Dongfang Yang brought his girlfriend to the Yue brothers and sisters, smiled and said softly

"How do you feel? Any ideas?"

The brother and sister looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

Yue Jiazhen spoke first.

"I feel like I'm really weak. I thought I was pretty good, but..."

Looking at the silent brother and sister, Ying Yudie comforted them.

"No, your foundation is still good, but your experience is a little lacking."

Yue Jiayi and Yue Jiazhen looked at each other and shook their heads.

Sister Yue Jiayi smiled bitterly and said

"Sister, don't comfort us, we know it clearly."

"Clear? Are you really clear?"

With a sneer, Dongfang Yang said seriously

"Let's talk about sister first. You are planning to become a professional psychic trainer, right?"

Hearing Dongfang Yang's question, Yue Jiayi nodded. She did think so.

"But have you used the advantages of the psychic elves? Orup can master the three major space skills, and now he is at the elite level, but he hasn't even mastered the most basic"trick space"?"

"Think about it yourself, if Orup uses Trick Space, will Beedrill and Pikachu still have the speed advantage? To be frank, although Orup's own speed value is not weak and its strength level is not low, your development of its speed is too low."

"On the contrary, my Pikachu and Beedrill have always been positioned as speed attackers. Maybe their levels are not as good as yours, or their natural racial values are not as good, but in terms of speed development, your Eulup is far behind."

"As for the giant rock monster, I won't talk about it. Its huge size is enough to show that its speed will not be very high, which is already within the normal range. I will talk about its other problems later."

"The problem with Orup is more about your lack of skills, while the problem with Moonstone is relatively more serious."

"Although the strength of Moonstone itself is slightly weaker than that of Oulu, it should be your initial spirit, right?"

Although I don't know how Dongfang Yang knew it, but as he said, Moonstone is her initial spirit, and Yue Jiayi has nothing to be afraid of.

In contrast, Sun Rock is Yue Jiazhen's initial spirit.

"Although Yueshi…"

Xue Xingxuan and the other two hurried over and saw Dongfang Yang teaching Yue Jiayi and Yue Jiazhen bit by bit, they did not interrupt and waited silently.

Grandpa Yue looked at his granddaughter and grandson who were listening attentively, nodded with satisfaction, waved his hand to call the staff on the side, and told them to disperse the crowd and give necessary compensation.

Although it was an event held by the Yue family, whether to end it was up to the Yue family, but Grandpa Yue was like this. If his own reasons affected the originally scheduled activities, he would Some compensation will be given.

For the Yue family, it is dispensable, and they can leave a good reputation on the pedestrian street, so why not do it.

Because of this, the merchants on the pedestrian street and the residents nearby like the atmosphere of the pedestrian street very much. They don’t like to go to those large shopping malls. If there are any activities, they are willing to give the Yue family a face and participate.

After about forty minutes, Dongfang Yang finished instructing the Yue siblings.

Looking at the siblings who were lost in thought, Dongfang Yang stretched his waist, and after a burst of muscles and bones, he hugged Ying Yudie’s slender waist and whispered an apology.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time. Are you tired? How about we go get something to eat?"

"No need."

Ying Yudie shook her head, raised her chin, and motioned Dongfang Yang to look in a certain direction.

"Besides, you seem to be in trouble."

Looking in the direction pointed by Ying Yudie, Dongfang Yang's face suddenly turned dark and he said unhappily

"Oh, isn't this our clever and intelligent eldest son of the Xue family? What a coincidence, I met you here, how did you have time to come here, oh, you are not here to play, right, this place was originally recommended by you, it is normal for you to come, but is this time okay to come out to play? The school team selection will be held tomorrow, you don't care, is Ziqing also 100% sure? And who is this person next to him, is he the only owner of the pedestrian street, the old man of the Yue family, nice to meet you.


Hearing Dongfang Yang's sarcasm, Xue Xingxuan smiled helplessly. He also knew that he was the one who plotted against Dongfang Yang first, so he couldn't say anything.

Although it was not good to do so, if time could go back, Xue Xingxuan would do it again.

After all, if we talk to Dongfang Yang nicely, he might just ignore us.

In this way, at least we can ensure that Dongfang Yang will really teach Yue Jiayi and Yue Jiazhen, the brother and sister.

As for whether Dongfang Yang will settle the score later, that is also a matter for the future, just like now.

