Seeing that Sunrock and Moonstone had lost their ability to fight, everyone in the audience was stunned, staring blankly at the Beedrill in the air and Pikachu that had just landed.

Except for Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie, no one thought that Pikachu and Beedrill would defeat Sunrock and Moonstone with just one attack.

Yue Jiayi and Yue Jiazhen were stunned, and looked at each other, and found that the other party was just like themselves, and had not reacted at all. They did not expect that Sunrock and Moonstone would lose their ability to fight in an instant.

At the same time, they also understood why Dongfang Yang said two two-on-two matches.

They knew that after many games, Sunrock and Moonstone were already at the end of their strength.

"Isn't it too harsh? It's not good to hit a child like this."

Although she was a little surprised at the strength of Pikachu and Beedrill, Ying Yudie reacted quickly.

After all, they are Dongfang Yang's elves, so it's understandable that they can do this.

I didn't expect Pikachu to be so powerful that he could use"Iron Tail" to directly break the"reflection wall" of Moonstone.

It seems that the little guy didn't eat so much in vain.

The same is true for Beedrill, whose speed is amazing, far exceeding that of its peers.

"You are not that old, you are only three or two years older than them, it is not good to call them children. As for the things you are concerned about, don't worry, it's okay. If you can't stand this, just give up as soon as possible. Look, they have recovered."

Dongfang Yang gently rubbed Ying Yudie's hair, looked at the Yue brothers and sisters opposite with a smile on his face, and whispered in his girlfriend's ear

"I learned this from you. Who told you to always speak in an old-fashioned way?

Seeing the brother and sister come to their senses and put away the Sun Rock and Moon Stone, Ying Yudie shrugged slightly and said something to Dongfang Yang.

She was just concerned, not particularly concerned.

"You are very strong, thank you for your guidance."

After collecting the elves that had lost their ability to fight, Yue Jiayi and Yue Jiazhen bowed to Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie.

"Let's start the second game. Here comes Iolup."

A Pokémon with a huge red shell like a ladybug's body and a human-like appearance appeared on the field. It was Iolup.

Looking at Iolup, which was also a bug-type Pokémon like herself, Beedrill showed some interest, and her red eyes flashed with a different light.

Yue Jiazhen followed her sister and released her second Pokémon

"On, the Giant Rock Monster."

The red light of the Poké Ball flashed, and the Giant Rock Monster, which was made up entirely of several dark blue rocks, made a stunning appearance.

Pokémon: Eulup

Attribute: Bug Superpower

Level: 46

Qualification: Purple

Feature: Telepathy

Carrying Item: Silver Powder (Medium Quality 15%)

Pokémon: Giant Rock Monster

Attribute: Rock

Level: 45

Qualification: Purple

Feature: Raising Sand

Carrying Item: Sandy Rock

Dongfang Yang glanced at the two Pokémon casually out of habit, nodded slightly, and felt that the Giant Rock Monster's Raising Sand Feature had begun to take effect, and immediately said

"We won't be polite, Beedrill, prepare to seize the weather."

After hearing Dongfang Yang's words, Beedrill immediately knew what he should do, and silently waited for the arrival of the sandstorm.

"We can't let them succeed. With Olupu, use 'Spiritual Power'’"

"Giant Rock Monster, 'Rock Blast’"

Following the order from Yueshi siblings, Orup and Pangyan launched attacks at the same time.

Several rocks and a large group of super powers attacked Beedrill.

"Pikachu, use '100,000 Volts' and 'Iron Tail' to block them all."

After hearing Ying Yudie's instructions, Pikachu immediately started running, rushing towards the rock, and terrifying electric currents emerged from his body, hitting the attack of Eulop.

In an instant,"100,000 Volts" and"Mental Power" collided with each other, causing an explosion and splashing clouds of dust.

Just when Yue Jiayi and Yue Jiazhen were blocked by the dust, Pikachu jumped up, and the silver-white metallic luster on its tail shone.

"Swish, swish, swish.

After a few hits, the"Rock Blast" of the Rock Monster was broken into small stones under Pikachu's"Iron Tail".

When the sandstorm gradually took shape due to the sand-raising characteristics of the Rock Monster, Beedrill finally used the skill"Sunny Day" that he had been brewing for a long time.

In an instant, the overwhelming sandstorm disappeared, and the thick clouds in the night sky gradually dispersed, revealing the bright moon and bright stars.

Seeing that his advantageous weather was broken, Yue Jiazhen began to get a little impatient.

"The Giant Rock uses 'Stomp’"

Lifting his feet, Pang Yanguai stomped hard on the ground

"Cooperate with Pang Yanguai, don't let Pikachu get up, 'Psychic Blade’"

In response, Orup sent out several"psychic blades" in an attempt to block the space where Pikachu could hide.


Dongfang Yang just said the name, and Beedrill knew what to do. Beedrill was so fast that it blocked Pikachu in an instant, waving its long double needles like spears.

The sharp"double needles" smashed all the"psychic blades" that attacked.

Pikachu, who had been training together for a long time, didn't need Ying Yudie or Dongfang Yang to say anything. After Beedrill smashed the"psychic blade", he jumped onto Beedrill's back.

