Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 2 Chapter 326: fear!

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Not to mention that Eddie made all sorts of nausea there. The other people of Nine Birds had already begun to search for the Heliconia under the orders of McAvey. At this point, they don’t want any tasks anymore. The most important thing is to save their lives. important!

It’s just that the captain is still speechless and asks the sky, what’s the situation this year? There are two tasks in a row...

However, everyone, including the uncle Gu Master, knows very little about Heliconia!

He also only knew that there was a kind of poison in Yao Village before, and as long as it was contaminated, it would be incurable, but Yao Village didn't seem to use this poison easily, and he didn't know what was going on.

But now, with the vicissitudes of life and historical changes, the Yao Village at the beginning has long been deserted, and even the villagers don't know where they went.

In fact, McAvey didn't think that Heliconia would be here. After all, in his opinion, if the villagers really left the village, they would definitely bring such a precious thing with them!

But before, he heard what the Nine Heads Captain said, saying that the village was too quiet and there was no sound, like a gangster...

It's very quiet, which is very unusual. The vast mountains and jungles can actually be regarded as very lively. All kinds of creatures live here, from all kinds of carnivores to small insects. I don't know how many there are here.

No matter what time, there are various sounds in the surrounding forests, and in this village, even with the hearing of a vampire, he did not hear any sounds, let alone feel any creatures living here...

Although he has never studied biology, as the prince of vampires, McAvey knows very well that animals have extremely keen senses, especially for the sense of danger!

Therefore, he can directly make a judgment. There must be something in this village that makes the animals and insects feel dangerous!

And what kind of things will make the top predators in the mountains feel dangerous?

Combining the information on the Heliconia that Qin boss gave, after doing so, McAvey came to the conclusion that the villagers in Yao Village must have not taken the Heliconia, and this magical fruit must still be in the village!

It's just... where will it be?

Seeing a few people around there looking like headless flies, McAvey slowly closed his eyes. He wanted to determine an approximate location based on his direct sense of danger!

Man is a kind of advanced animal, and vampire is also a kind of animal, but this kind of animal is a little bit magical.

As the Prince of Vampires, McAvey can be sure that his feelings are definitely stronger than those of ordinary creatures, but because he is too powerful, if he can't threaten his life, he will generally not feel it.

It's just that I have lived for too long, and I have been asleep for so long before, and I feel a lot weaker for this kind of feeling, so after entering the village, I couldn't think of this problem the first time.

And if according to Boss Qin's words, this fruit is absolutely dangerous to himself, then now, his method is absolutely fine in theory.

McAvey let go of all his spirits and began to wander around the village, feeling a little bit of the danger brought by that strange fruit. He felt that he was in good condition now...

However... in the eyes of the people around him, he is a bit abnormal, running around with his eyes closed. Are you looking for something?

Nine-headed birds looked at each other, and Eddie murmured softly: "Hey, do you think these fantasy creatures are abnormal? He closed his eyes to find something, can he find it?"

"Don't talk nonsense, they are different from us, they must have some magical abilities!" The captain stopped. Although on the surface this vampire is a funny comparison and kind, he doesn't really think this is a "good" vampire. NS.

Eddie didn't dare to speak, but thought of his previous experience of being deceived, and suddenly felt uncomfortable. This guy is afraid that he will play some hallucinations, so he said softly again: "If he can really find him, I will eat live... …"

However, as soon as the voice fell, I saw the Prince Vampire on one side opened his eyes and shouted: "You all come here, that thing is here!"

Ah...Huh? Everyone looked at Eddie.

Of course McAvey didn't really find the Heliconia, he just determined a rough range through his own feelings, that is, the collapsed two-story building in front of him.

"Is it right here?" The captain said strangely looking at the ruins in front of him.

The houses in Yao Village are made of wood and bamboo. Therefore, this building is only average in the whole village. Before, they all went to the best-looking and largest room in the village to find it.

After all, according to everyone's understanding, this kind of preciousness still carries a trace of the strange fruit of primitive worship, and it should be placed in the most beautiful place.

"It must be here, I feel right!" McAvey said lightly: "But before that, I will clean up the useless ones first."

While talking, McAvey's right hand moved slightly and made several complicated gestures in an instant. Suddenly, a cloud of blood suddenly appeared from his body!

This was a shadow that looked completely like blood, without a shape. Following McAvey's gesture, it flew directly between the collapsed bamboo and wood, and got in.

Immediately, something that shocked the Nine-headed Bird team happened. In their opinion, the solid bamboo and wood that needed to be moved for a few days began to melt!

In other words, use corroded to be more precise!

Looking at the blood shadow, which was not known to be much stronger than sulfuric acid, Eddie swallowed involuntarily, and the expression in McAvey's eyes was suddenly full of fear...

Only then did he realize that the creature in front of him definitely has the power to kill him in an instant!

McAvey saw Eddie’s fear and was slightly happy. What he wanted was such an effect. Although their ancient "gods" are no longer good, it doesn't mean they can be underestimated by a few mortals... Of course, Qin The boss doesn't count.

On the other side, the uncle Gu Master is full of envy. I really envy this colleague. He can actually use the power as he likes. Although it looks much smaller than the legendary vampire prince, he is also very envious. Ok.

Think of the little bug in my body that **** my spirit~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Uncle wants to sigh, people are more popular than others.

Various waste materials were corroded, and the blood shadow flew back, leaving only a clearing, and the front suddenly opened up.

Everyone at the scene looked at the center of the field. There, a ball about the size of a child's head was cratered on it, but it was shining with a strange light...

Everyone's eyes became serious and there was a hint of excitement. Is this their goal?

But at this moment, an untimely voice broke the atmosphere...

"Oh, I'm going to scare me to death!" McAvey, who was originally extremely cold, shouted there in horror.

And in front of him, the blood shadow that originally looked like a cow fork is now occupied by a strange black, slowly melting into black liquid all over the floor...

The blood shadow that had corrupted others was actually corroded by another force...

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