things really exist? How come I feel like a legend!" Roddy asked in confusion.

After all, it is the material for brewing fairy wine, no matter which one comes out, it doesn't seem to be available in the world.

"I don't know if it exists. I just like these things. You can watch them for fun." Qin Feng said casually, as if he didn't care at all.

As for worrying that these rich people will leak...Take it down, he just likes to collect some weird things. Those rich people are better at playing.

Roddy looked at the phone and sat back beside the old man Foreman with a bitter face, and next to him was the old man Kenway who was also bitter.

For them, as long as it is something that can be solved with money, it doesn't count, but it seems that these things can't be found with money, and there are even two things to say.

But if you want to collect this wine, this is the only way, so neither of them knows what to do.

Old Foreman was still sitting there with a smile, and the three of them came together, so he had to wait for the two of them to drink before leaving.

But at this moment, Old Man Foreman looked at his phone casually, and suddenly a trace of suspicion appeared on his face: "This thing... I seem to have seen it somewhere before..."

What? Does this thing actually exist in this world? Roddy and Kenway quickly looked at Old Forman.

The old man Foreman was referring to the seventh wine-making material on the phone, the Heliconia!

Heliconia, a kind of strange fruit in the fairy world, or in some respects, it is not known whether it is a fruit or not.

This information is of course not complete, it is in Qin Feng's place.

Sword Eye Scorpion, a very poisonous and powerful creature. It is said that as long as the spike on its tail touches the fairy, the fairy will be poisoned, the body will rot, and the body will die.

The tail spike is where the poison is ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and after the knife-eye devil scorpion falls, its whole body will rot, leaving only the hard tail spike, and then there will be a kind of growth on the tail spike. Strange fruit, this fruit absorbs all the poison of the spikes!

This kind of fruit, called Heliconia, is also highly poisonous, only the size of a fist, but the whole body is dark brown.

Heliconia is a highly poisonous thing. Ordinary people will die after eating it. Of course, there are also powerful beings who resist it. It is said that the narration of those existences is that the Heliconia is the most delicious in the world!

Qin Feng was a little puzzled when he saw this introduction. There seemed to be a lot of things. Why did the system ask him to look for it here, but there was no way, he questioned it was useless, so he could only continue to look for it.

It's just... this kind of highly toxic substance is really good for brewing. Although it is said to be the most delicious in the world, it is brewed but it is for mortals to drink...

Roddy naturally didn't know what Boss Qin was thinking. He was very excited when he heard Foreman's words: "Where have you seen it?"

For him, as long as there is a clue, it is not a problem, just spend money to buy it. Reading Net

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