Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 2 Chapter 284: I am not rich 2nd generation

The old man Foreman was lost in thought looking at the photo on the phone. He did see this kind of thing, but it was not known how many years ago. For an old man like him, he had seen too many things. But it's impossible to remember everything in my mind, but when I see it, I get a little vague impression.

So if you want to remember it, you need to do it slowly.

So even though Roddy was very anxious, he still sat on one side and did not bother, but the boss Qin at the counter next to him noticed this, but he was very surprised. He didn't expect that there was really news!

You know, he told Roddy that he just held the attitude of being a little more hopeful, and never thought that these mortals would know the situation of the fairy wine materials.

And he also believes that the two creatures, vampires and werewolves, have lived in the Western world for many years, and have established such a huge dark empire, basically controlling everything.

And the Heliconia fruit that even a vampire could not find by drinking a werewolf, now has news from an ordinary old man, how can he not get excited.

The old man Foreman thought for a long time, and in the middle he took a sip of Roddy's wine. Although Roddy was very distressed, as long as the old man can remember, drink it.

Finally, Old Man Foreman seemed to remember and looked at Roddy and said: "This is a very long story. Are you sure you want to hear it?"

The **** old man is selling it again. I waited for you for a long time just to listen, but now of course Roddy can’t say that. He smiled and said, "Of course you have to listen. You say slowly, I have wine here. You can take a sip if your mouth is dry..."

The old man Foreman smiled and began to tell this very long story. In fact, he also needs to recall the original story through slowly telling the story.

The old Foreman was different from Roddy when he was young. The rich people like Roddy made their fortunes through Internet technology. It can be said that he got to this point step by step. When he was young, he belonged to a technical house. Well.

But Old Man Foreman is different. His family is a kind of rich family, so when he was young he was very rich and he could do whatever he wanted, so he was not restrained at all, which caused his health now...

Of course, these are all digressions. The truth is that the old Foreman was also very adventurous. He was very interested in earlier legends of witchcraft and so on, so he went north and south to collect those things.

It's a pity that after the great changes in the world, the fantasy creatures began to lose their strength. The vampires still had their senses. They buried themselves in the coffin. The werewolves had muscles in their heads, and there was no scruples at all. This also caused most of the werewolves to have disappeared. In history, only the inheritance of the old Shaq clan is left.

Relying on the power of the rootless fruit, the old Shaqs disguised themselves as mortals and slowly survived.

Needless to say, the witches have gone through various fires in the Middle Ages, and they don't know where they are. Perhaps the witches Qin Feng saw on that island before are the only ones left.

The Holy See is too powerful. Although Forman is rich, he is only rich. There is no way to see the mystery hidden under the Holy See.

As for the East, this is a mysterious place for every westerner, so there is no eye for investigating whatsoever. Foreman ran away and didn't know how many places, but he could only find some recorded books.

But these books are too exaggerated, and people have no way of identifying whether it is the real situation or something else, so Foreman has no way until he encounters something in the mountains on the border of China.

In other words, it was Foreman's first exposure to the world outside of science. Before that, although he was interested in these things, he didn't believe it in his heart.

"At the time we heard that there was a race living there. It was said to be very mysterious, so we wanted to investigate and find out what it was. The result..." Old Foreman stopped and looked at Roddy's wine.

"What happened? I'm so anxious..." Roddy looked upset, but after looking at the other person's eyes, he passed the wine over. Although everyone has a secret, his old friend The secret seems to be extraordinary.

After taking Roddy’s wine, Old Forman took a sip and pursed his mouth. Then he said, “Of course it’s not what you thought it was. We went to five people together and nothing happened.”

"Ah? What? All right?" Roddy asked back, his face full of inexplicable.

The people who eat melons in Jiuxianju also heard this under the translation of the folk gods, and their faces are also inexplicable. In this case, everyone should not be dead. You alone are the protagonist, and all kinds of luck are against the sky. Then he escaped all his life and lived the life of an ordinary person?

The director's script is wrong, let's kill a small editor to sacrifice to heaven...

"Haha, you know you want to be crooked." Old Forman smiled, with a little smile in his eyes: "We are all rich people, in your current words, that is the rich second generation... oh No, it's not the rich second generation."

Roddy immediately retorted: "Why not the rich second generation, your family was already the top rich man at that time..."

Old Man Foreman raised his head and said with a serious face: "Of course not, how could I be the rich second generation, my grandfather and his father are the rich second generation, I am not at all..."

Roddy: "..." As a rich generation, I'd better shout 666 next to me silently.

"It's normal~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We are all rich two...wealthy people, so it is impossible to exercise more on weekdays. At that time, it was very chaotic there. After leaving the city, we entered the mountains, although A guide led the way, but we were still injured shortly after entering the mountain."

Speaking of this, Foreman raised his head and said: "A friend of ours was bitten by a snake. The snake there is very poisonous. It didn't take long for him to start to fall into a coma."

"And at this moment, the guide led us to find a very strange village in the mountains. There, I saw this thing for the first time, and it was an old woman there who healed my friend's injury..."

"She just said a few words that didn't know what to do, and we saw one by one very strange-looking bugs crawling into the body of my friend. In less than a minute, he would be fine..."

"After that, we left the place and never returned. I only took a look at the portrait of this thing. It was hung by the old woman's bed at the time."

Old Man Foreman's words stopped, and the surrounding crowds including Roddy were stunned, but they did not expect that this kind-looking old man had such a past when he was young. Reading Net

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