Seeing that her brother had already left the field, Yue Jiayi was filled with shock and helplessness.

It was too fast. Her brother was too useless, this"quick shooter". Never mind. Never mind. Never mind. Just let it go. Do everything you can.

Yue Jiayi glanced at Yue Jiazhen who was still in a daze, sighed softly, and turned her attention back to the field.

Looking at Iolup who was struggling to hold on under the attack of Beedrill and Pikachu, Yue Jiayi shouted loudly:

"Use the Spiritual Venue’"

In response, the super energy of Olupu surged all over his body, and the strange"spiritual field" covered the entire field.


Dongfang Yang smiled slightly and did not give any instructions to the Beedrill.

"Shouldn't we use 'Magic Space' now? Why 'Spirit Field'?’?"

"Who knows."

In response to Ying Yudie's question, Dongfang Yang shrugged and said casually

"I guess not."

"Tsk, Oulupu has a lot of space skills, isn't it a waste of talent if he doesn't learn them?"

Knowing that Dongfang Yang had the same idea as her, Ying Yudie showed disdain on her face, then poked her boyfriend's abdominal muscles with her elbow and asked

"Pikachu would use that, right?"

"Haha, feel free to use it, hum."

Dongfang Yang rolled his eyes and snorted in dissatisfaction with his girlfriend's repeated questioning of his training level.


Ying Yudie stood on tiptoe and kissed Dongfang Yang on the face, then she touched her boyfriend's head and said with a smile like she was coaxing a child.

""Be good, I'm just in case. If I say Pikachu can't do it, it will make me look stupid. Hehe, I'm sorry. Don't be angry, okay?"

Seeing his girlfriend like this, Dongfang Yang could only forgive her.

With a sigh, Dongfang Yang said helplessly.

"I'm defeated by you. Just give the order without worry. Pikachu will react by himself. Don't worry."

With Dongfang Yang's assurance, Ying Yudie breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the battlefield again, and said with a smile:

"Then I feel relieved. If I am wrong, I will blame it on you. Hehehe"

"OK, no problem."

Dongfang Yang smiled and responded, rubbing Ying Yudie's hair.

Yue Jiayi saw this scene, which was so dazzling.

It was too much, just fight, no dog food.

At this moment, Yue Jiayi's mentality was a little broken.

She worked so hard to hold on, but the other party didn't care at all and was still flirting.

Whoever changed would be mentally broken.

The audience around was also talking about it.

It's not that there were no young couples who came to challenge before, but like Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie, they didn't care about the game, they were affectionate, and crushed the opponent. This is the first couple

""Eurolu, 'Spirit Blade', kill them for me."

Yue Jiayi, who was a little angry, immediately issued a very wrong order.

Before Eurolu could activate his skills, Dongfang Yang chuckled and casually ordered :

"Hey, the little girl is angry, Beedrill, Missile Needle’"

Immediately afterwards, Ying Yudie said softly

"I can't stand it anymore. I need to practice more. Use the 'Electric Field', Pikachu."

Under the firepower of the Beedrill, the"Psychic Blade" sent by Orup was completely blocked by the"Missile Needle". Pikachu also released the"Electric Field" at this time, directly replacing Orup's"Psychic Field".

Suddenly, Yue Jiayi was a little panicked. Before she could react, she heard Dongfang Yang chuckle and said slowly.

"Poor thing, the site I created was pushed down again, tut tut, poor thing, you are really too much, Beedrill, entangle it, use 'Double Needle’"

As soon as Dongfang Yang finished speaking, Beedrill took action, and its sharp double needles continued to attack Iolup.

Iolup dodged left and right, barely avoiding the"double needle" attack of Beedrill.

Just as Yue Jiayi was frantically directing Iolup to dodge, she heard Ying Yudie's voice again.

"How dare you say that to me? Who is the one who took away the advantage of others as soon as he appeared on the stage?"

Ying Yudie rolled her eyes in displeasure at Dongfang Yang's double standard behavior and said to Pikachu

"Get ready, use 'Volt Attack’"

Pikachu responded and rushed towards Iolup, his body flashing with lightning, rushing forward like a roaring thunder dragon.

Seeing Pikachu so powerful, Yue Jiayi was shocked and shouted

"Get out of the way, Eolup."

When Eolup flew away from its original position, Yue Jiayi found that Pikachu did not change direction and breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Dongfang Yang's voice suddenly sounded like the call of a hellish devil.

"Beedrill, send it back."

At this moment, Beedrill suddenly appeared above Eulop.

"‘Cross shears’"

Under the desperate gazes of Yue Jiayi and Iolup, Beedrill's attack suddenly fell.

Iolup fell directly to the ground, and just before landing, Pikachu's"Volt Attack" arrived as expected. In an instant,

Iolup was swallowed by the surging Thunder Dragon.

The entire battlefield was flashing with jumping electric light.

