Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 1359 Fighting the Double Kings!

Chapter 1359 Fighting the Double Kings!

Dong Biejun, the ancient king of Aurora, is very confident in his Li Liang's move.

Because he had used this supernatural power to tear up the invincible defensive armor of the Ten Thousand Years Demon King Turtle, and he had also used this supernatural power to leave prominent marks on the so-called indestructible 'Eternal Universe Holy Gold', but now, Fade Chen insisted After being attacked by his claws, his shoulders were bloody and bloody, but he was not dead, which naturally made him very surprised.

But from this, he also clearly knew the strength of Chen Fei's physical body.

"It's a pity." A flat voice sounded in vain, followed by another figure stepped out of the sky that day. That person was none other than Dong Tianqing, another ancient king-level powerhouse of the Dong family, the Eternal Night Demon Lord.

His gaze fell on Fade Chen calmly, as if he was pitying Fade Chen, or... pitying the enviable cultivation talent that day.

But no matter what, the appearance of Dong Tianqing, the Eternal Night Demon Lord, and Dong Biejun, the ancient king of Aurora, made people's heart tremble again.

"Shuanggu King!" People's eyes were fixed tightly. This Dong family is indeed notorious and unscrupulous. It can even face a young man who is far inferior to them. All the king-level existences came out, but it also shows how strong the Dong family's determination to want Chen Fei's life is.

despicable? This is not a competition or a discussion, but a cruel reality, so it cannot be regarded as despicable.

Because of this, many people began to retreat quietly. This kind of thing has nothing to do with them, so there is no need to cause trouble for the upper body and ask for trouble.

Seeing this scene, Fade Chen just calmly stopped the bleeding from the wound, and then swallowed a elixir of unknown purpose, and then, his eyes turned to Dong Biejun and Dong Tianqing.

"This time, you two come together?"

People's eyes froze suddenly. Dong Tianqing and Dong Biejun also shrank their eyes slightly.

"I have to say, you are really brave." Looking at Fade Chen, Dong Biejun, the patriarch of Aurora, narrowed his eyes and sneered.

Fade Chen didn't answer, but just looked at the other party calmly and indifferently.

At the same time, the Emperor Star King Sword in his hand also showed a faint sharpness of sword energy again.

"Huh?" Aurora Ancient King Dong Biejun's eyes sank. Unexpectedly, under such circumstances, Fade Chen would still have such an 'arrogant' attitude towards them. He couldn't help but stare blankly, and said.

"Dare to kill my Dong family genius, you are already unforgivably guilty, but I heard that you have a wild beast king in your hand, if you are willing to dedicate it to our Dong family, I can't let it go today." You have a way out. How?"

Dong Biejun's voice was indifferent, but even more domineering and in control of the overall situation.

In his opinion, under such circumstances, Fade Chen should be 'very smart' to know how to choose.

After all, compared with his own life, the desolate beast king is really insignificant.

However, Fade Chen turned a deaf ear to the words, and still looked at him indifferently and indifferently. Not only that, for a moment, a faint purple light emerged from Fade Chen's body, soaking in the bloody wound on his shoulder, and soon, the horrific wound began to scab.


"This physical body..."

"This man's body is terrifying!"


Seeing this scene, many people were taken aback, even many ancient king-level existences were no exception.

Such an injury, in this short period of time, has still scabbed over?

What a powerful physical body this is, it is possible to do it!

"Damn it!" Seeing this scene, the Aurora Ancient King Dong Biejun frowned, and the chill in his eyes became more intense.

"Stop talking nonsense with him, let's do it." At this time, the Eternal Night Demon Venerable Dong Tianqing said lightly.

As soon as the voice fell, there was a loud bang, and I saw that Dong Tianqing stepped on the void, and the air seemed to tremble and split. Circles of empty cracks wrapped in vast demonic energy and enveloped Fade Chen.

Everyone's heart beat wildly, their faces changed suddenly, and they felt that the world was filled with terrifying pressure all of a sudden! make it hard for them to breathe.

"Boom!" At this time, Fade Chen also chose to make a move. The long sword was horizontally in front of him, and he suddenly cut it out, only to see that the raging sword glow directly condensed into a terrifying force and pressed towards the demonic power.

However, Fade Chen had long since lost the power he had at his peak, and Dong Tianqing, the Eternal Night Demon, was obviously a terrifying figure.

It took less than a moment for the nothingness crack wrapped in the vast demonic energy to crush Fade Chen's sword, and the sound of sneering came out, and the force blasted straight into Fade Chen's body again, crushing it to pieces. It flew far away with a bang.

Not only that, but at this time the Ancient Aurora King Dong Biejun also took action.

He is known as the Patriarch of Aurora, and speed is naturally his strong point.

In just a moment, he was like an eagle hitting the sky, and it was far faster than Fade Chen flying out several times faster. He chased after him and appeared more than ten meters above Fade Chen's field of vision. A gray light cluster with destructive brilliance appeared.

"Boy, goodbye." Dong Biejun met Fade Chen's slightly trembling eyes, with a cruel sneer on his face, and with a sudden sound, his palm was inserted into the gray light ball, and then a handle filled with horror He pulled out the aura spear from it, the dragon spear swirled backwards, and a round of spear shadow emerged, killing Fade Chen.