After sensing Pikachu's position, Beedrill vibrated its wings and flew high into the sky with Pikachu, avoiding the"stomping" of Pangolier.

Watching the linkage between Beedrill and Pikachu, the audience and Yue clan siblings were deeply shocked.

They had only seen such cooperation in those large doubles matches broadcast live on TV, and had never seen it on weekdays.

Without the trainer's instructions, the two Pokémon completed the cooperation just by calling their names.

For the young Yue clan siblings, it was too exaggerated and too terrifying.

"Being distracted during a fight is a big taboo."

Just as everyone was distracted, Ying Yudie's clear voice, like an oriole, suddenly rang out in the air.

"Pikachu, come down from the sky, Iron Tail’"

As Ying Yudie finished speaking, Pikachu jumped off the back of the giant bee, its body constantly turning over, its silver-white"iron tail" shining brightly.

Yue Jiayi was the first to react and quickly shouted:

""Go and support Pang Yanguai, Iolup."

Just as he was about to take action, a spear suddenly appeared in front of Iolup, blocking Iolup's path and forcing him to retreat.

Looking at the suddenly appearing giant bee, Yue Jiayi spat and said quickly.

"Tsk, use 'High Speed Movement', go to support!"

"Haha, you're thinking too much."

Dongfang Yang just laughed at Yue Jiayi's instructions. Are you kidding me to compete with Beedrill in speed and distance yourself by relying on Eulop?

Just as Dongfang Yang thought, no matter how Eulop speeds up, it can't get rid of Beedrill.

At this time, Yue Jiazhen also reacted.

Seeing that Pikachu's"Iron Tail" was close at hand, Yue Jiazhen, who knew that he couldn't avoid it, chose to let Pang Yanguai withstand Pikachu's attack.

"Use 'Iron Wall' to take it, Pang Yangua."

Suddenly, the silver light on Pang Yangua's body flashed, and its defense ability was greatly improved.

At the same time, Pikachu's attack came as expected.

Carrying the terrifying impact of falling, Pikachu's"Iron Tail" hit Pang Yangua's body fiercely.


With a loud noise, a large amount of smoke and dust blocked the figures of Panganite and Pikachu.

Through his own characteristic - telepathy, Orup knew that his partner had not lost his ability to fight, so he concentrated on dealing with a giant bee that was entangled with him.

When everything settled down, everyone saw the situation on the field clearly, and they couldn't help but take a breath.

Even if the"Iron Wall" was used to strengthen its own defense ability, Panganite was still seriously injured under Pikachu's powerful"Iron Tail".

The broken ground under its feet was enough to prove how powerful Pikachu's attack was.

The deep crack on Panganite's body showed how serious its injuries were.

At this moment, Pikachu stood on Panganite with a weird smile on his face.

Ying Yudie seemed to have a feeling, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and said

"Go ahead, Pikachu, unleash the maximum power of"One Hundred Thousand Volts.""

Pikachu chuckled when he heard Ying Yudie's words.

As expected of his confidant, he thought exactly the same as himself. Big Rock, as long as you are not one of those shameless guys from the ground system, just take my electric shock attack.

As if sensing the danger, Pang Yanguai kept shaking his body, trying to throw Pikachu off.

However, Pikachu held Pang Yanguai's body tightly, and a terrifying electric current burst out from his body.

Pikachu used all his strength to hit Pang Yanguai's body with"One Hundred Thousand Volts" at zero distance.

Suddenly, Pang Yanguai let out bursts of shrill wails.

The people around him couldn't help but tremble in their hearts, and cold sweat ran down their backs.

Yue Jiazhen was even more anxious, but at a loss.

Yue Jiayi wanted to help, but with Orup always being entangled by the giant bee, It was even at a disadvantage in the collision with Beedrill.

When the lightning dissipated, Pikachu jumped off the body of the Gorgon.

The originally navy blue Gorgon was now charred all over, lying on the ground dying, and had lost the ability to continue fighting.

Looking at his masterpiece, Pikachu nodded with satisfaction, and then turned his gaze to Eulop, and together with Beedrill, started a righteous two-on-one.

At this time, the people around were shocked by Pikachu's terrifying lightning damage.

Yue Jiazhen took back his Gorgon in a daze, feeling a little incredible.

Gorgon, which has advantages in defense and physical strength, only has two moves in the hands of Pikachu?

Too exaggerated.

Even Pikachu's commander Ying Yudie was a little shocked by Pikachu's attack ability.

"Your Pikachu is too strong!"


Dongfang Yang didn't care much.

"Pikachu itself has a unique talent in the electric system. Its attack strength is far superior to that of its peers. It also carries an electric ball, which doubles its power. What do you think?"

"Also, if you remember correctly, it's not two moves. The last '100,000 Volts' is a continuous output, it can't be considered as just one skill, understand?"

After listening to Dongfang Yang's explanation, Ying Yudie felt a little relieved, but still said

"That's a bit too strong."

Dongfang Yang could only shrug his shoulders and said he had nothing to say.

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