Chen Nan was glad that he went to work in the county office.


One day, he will be driven crazy by Song Ziwei.

Because even his old color batch can't keep up with Song Ziwei's speed.

Turn around and go back to the house.

Chen Nan changed into a fast hunting suit.

The catcher suit is very ordinary, but after he wears it, he gives people a righteous and handsome temperament.

It was as if it had become the embodiment of justice.

He had a long knife at his waist, and the moment he walked out, even Song Ziwei was fooled.

To prevent her from driving.

Chen Nanguo broke off.

Then I went to the deserted courtyard.

"Aunt... Ye?"

Seeing Chen Nan coming in a fast hunting suit, Mei Lan Zhuju's four maids all showed surprised eyes.

Chen Nan cleared his throat and said, "I have become the catcher of the Yamen, and I will go on duty tonight, so I am tired of you speaking to the lady for me." Just

as he turned around and prepared to leave.

The cold door opened.

She walked out wearing a light blue long dress, with a puzzled look in her eyes: "Why did the husband go to work in Yamen?

You know

that I am the fourth uncle and five essences.

I know that I make a lot of money by publishing books.


you want to force me to say the words "I don't want us both to write book H", right? "

It's nothing, I just want to find something for myself to do, and I don't want to insult the reputation of the Leng family's aunt." Chen Nan carried a long knife on his waist, turned around resolutely, and walked towards the back door with his head held high.

Leng Qingmei spoke: "Since the husband is wearing an official uniform, let's go to the main entrance in the future!" Although

Chen Nan was just a small catcher.

But I ate the official meal.

If you let him in and out through the back door, he is afraid of being talked about.

Chen Nantou didn't reply: "I like to go through the back door."

Leng Qingmei was stunned for a moment.

When he said to go through the back door, is it really as simple as going through the back door?


before lunch.

Chen Nan came to the county office.

It happened to catch the prefectural predators to have lunch together.

The work in the prefectural office is an iron rice bowl.

As long as you come to duty, you will have food.

Of course.

If performing a task outside, each person has two copper plates per meal.

Not much, though.

But it can also fill the stomach.

Seeing Chen Nan return, Wu Jiu quickly got up when he saw this, and shouted vaguely to the chef who was cooking: "Big cow, hurry up and get two meat dishes for Young Master Chen."

The big cow let out a loud voice: "Oh, good!" "

Why should I specialize? Chen Nan stopped Da Niu from giving himself another stove.

I took two nests and nests, and beat a bowl of pork stewed cabbage, and sandwiched some pickles.

Sitting at the square table in the backyard of the county office, he ate with Wu Jiu and the others.

This scene put Wu Jiu and the others in order.

They thought Chen Nan was pretentious.

Which Cheng wants to be more fragrant than what they eat.

It didn't take long for the two bowls to be solved by him.

And he drank all the vegetable soup without end.

There is a saying.

Chen Nan really hadn't eaten a big pot of rice for a long time.

The last time I ate a cauldron of rice was in Yangma Prison.

Wu Jiu's face was full of surprise, and he couldn't help but ask: "It's not... Is this thing that delicious

?" Chen Nan smiled and asked, "It's not difficult to eat, right?"

It doesn't seem to be that delicious.

It's just that what they don't know is.

Whether it was Chen Nan himself or the former owner of this physical body, they had suffered a lot.

The nest head is nothing to him at all.

"Captain Wu, there is a situation. "

Right now.

A county servant ran over quickly.

Wu Jiu said positively, "What's wrong?" The

other party said: "Someone came to report the case just now, saying that a floating corpse was found in the moat of Nancheng.

Wu Jiu snorted: "Brothers, eat quickly." Saying that, he swallowed the dishes in the bowl like a jujube, holding a nest head in his left hand, and pressing his right hand on the hilt of the knife and walking outside.

The same goes for the other five team members.

It seems that eating nests and holding the handle of the knife has become their standard.

In order to integrate into the crowd faster.

Chen Nan also took a nest head, and while eating, he followed them out of the county and towards the moat of Nancheng.

Wu Jiu turned around: "Go..."

He wanted to go faster.

But he found Chen Nan, who was eating the head of the nest and nest following behind.

It suddenly felt a little funny.

This guy obviously finished eating.

He didn't say much about it, saying, "Chen Nan, you are a newcomer, your body is weak, just follow behind us!"


The county seat is more than five miles away from the moat, which may not be a big way for them to walk dozens of miles every day.

But in his opinion, Chen Nan's fine skin and tender meat will definitely not be able to persist.

"Okay, you go yours, and I'll follow." Chen Nan also did not show the limelight, saying that he could run over without blushing and breathless.

After all, he is a newcomer.


Jiu immediately took his five brothers and quickly walked towards the moat.

Probably because I just had a meal.

Halfway through.

The speed of the six people weakened significantly, and then they sat on the side of the road to rest.

Strenuous exercise should not be done after meals.

However, when they receive a report, they still have to go as soon as possible.

Just when the six people were resting.

They were shocked to see.

On the street, Chen Nan rushed over.

Although it's a stroll.


The speed is not slow at all.

Even more outrageous.

He was red and in high spirits.

I didn't feel tired at all.


Is this ancestor's endurance so good?" the corners of Wu Jiu's mouth twitched wildly.

Before that, he also said that he would go to the moat and wait for Chen Nan first.

He Cheng thought that this guy unhurriedly surpassed them.

"Big brother, this master doesn't seem to be as weak as we think. Song Yunfei gasped.

Wu Jiu showed a wry smile.

Thanks to this, Chen Nan did not find them sitting on the side of the road resting.


Their old faces are gone.

Taking a deep breath, Wu Jiu stood up: "Brothers, for the sake of our brothers' face, hurry to the moat."

"Well, run around the road, no matter what, you have to get there in advance before Chen Nan arrives at the moat. "

Listen to this.

The other five all looked loveless.


For the sake of their face, they can only run with all their strength.


This is not a small challenge for them who have just eaten and run off.


Their perseverance was quite amazing, and they gritted their teeth and detoured for an extra mile, and finally came to the moat outside the gate of the southern city.

But without waiting for them to catch their breath.

The scene in front of them made them all stunned in place.

The reason is none of it.

Chen Nan actually came to the moat one step ahead.

Wu Jiu wanted to cry without tears.

As soon as he took office, he invisibly slapped everyone in the face.

Is this wave of operation okay?

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