The onlookers could feel the numbness in the air.

"My god, is Pikachu so powerful? I will try to get one for my granddaughter."

"You'll die if you try. Is this Pikachu awesome? This Pikachu is awesome, okay? Do you understand the situation?"

"That is, do you think every Pikachu can have such strength? Don't go bankrupt and fail to cultivate one."

"Okay, don't blame them. After all, they are already quite old, and it is normal to have such thoughts."

"Having said that, this Pikachu’s qualifications are probably not low, right?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

"I'm jealous"




Xue Xingxuan, Lu Ziqing and Yue Laoye, who were watching the whole process from the French windows on the third floor of the surrounding small building, all shook their heads.

"The gap is too big."

Hearing Master Yue's sigh, Lu Ziqing said helplessly

"There is no other way. After all, the strength of the instructor and Miss Winner is there."

"Even if the two of them had released the water from the East China Sea, it was still not something Jiayi and Jiazhen could handle now."

Xue Xingxuan nodded, agreeing with what his girlfriend said, and added

"But it is enough to see the problem between the two. Let's go and say hello. If we let the instructor run away now, it will be the biggest loss. I don't know if the instructor will give us some advice."

As he said, Xue Xingxuan hugged his girlfriend's waist and turned to go downstairs.

Seeing this, Master Yue followed him.

When the lightning on the field dissipated, Pikachu stood in front of the unconscious Eulop.

After confirming that the other party had indeed lost the ability to fight, Pikachu ran to Ying Yudie and danced to share his joy.

Seeing this scene, Dongfang Yang was a little jealous and rolled his eyes at Pikachu.

"Hey, hey, hey, who is your trainer? You run in front of others as soon as the training is over. I wonder if you thought Yudie was your trainer?"You know what, the audience has always thought that Pikachu is Ying Yudie's Pokémon.

Listening to Dongfang Yang's sour words, Ying Yudie covered her mouth and chuckled.

Pikachu snorted nonchalantly, crossed her arms, and turned her head away from Dongfang Yang.

You use Beedrill instead of me, do you look down on me? Humph.

Dongfang Yang could only shake his head helplessly at Pikachu's little emotions. Can you blame me for this?

Yudie is familiar with you. If Yudie were to command Beedrill, it is estimated that Beedrill would not listen to her.

In fact, Pikachu also knows this. After all, he has trained with Beedrill for so long and still understands Beedrill. Except for Dongfang Yang, no one else listens, including Meowth. Despite this

, the little emotions that should be there should still be there. Who is not a little cutie?

Although he didn't know the specific situation, Ying Yudie still came out to smooth things over.

Picking up Pikachu, Ying Yudie said with a smile

"What's the big deal? Your Pokémon is my Pokémon, right, Pikachu?"

Pikachu lay on Ying Yudie's shoulder, nodded to Ying Yudie's face, and then whispered twice in Ying Yudie's ear."

Why don't I just be your Pokémon? We don't want this man anymore." Ying Yudie roughly guessed what Pikachu meant and chuckled with her hands covering her mouth, ignoring this little cutie.

She knew that Dongfang Yang must have heard this.

Sure enough, Dongfang Yang, who had just put the Beedrill into the Poké Ball, heard Pikachu whispering in Ying Yudie's ear.

Grabbing Pikachu's neck and lifting it in front of him, Dongfang Yang said unhappily

"What's wrong, you little heartless guy, you still want to rebel."

Seeing that he was caught, Pikachu smiled at Dongfang Yang shamelessly, called out twice, and kept gesturing with his hands in the air.

Dongfang Yang, who knew what Pikachu meant, rolled his eyes, snorted, and threw it into Ying Yudie's arms.

""Forget it, you are right. It's up to you. It doesn't matter whether you are with me or Yudie. You should pay attention to your own training and don't be too playful."

After saying that, Dongfang Yang walked towards Yue Jiayi and Yue Jiazhen.

Looking at Dongfang Yang's somewhat lonely back, Pikachu jumped out of Ying Yudie's arms. He quickly ran to Dongfang Yang's side, and along Dongfang Yang's clothes, Pikachu quickly climbed onto Dongfang Yang's shoulder, rubbed Dongfang Yang with his cheek, and called out softly twice."

Are you angry? I was just kidding, don't be angry, okay?"

While calling out, Pikachu released a tiny electric current, stimulating Dongfang Yang's cheek, giving Dongfang Yang a tingling sensation.

"Ouch, that's enough, stop it, okay? Don't be angry, don't be angry, don't shock me, it's numb."

Looking at the one and one pet who were back to good in an instant, Ying Yudie smiled helplessly, shook her head and sighed.

Dongfang Yang, Dongfang Yang, I didn't expect that you, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would have such little tricks on your own elves. It seems that I have to pay attention in the future.

If Dongfang Yang knew about this in the future, he would be very dry.

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