"It's a terrible coordination." In the eyes of everyone, such a smooth coordination is like art, with no flaws or flaws, and it also makes everyone's eyes tremble until they can't stop trembling.

"It's a pity." An ancient king-level existence shook his head and muttered to himself. The cooperation between Dong Tianqing and Dong Biejun is indeed terrifying. Moreover, Dong Biejun's sneak attack before may have hurt Chen Fei's life, because he can't maintain his peak state at all now.

Two ancient kings with unsolvable coordination have strong enemies, but they don't even have the power of the peak state. How can they fight? !

At this time, a few meters in front of his head was the gunshot filled with the power of the terrifying spiral stars, but Chen Fei still had a calm face and cold eyes, staring at the grinning Aurora Ancient King Dong Biejun in front of him. Suddenly, he His body disappeared.


People's eyelids twitched, staring at the place where Fade Chen disappeared in disbelief.

"Disappeared?!" The Aurora Patriarch Dong Biejun also changed his face suddenly, his eyes suddenly became as sharp as eagles, his consciousness opened and swept in all directions, but in the next second, his pupils began to shrink slightly shrink.

I saw a faint shadow, and I didn't know when, but I didn't notice that Del appeared three or four meters behind him. Not only that, but the shadow also held something like a sharp weapon in his hand, like a flying fairy, the speed Quickly, attack and kill! This instant occurs in only one-tenth of a breath.

"It's him!"

People stared at the shadow, with strong shock in their eyes.

Because that shadow was none other than Fade Chen.

At this time, the Emperor Star King Sword in Fade Chen's hand was only a few tens of centimeters away from the neck of the Aurora Patriarch Dong Biejun.

The Aurora Patriarch Dong Biejun's eyes burst into great waves, and he roared, and then he saw a dazzling glare shot from the edge of his neck in vain, and rushed towards Fade Chen.

"What?!" Immediately, Fade Chen's face changed drastically, his pupils shrank, but then he gritted his teeth and ignored the strong light that hit him.


The strong light magnified rapidly and spiraled at a high speed. In one-third of the breath, it turned into that kind of high-speed spiral circle. The circle was covered with ferocious and extremely sharp blades, which cut into Fade Chen's chest fiercely, and blood spattered.

But the next moment, puff!

It was also the sound of blood splattering. The ancient king of Aurora, Dong Biejun, had all the bones on one side of his body cut off, his skin covered with flesh and blood, and he flew out with a disastrous face, staring at Fade Chen in shock and anger.


Seeing this scene, people couldn't help but gasp.

"This is too cruel." People stared at the Aurora Ancestor who looked almost crippled, and quickly looked at Fade Chen, swallowing, shocked, horrified, and I admire it.

Fade Chen is so ruthless!

In the scene just now, if he chose to retreat, he and Aurora Ancient King Dong Biejun would be fine. However, he chose to trade injuries for injuries. No matter how dangerous the situation is, he must first bite off a piece of your body before talking.


Really ruthless!

All the ancient kings looked at Fade Chen with unsteady eyes. It's no wonder that a guy with such a character would kill people of the Xuantian position in the Dugu family and the Jun family like dogs.

"Interesting, really interesting...You little dog, you have such a strong temper!" In the distance, the ancient king of Aurora, Dong Biejun, finally calmed down, swallowed a treasure medicine secretly prepared by their Dong family, and covered his mouth with his hands. The wound stared at Fade Chen gloomyly.

"Puppy? Cough cough..." Chen Fei coughed and coughed when he heard the words, and smiled with a very pale face, and said lightly: "It happens that the old dog is in front of you, and it will make money by eating a few pieces of your body."

The teeth and mouth of the comprehension world are obviously far less developed than those on the earth. As soon as Fade Chen said this, Mr. Dong Bie was almost so angry that he didn't hold back.

But the next moment, a faint cruel smile appeared in his blood-stained eyes, and he said, "Really, it's a pity that you don't have that chance... Tianqing, kill him for me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, at the same time, a terrifying magical power erupted seven or eight meters above Fade Chen's head. The magic flame is monstrous!


The Eternal Night Demon Venerable Dong Tianqing rushed out of it directly, the suffocating devil energy emitted from the darkened skin rolled and flowed, swept the audience, turned into a powerful magic fist and fell down like a demon god descending.

"One star's little supernatural power, Swing Demon Fist!"

At this moment, that mighty magic fist is undoubtedly the most terrifying and powerful.

Chen Fei's face also changed, he forgot that there was another person in the other party.


But at this moment, there was a figure rushing from the sky, wearing a ribbon and blasting towards the mighty magic fist, with a loud noise, it was shocked from its original trajectory.

Seeing this, Fade Chen's eyes immediately burst out with brilliance, and his figure flickered in place, and he escaped from the dangerous area directly.

At the same time, everyone's expressions changed slightly, and then Qiqi looked at the figure in the sky in surprise.

"Yue Qinghong, what do you mean?!" Dong Tianqing's face was livid at this time, his expression was extremely gloomy, and it changed several times, but in the end, he still only looked at the figure blocking him with an indifferent face, and asked road.

The person blocking him was named Yue Qinghong, who was the fourth and fifth ancient king-level existence of the Yue family among their top ten families...

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