Facing Dongfang Yang's gaze that was like"You are a good kid, you can plot against me", Xue Xingxuan protected Lu Ziqing behind him and admitted

""Chief Instructor, this is all my fault. It has nothing to do with Ziqing. If you want to punish someone, punish me." His cold eyes moved back and forth between Xue Xingxuan and Lu Ziqing.

Seeing Dongfang Yang silent and frosty, Master Yue secretly said that it was not good.

Just when he was about to explain a few words for the young couple Xue Xingxuan and Lu Ziqing, Master Yue found that he could not speak. At this time, he noticed Ying Yudie's reassuring eyes.

After realizing that Dongfang Yang had no ill intentions, Master Yue felt relieved and was surprised at Dongfang Yang's strength.

What a terrible superpower, he controlled himself unconsciously, which was really amazing.

The fear of Dongfang Yang's strength in his heart could not help but increase a little.

The same as Master Yue were the two siblings Yue Jiayi and Yue Jiazhen.

Seeing their brother Xue Xingxuan, who had a good relationship with them, being held accountable by Dongfang Yang, the two smart people since childhood knew roughly what had happened.

So, the two wanted to help explain a few words.

But they found that they He could only open his mouth but could not make any sound.

The brother and sister immediately understood that it was Dongfang Yang who was behind this.

It turned out that the previous fight with them was just a joke.

For a moment, the two of them felt a little sad. After all, Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie both looked young.

Under the pressure released by Dongfang Yang, Xue Xingxuan was sweating coldly.

Unlike the previous test when Dongfang Yang released his own aura, Xue Xingxuan could now clearly feel the slight murderous intent released by Dongfang Yang.

It was normal. Dongfang Yang didn't like others to plot against him, especially those with whom he didn't have a good relationship.

Just when Xue Xingxuan silently endured it and secretly complained, he suddenly felt light all over, and the pressure from Dongfang Yang disappeared instantly.

Xue Xingxuan was slightly stunned, then raised his head and looked at Dongfang Yang woodenly, only to hear the other party say this

"Okay, this is just a small punishment for you. Next time if you have something to say, just tell me directly and don’t do these tricks, okay?"

"Got it."

Don't look at Xue Xingxuan nodding his head in agreement now, in fact, he doesn't think so.

Just say it directly, haha, in that case, whether you come or not is two different things. Although it is dangerous, it is better this way.

After all, Xue Xingxuan has figured out Dongfang Yang's temper. Dongfang Yang doesn't care about these little things. At most, he will give a small punishment. Just now, Dongfang Yang was just complaining.

Of course, you can't do it too much. It's best to let it go like this time.

Dongfang Yang can roughly guess what Xue Xingxuan thinks. After all, they are all smart people, and their ideas are similar.

Dongfang Yang doesn't dislike anything about this.

For example, this time, although Xue Xingxuan recommended the pedestrian street with a purpose, you have to say that this place is really good. Therefore, Dongfang Yang will choose to give some advice to the Yue brothers and sisters.

Otherwise, who are you? Do we know each other?

Seeing this, Xue Xingxuan breathed a sigh of relief, and then introduced Grandpa Yue to Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie.

"This is the owner of this pedestrian street, Grandpa Yue Yangsi, who is also Jiayi and Jiazhen's grandfather."

At the same time, Xue Xingxuan turned his head and introduced Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie to everyone in the Yue family.

"This is the new honorary president of our Magic City University, the current chief instructor of the Magic City University team, Dongfang Yang, who is also the young master of the Dongfang family of the Magic City Gym. The one next to him is our chief instructor's girlfriend, Ying Yudie, the eldest daughter of the

Ying family."Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie nodded to the three people from the Yue family, and Dongfang Yang also shook hands with Grandpa Yue Yangsi in a friendly manner.

As for why Xue Xingxuan knew Ying Yudie's identity, the two did not care.

Ying Yudie's transfer to Magic City University was not a secret that could not be revealed, and there was no need to hide anything.

As long as you are interested, you can find out that Ying Yudie was born in the Ying family and is the eldest daughter of the Ying family.

After a simple greeting, Yue Yangsi also expressed his thoughts.

"I wonder if Principal Dongfang is willing to accept my granddaughter and grandson as apprentices?"

