Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 2 Chapter 325: Don't say anything, shake your hand

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Uncle and they were dumbfounded, but McAvey was very happy there.

"Don’t you know, that boss Qin of the dog day, ah, I’m all about the vampire princes, but he played with them and applauded...whatever you want me to do, what do you think of me? Ah!" McAvey said fiercely there.

"Doesn't he rely on his own spirit wine? Doesn't he rely on himself to be better than us? What's so great!"

"I'm telling you, that guy, it can be said that he is the cheapest person in the world. Compared with him, we vampires are really good people, don't you know..."

"Relying on oneself can brew spirit wine, ah, every pretense, I..."

"Stop!" It was McAvey who said halfway, and was stopped by the uncle.

"Your Excellency Prince McAvey, I have a small question..." The uncle looked cautious. After all, he just heard that, the man in front of him is actually the Prince of Vampires!

What an international joke, the vampire prince is still alive. After the great changes in the world, these creatures that have been alive since ancient times are still alive. It is really incredible!

It's just that the uncle still asked his own question: "I want to ask, that boss Qin...what does he do."

Just listen to you telling me what Boss Qin is not a human being, not something, but what exactly did Boss Qin do to you, you just talk about it, Boss Qin can't just do it for nothing, right...

Hearing this, McAvey was stunned, and then asked in a low voice: "I didn't say what Boss Qin did?"

Everyone shook their heads. Sure enough, the vampire prince is getting old, getting older, and has a bad memory... Of course, I only dare to think about this, and I definitely dare not say it.

"Oh, I was so excited just now..." McAvey regained his grace again: "Then Boss Qin, it's a wine seller who runs a tavern, and a poppy settled down..."

Cough cough... Uncle gave a light cough, introduced to the introduction, don't be emotional.

McAvey pretended not to hear the same words: "Uh, it's just that the wine that boss Qin sells is different. Master Gu, boss Qin sells wine, as long as we drink it, we can replenish our strength, you say , Is it different?"

Can you replenish your strength after drinking? The uncle's eyes suddenly widened, "Is there such a magical wine in this world? How sacred is that boss Qin!"

As for what the vampire prince said just now about selling alcohol, how could this be possible? If an ordinary alcohol seller had this ability, what would the world be like?

However, McAvey just insisted that Boss Qin sells alcohol. There is no way. This is what people say every day, that is, they sell alcohol every day.

Of course, it goes without saying that Boss Qin beat some of their vampire princes into pigs, and beat a bishop of the church into pigs within minutes.

After all, these are all details. What needs to be said in the details is of course to be experienced by yourself.

"It's just that the boss of Qin has some rules. For example, if we want to drink his wine, we can only drink it in the store, and we are not allowed to take it away. For example, we can only drink one pot of wine a day." McAvey said again.

"Money... You said that these spirit wines can actually be bought with money?" The uncle is always concerned about the fascinating places.

"Nonsense, of course it's money, or you can buy it with shi!" McAvey shouted.

"Um...what did you just say, the rules, there are such rules, does boss Qin want to make money?" The uncle said as if he hadn't heard these words.

"The ghost knows what he thinks..." McAvey said with a hint of helplessness in his voice: "Otherwise, why would I be here now? It's because boss Qin gave him the task. I only have to take his needs. Only when you go back can you get wine, and these wines can be taken out, and there is no limit on the quantity."

Listening to McAvey's explanation there, the uncle understood. If you hand this thing over, the boss Qin will give him a few pots of wine, which is equivalent to outside the rules.

Thinking of this, the uncle took a deep breath, and then asked: "Your Excellency Prince, I also want to ask, where is the Jiuxianju?"

After saying this, he kept staring at McAvey on the opposite side. This was the best opportunity!

As a result, seeing that there was no expression on McAvey's face, he suddenly felt a little bit in his heart.

Then, in the bewilderment of the Nine-Headed Bird Team nearby, the mysterious Gu Master suddenly shouted there: "Prince, you don't know how I live now..."

"Can't absorb spiritual power, Gu worms are weakened day by day, and after that, they start to **** my essence. Don't think that I am like eighty now, I am not even forty..."

"This day is impossible. This Gu worm and I are the same life. If it dies, I will definitely die. There is no need to use it. It is not easy to make it alive every day..."

The uncle was there crying to heaven and earth, and McAvey also thought of the fact that his three brothers were waiting in the underground to die...

"Do you think that we are having a good life? We were lying down and waiting to die before, but now we are still being exploited by boss Qin..."

"Brother, we have a hard time..."

"It's too bitter...Don't say anything, come and shake your hand, when it's over, brother will take you to boss Qin's tavern..."

The Nine-Headed Birds team looked at the two guys in front of him. One was the legendary person who used the poisonous poison. The other was the vampire prince in the fairy tale. According to the truth, even if it is not extremely cold, At least it should be a bit compelling.

It's just...Look at the two guys in front of you. The Nine-Headed Birds team is a bit dazed. We are afraid that it is not a fake inhuman creature. Why are we all living so miserably now?

On the other side, a vampire and a Gu master finally finished complaining, feeling refreshed.

"How do you say, what are you going to do with these people?" The uncle secretly glanced at the nine-headed bird team and said.

They had already discussed, the uncle helped McAvey find something, and then McAvey took him to Jiuxianju.

"They." McAvey thought for a while and said: "Now it is a civilized society, we are all civilized people... And that thing is not easy to find, so let them help find it, and when it's over, take it to Jiuxianju. Just ask Boss Qin to take action to erase their memories."

The uncle nodded, and that's right, since that thing can't be sensed by mental power, it can only be found. It is always easier for multiple people to find it.

The five members of the Nine-Headed Birds team sat obediently on one side and did not dare to move. As top mercenaries, they felt a little bit of a nuisance. Are these two guys going to kill them?

But at this moment, McAvey suddenly said: "What do you think, think we will kill people? Are you kidding, this is modern society, but it is illegal to kill people, and when the rain stops, we will start looking for that one. If you have something, you can also help find it~www.wuxiaspot.com~? Don't kill us anymore? Is that good?

By this time, they had no plans to think about any tasks, as long as they could hold onto this life, it was better than anything.

However, after waiting for a few people to be happy, I heard McAvey say again: "Yes, I will withdraw these immediately, you are mentally prepared..."

Um? In an instant, before a few people could react, everything in the entire room disappeared.

The luxurious room instantly changed back to the old dilapidated house. There were no chairs on the ground, but a few piers piled up with mud. No wonder I just felt a little wet on my buttocks...

Eddie looked at the extremely filthy ground with all kinds of flying and piss, raised his head and looked inexplicable. Is all this fake? So what did I just do, vomit...

The rest of the nine-headed bird looked at Eddie, sighed, who made you want to lick everything... it's salty, what are you supposed to be!

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