Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 1358 Swordsman Duguqing

Chapter 1358 Swordsman Duguqing

The Changscorpion Island incident once shook the entire Yaoyu Mountain, and even the ancient king-level existences like them have heard of it. After all, it is related to the death of a desolate beast king, as well as so many mysterious-level figures from the Dugu family and the Jun family. ...If it were any of them, it would be impossible to turn a blind eye to a wild beast king, and it would be impossible to silently bear such a huge loss.

The masters of Xuantian rank, and even the peak powerhouse of Xuantian rank, are definitely the backbone and top backbone of the major forces, but now they have been slaughtered so many at once, it is almost like a few bones have been chopped off , A few pieces of meat were dug out! It's not strange if you jump your feet in anger.

Therefore, if it wasn't for the coincidence that something happened in the relics of the Four Elephants God Emperor, Fade Chen might be the most influential protagonist in the entire Yaoyu Mountain now.

Finally, an ancient king-level existence of unknown power spoke up, looked at Fade Chen and said deeply.

"You are really courageous. You dare to appear here after causing such a big thing."

"Indomitable, with a clear conscience, why didn't I dare to come?" Fade Chen said flatly, causing all the hero-level existences to show a wave of emotion on their faces.

"Okay, okay! He is courageous, he is indeed a guy who dares to make such a deadly move. Duguqing, what do you think?" Another ancient king-level existence suddenly laughed, and turned to a dark green man with a dark green slung across his waist. Looking at the long sword, the old man held a very narrow and long sword. The expression is half a smile.

The latter's expression twitched slightly, and he looked at Fade Chen without saying a word, but everyone felt a strong killing intent from him.

"Hehe, it's interesting..." A faint smile appeared on the face of an ancient king-level existence. The old fox Jun Yu had made peace with Fade Chen, and there was no resentment, but the Dugu family was different. Now It just happened to happen, and I didn't know that this lonely feeling could not be restrained.

"Your Excellency killed so many people in my Dugu family. Now that you see me, aren't you going to give me an explanation?" Sure enough, Duguqing was an ancient king-level existence. Even though he knew that Fade Chen might not be weaker than him, he still could No shrinking. said coldly.

"An explanation? What explanation do you want, I have nothing to say and I will send it to you." However, Fade Chen said very flatly. statement? Everyone is killed, everyone is dead, what else can I say?

Hearing this, many people's eyes froze and they looked at Fade Chen unexpectedly. They didn't expect this person to be so strong against the ancient king-level existence of the Dugu family. Did he think that Duguqing was the same as the trash he had killed before?

Nobody can be that stupid, think so?

"No explanation?" Duguqing's face froze, and he stared at Fade Chen for a long time as if he was hesitating. Finally, he pulled out the dark green long sword slung across his waist, and said indifferently: "Then it seems that I can only ask you for an explanation in person."

In the distance, people's faces froze suddenly, and then their eyes began to become a little restless.

Once the ancient king-level existences fight against each other, it will definitely be the end of the sky and the earth, and the mountains and rivers will be broken.

Its scope is enough to affect, even the area where they are standing now will not even be safe.

Only those ancient king-level old guys from the major forces in the sky are at ease, as if nothing happened, or indifferent, if they are interested, or they are smiling and looking at Duguqing and Fade Chen.

This level of battle is interesting to them.

Clang! At this time, a long howling sound of the sword came out from the dark green long sword in Duguqing's hand, causing all the ancient kings to squint their eyes, because this screaming sound made their hearts throb wildly...

"The old guy Dugu Qing's strength has become stronger again." An ancient king murmured to himself, just the mere sound of screaming could give him such oppression, which made him fearful.

Not only him, but many other ancient king-level existences had flickering eyes at this time, turbulent.

But it was also at this time that Duguqing suddenly made a move.

He placed the long sword obliquely in front of him.

Crackling! !

All of a sudden, endless brilliant green light shot up from the dark green long sword, like pillars rising to the sky, they quickly closed together, and then formed a ray of extremely depressing power attached to the blade.

Kacha, there was a faint sound of cracking directly between the sky and the earth.

A powerful light burst out in Dugu Qing's eyes, and she suddenly slashed out with a sword.

"A sword in the sky..."

"Slay the eagle!"

hum! !

The clanging sword swayed Xiao Han, and this sword was like a peerless attack, making Fade Chen's hairs stand on end in an instant.

At this moment, his field of vision seemed to be completely filled by that sword, as if it fell down like the way of heaven!

"Hiss... I heard that Duguqing has practiced his unique swordsmanship to a superb level, but I didn't expect it to be true..."

Everyone was surprised, and some even muttered to themselves like gasping for breath.

The superb swordsmanship is no joke, no wonder Duguqing is so confident.