After a slight pause, Dongfang Yang smiled and shook his head, saying with a little apology:

""I'm sorry. If it was before, I wouldn't mind teaching two more people, but now, I'm really sorry. Yudie and I have just confirmed our relationship. I may have to give my time to Yudie for a long time. I'm really sorry. Please find someone else."

Dongfang Yang knew that if he accepted the Yue siblings, the Yue family would definitely give him a good apprenticeship gift, but Dongfang Yang didn't care about that.

First, the things that the Yue family could give were dispensable to Dongfang Yang. Accepting them was also for his family. If they needed them, there was no need for him to go through so much trouble. Some time ago, the rewards for the alliance personnel had just arrived at home. In terms of resources, the Dongfang family was not short of them for the time being, and they were even rich.

Another thing was, as Dongfang Yang said, he wanted to set aside time to spend more time with his girlfriend, and try to put other things aside.

Understanding Dongfang Yang's intentions, Ying Yudie's face was full of gratitude. She embraced her boyfriend's waist tenderly and rested her head on Dongfang Yang's chest.

She transferred to Magic City University because she wanted to spend more time with her boyfriend. Otherwise, with her strength and family background, it would be the same no matter which school she went to.

Seeing this, old man Yue Yangsi could only sigh and thought that his granddaughter and grandson were unlucky and didn't have this blessing. What a pity, what a pity.

But the old man was also open-minded. Anyway, he had done what he could. There was nothing he could do if things didn't work out.

Yue Yangsi quickly sorted out his lost mood and warmly invited Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie to his teahouse for tea.

To be honest, at the beginning At that time, Dongfang Yang was very resistant. After all, drinking tea late at night, for him, was particularly likely to cause insomnia.

But he didn't know what Yue Jiayi and Lu Ziqing whispered in Ying Yudie's ear, which aroused the interest of his girlfriend.

Dongfang Yang had no choice but to go to Hanjiangyue Teahouse in his home under the intimidation of Ying Yudie and Yue Yangsi's warm hospitality.

As soon as they entered the box, Ying Yudie, Lu Ziqing and Yue Jiayi gathered together. Under the leadership of Yue Jiayi, the three of them went to other places in a hurry. Pikachu was thrown directly into Dongfang Yang's arms by Ying Yudie.

Looking at Seeing Pikachu's confused face and still not reacting, Dongfang Yang raised the corners of his mouth wildly and laughed in a very unkind way.

How about being abandoned? Ah, you little brat, you're still making trouble with me, what are you thinking? In the end, I'm the only one who treats you well, and you don't even think about who your trainer is, you have no conscience.

Dongfang Yang raised his hand and kept scratching Pikachu's chin gently.

The comfortable Pikachu collapsed directly on Dongfang Yang's thigh, showing an expression of enjoyment.

The exclusive waiter in the box made tea, poured a cup for each of the four people present, and then left the box, leaving the space to the guests.

As for the work of adding tea and pouring water ,���To the youngest Yue Jiazhen.

Fortunately, Yue Jiazhen, who was often visited by his grandfather for tea, had a certain understanding of tea art and was competent enough to add tea and pour water.

As for Dongfang Yang, Xue Xingxuan and Grandpa Yue Yangsi, they sat in their seats and chatted about all sorts of things. They talked about politics, international situation, finance and other aspects.

However, the most important thing was about all aspects of the elves, and most of them were Yue Yangsi and Xue Xingxuan asking questions they encountered during training, and Dongfang Yang, who was the strongest, provided some solutions.

Occasionally, Yue Yangsi and Xue Xingxuan would put forward their own views.

Dongfang Yang was very willing to communicate in this way. After all, only the collision of ideas can spark new sparks and talents will continue to improve.

It must be said that Yue Jiazhen, who had been listening in, benefited a lot, and even became more and more fascinated the more he listened, and occasionally interrupted and asked his own questions.

Yue Yangsi and Xue Xingxuan certainly didn't mind Yue Jiazhen's inquiries. Relatively speaking, they were very happy that Yue Jiazhen could participate and ask questions.

Dongfang Yang didn't refuse and patiently explained to Yue Jiazhen.

Explaining knowledge to others can help you review and consolidate your knowledge.

Dongfang Yang developed this habit when he was in school, let alone now.

They chatted for more than an hour until the three girls returned to the box. Dongfang Yang and his friends ended the topic with a sense of unfulfilled desire.

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