Wu Jiu felt that Tian Bo wanted Chen Nan to die.

After all, the death rate is very high.


This doesn't make sense!

Chen Nan is a young man favored by the city lord.

Tian Bo, as a red man in front of the city lord, how could he do the behavior of pit Chen Nan?"

"Captain Wu, please take more care and advice in the future. Chen Nan hugged his fist towards Wu Jiu.

"It should, it should. Wu Jiu had a stiff smile on his face.

For him.

Chen Nan was like a hot yam.

Neither is a loss.

It's still very hot to keep in your hands.

"Okay, let's talk about work!" Tian Bo turned and left.

Wu Jiu took Chen Nan to receive the fast hunting suit and the sabre.

Catch suits are ordinary.

But the Saber is extraordinary.

The sabers of the underworld are all made of special materials, even if ordinary people hit the cultivator, they can hit it hard, and it is even possible to kill it.

But it's only possible.

Because it is impossible for a monk to stand still, waiting for you to cut his head.

"Young Master Chen, our work of catching fast is relatively easy. Wu Jiu said, "Our side is going for two days and one night in a row, and then rest for one day and one night."

"Our job is to maintain law and order in the city." "

And the capture of ghosts who escaped from hell." Saying

this was a little funny in Chen Nan's eyes.

Because in his eyes.

The people of the underworld are ghosts.

Ghost catching is more or less funny.

But that's not the case.

The underworld, the human world, and the human world are collectively referred to as the three realms.

Each of the three realms has its own indigenous people.

It's just that the underworld is a transit station in the three realms.

It is the place where beings from the three realms are reincarnated after death.


Some ghosts are unwilling to reincarnate and will escape in the capital city.

Wu Jiu continued, "In addition, we must also capture the demon beasts that transform into shapes.

"Those demon beasts in the incarnation realm are the same as powerful ghosts, they will live in the mundane world to avoid the fate of reincarnation.

"How do you say it..."

"For example, your loved ones living around you are very likely to be taken away by ghosts.

"Or, your friend's maid, it may be transformed by a demon beast in the Transformation Realm." "

Hear this.

Chen Nan suddenly had a shuddering feeling.

He didn't expect that the environment of the underworld was so cruel.

At this moment he couldn't help but think.

Song Ziwei should not have been taken away by someone, right?

Could Ning Yinqiu be a demon beast in the Transformation Realm

? Has Leng Qingmei been taken away by someone

? Otherwise, how could she write so many amazing works as a woman

? Why do she understand men better than men?

I've taken away others, do I still need to worry about the people around me being taken away?

He was hopeful that he could tell whether they were human beings or demons, and whether they had sacrificed others.

"Captain Wu, I'll go home first and talk, I'll come to work later." Chen Nan felt the need to go back and say hello to Song Ziwei, if she didn't return all night, then the girl would have to go crazy in a hurry.

"Okay, there you go. Wu Jiu agreed to Chen Nan's request.

Don't say take a leave of absence to go home.

He wished that Chen Nan would take a long leave and never come to work for the rest of his life.

After Chen Nan left, Wu Jiu found a catcher named Song Yunfei and said, "We have a new person here, have you heard about this?" Song

Yunfei smiled bitterly: "Is this a new person?

Many people in the county knew the news of Chen Nan's employment.

Wu Jiu sighed: "Steward Tian said that something happened to make Young Master Chen charge.

"You said, if you encounter a fight, even if you let him charge, there is nothing wrong with it, there is credit for him to make a profit." "

Speaking of which.

His whole person couldn't help but be stunned.

He seemed to understand Steward Tian's intentions.

Steward Tian wanted to let Chen Nan take credit.

Even if he understood, Wu Jiu frowned with a sad expression

: "But what if you meet a powerful ghost, or a demon beast of the Transformation Realm, let him charge?" "With his fine skin and tender flesh, can he resist the demon beast of the Transformation Realm

?" "Can he resist the powerful ghost devouring soul?"

"If he really dies, our brothers will be finished!" Song

Yunfei couldn't help but say: "Boss, what do you mean? This is okay, but if Tian Bo knew about this, I am afraid he would be very angry.

Wu Jiu glared at him: "You all know that Tian Bo will be angry if you do this, doesn't Laozi know about this

?" Song Yunfei smiled: "Then what can we do to ensure that Young Master Chen will not be injured when charging into battle, and can still get credit?"

"I remember that you played well with slingshots." Wu Jiu said, "In this way, you carry a slingshot with you, and if you really encounter an emergency, let Young Master Chen take the lead in charging the battle."

"But remember, don't let him get close to the enemy." "

Shoot him when he is still some distance from the enemy."

"Yes, shoot him.

"Shoot him down.

"In this way, he not only played a leading role in the charge, but also avoided the danger of his life."

"Even if he accidentally fell and injured him when you shot him down, is this an injury?"


!" "This is exactly the credit!" Song

Yunfei's eyes lit up: "The boss is really the boss, I am convinced of your method." And lo and behold, I promise I won't disappoint you. "


the other side.

Chen Nan returned to the Leng family.

"Young Master, what is your situation, why did you come back with the clothes that caught fast?" Song Ziwei's eyes were full of puzzlement.

Chen Nan grinned and said, "The young master has become an unprepared catcher in the county, and from now on he is determined to be a guardian saint who protects the people and guards the lights of ten thousand homes." Saying

that, he picked up the purple clay pot on the stone table next to the recliner and took a sip of tea.

Song Ziwei had a trace of resentment in her eyes: "In fact, you don't need to say it so high-sounding, you are just idle and bored, and you want to find something for yourself to do." Chen

Nan directly sprayed the water in his mouth.

This girl speaks so directly every time.

All right.

What she said wasn't all wrong.

The reason why I joined the county office is to find something for myself to do.

By the way, take merit and become a yin difference.

Only in this way can she go to the eighteenth layer of hell, meet Houtu Niangniang, and return the Dao of the World and the Dao of Animal Life to her.

As for soaking medicinal baths.

Soaking once every other day doesn't matter.

"Mmm, and the printing house's share, twenty-five thousand taels. Chen Nan took out the dividends he got from going to Wu's printing factory before.

Song Ziwei was overjoyed.

One grabbed it.

Chen Nandao: "I will have to go to Yamen to report later, and I will stay in Yamen tonight and tomorrow."


all, I just went to work in Yamen, do you say it is necessary to invite my colleagues to have a meal together?" Song

Ziwei fumbled in her arms, took out ten taels of silver, and looked distressed: "This money should be enough to invite your colleagues to eat and drink, right?"

Chen Nan looked at her without tears: "Why do you seem so distressed when you give me ten taels of silver

?" "You are too

picky, right?" Song Ziwei said aggrievedly: "Obviously men are the most picky, why do you say that I pick?"

Chen Nan looked stunned.

And... Drove ??? again

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