"A sword with supernatural powers?" Fade Chen's expression was a bit dignified at this time. The control of this sword has actually reached the supernatural level... But fortunately, this hand seems to be just a small supernatural power. .

"The Crescent Moon Sword Code!"

Fade Chen yelled, the mountains and rivers moved, and strands of terrifying sword energy enveloped the area where he was.


The waning moon appeared, and above the sky, there was actually a big star that was brighter than the moon. It was completely made of terrifying sword energy, and filled the sword power field with incredible waves of destruction.

"What? Faxiang Tiandi?!"

"No, that's not right, this should be just the illusion of a small supernatural power... But, what level of small supernatural power is this that can give me such a huge sense of oppression?!"


Many ancient king-level powerhouses were in shock, and this scene was clearly similar to the legendary holy land powerhouse, the Dharma Aspect Heaven and Earth. Even if it is not, this is definitely a terrifying method, absolutely comparable to ordinary one-star small supernatural powers.

"Clang clang..."

Terrifying power, transmitted from the big star, poured into the Emperor Star King Sword, covering the whole body of the half-step top-grade spiritual weapon.

A frightening fluctuation emerged from the sword body afterwards.

"Heh!" With a low shout, Fade Chen concentrated his attention, with a chilling sharpness in his eyes, and suddenly swung his sword.

"The second form of the Crescent Moon Sword Art..."

"Prefect Sword Star!"

The frightening sword seemed to cut out the stars, leaving a cloud of ashes, causing all the monster energy in the monster sea to be evaporated in an instant. Collided with that Duguqing's superb sword art.


The sky seemed to be destroyed in an instant, and the void trembled, and then everyone felt that the area had become a turbulent place of destruction, and nothing existed anymore, only the remaining fluctuations of the two sides' respective supernatural powers still appeared unstable To prove that there is not peace there.

And seeing this scene, people couldn't help but be stupefied. Is this the news of the ancient king-level beings fighting? Well, it's scary... But who wins and who loses, or is there no winner?

In the sky, the destructive fluctuations gradually disappeared, and the figures of the two of them also appeared in front of people.

Duguqing stood there calmly holding the sword, but there was some blood dripping from the thumb of his wrist.

"Duguqing lost?" Many ancient king-level powerhouses' eyes froze. This Duguqing's strength is not weak, even stronger than many of them. Now, they lost to the other party?

"No, that person was also injured." However, the ancient kings soon saw that Fade Chen was actually injured as well, and the clothes on his back were wet with blood...it was left from his shoulders.

There is no winner or loser, or in other words, both losers.

Everyone, especially the ancient kings of the major forces, stared at Fade Chen with turbulent eyes.

They originally thought that this guy was just an ordinary-level ancient king, but they never thought that his combat power could be on the same level as Duguqing.

"Do you still want to fight?" People looked at Duguqing and Fade Chen with fear, awe, and excitement. If they continue to fight, there will be many peerless scenes that they have never seen in their entire lives. They are fascinated.

But at this time, Dugu Qing withdrew his sword, looked at Fade Chen indifferently and said, "After this matter is over, I will ask you for advice again."

People couldn't help but startled when they heard this. The ancient king-level existence of the Dugu family, the ancestor of Duguqing, actually chose to stop first?

But if you think about it carefully, they don't feel anything strange.

After all, the top priority now is the ruins of the Four Elephant God Emperors, the ruins of the strong man in the holy realm, which is obviously more concerning than any disputes of grievances.

Besides, it seems that Fade Chen's strength is not weak at all. If he continues to fight, maybe who will take advantage.

"Welcome anytime."

Fade Chen was just about to withdraw his sword, but in the next second his eyes shrank extremely violently.

Because I don't know when, I saw a ghostly figure, like an aurora, approaching the extreme, silently appearing in the direction of tens of meters in the sky behind his back, and swooping down like a big roc spreading its wings.

"Aurora Golden Pillar Kill!"

The five fingers of the ghostly figure, like five bright golden pillars of the sun, evolved a suffocating majestic pressure, crushing the sky and the earth, vast and terrifying, facing the unsuspecting Fade Chen is torn down.

With a puff, Chen Fei's shoulders were directly covered in blood and flesh torn by this claw, and flew out backwards.

There was no accident, this time Fade Chen was bombarded very miserably, only felt that the whole bone and flesh and blood in the shoulder area were about to be shattered, and the pain was unbearable.

"Sneak attack?!"

At this moment, everyone's eyes fluctuated violently, and they immediately stared at the ghostly figure that replaced Fade Chen in the sky.

That figure is none other than Dong Biejun, the ancient king-level powerhouse known as the Patriarch of Aurora in the Dong family!

But at this time, there was not much pride on his face because of it, but he frowned slightly, stared at Fade Chen's bloody shoulders, and murmured in surprise: "What a hard bone..."

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